Fighting mole - this is how to scare it out of the garden

Moles are actually very useful animals. They not only eat pests such as snails, narrowing or wireworms, but also loosen the earth under their plants wonderfully and in this way supply them with oxygen. In addition, these animals always prefer good soil. Seen in this way, the presence of the animal is even a compliment to the hobby gardener, because it means that they have a high -quality floor. Nevertheless, these animals are viewed as a plague and it is quickly searched for a method with which you can use theFight molecan.

Fight mole - tips with relatively quick success

The reason for this are the annoying mole hills that are constantly in the accurate bed or even in the thoroughly maintainedLawnAppearance and all the work and time you have invested. If you also have such a problem in the garden, we would like to help you with some helpful tips that could be useful for the mole. However, note that according to the Animal Welfare Act, these animals cannot be caught or even killed. Even if you catch the animal and suspend it in another place, this violates the law. For this purpose, however, you can apply for an exemption. But if this is too cumbersome for you, first try out our tips that are easy to implement and are human.

Make yourself use his senses

The animals have extremely pronounced senses that will make it possible for them to pass the troublemakers easily and humane so that they can look for a different garden as a home. We don't want to deceive you. Combating is associated with relatively much effort and can take a longer period of time. Therefore, you should start with suitable measures when the first hill was released. The respective mole quickly finds a partner, so that you are dealing with two underground construction workers.

Use certain smells

Just as some smells are uncomfortable for us humans, there are also numerous that in turn cannot tolerate these animals. To achieve an effect, you also have to change and renew the fragrance sources regularly. Otherwise you will not achieve much. So if you want to fight the mole that has made yourself comfortable in your garden, you can take advantage of it. Saure milk is often used for this purpose. Dog hair also scare the mole, as well as the smell of onions and garlic. You should also cut the last two so that the smell can also escape well. There are also elderberry, rose blossoms, peppermint and laurel leaves, all of which have a strong smell and do not like the animal at all.

Human control

Lemon oil is often offered in shops to combat the mole. All of these agents must pour or lay in the corridors. The smell soon spread throughout the tunnel system and makes it uncomfortable for the mole. It is best to take a spade to help and dig the means you want to use about 15 cm deep into the ground. Finished funds can also be bought in the shop. Just try something out and see what the best result guarantees you.

Ultrasound waves

For this purpose, special devices are offered that generate ultrasound waves and make it uncomfortable for the meaut. The devices are operated either with a battery or solar energy. The advantage is that the noises that radiate the devices cannot be heard from us humans. However, the variant is not suitable for owners of pets. The ultrasound waves are also perceived by them and disturb them. This even applies to the animals of the neighbors. For the authorized idea, however, there is still a different variant, which is more pleasant for other animals, which you can use as an alternative and can also manufacture yourself.

Combating bottles

Take a glass bottle and dig it into your earth. Alternatively, take a beverage can or plastic bottle and cut it up on one side. Then put them in one of the openings of the mole tunnel. In this way you combat the mole with the help of the wind. This creates sound waves that do not fit the animal, but do not bothers us or our pets. Do you like decorations in the garden? Then set up some wind turbines that create a sophisticated smell in the wind. The underground residents don't like that too much.

Create natural noise

Don't you use the lawn very often for games? Then it is time at the latest. Because the trample and the vibrations that arise will not only not like the animal, but also pass it quickly. His tunnels are only 10 to 15 cm underground. Perhaps you know that from the rental apartments: the children make noise from above by romping around and trampling. Really uncomfortable, isn't it? This is how the animal is quick, so that it will feel forced to find a new place to stay. Children are a good help if they want to fight the mole. So let them help with fighting by simply having them play in the garden.

After the animal is banished

You can tell whether the mole has disappeared from the fact that no new hills arise. If this is the case, you should destroy all the still existing inputs, i.e. destroy these mole hills by digging the openings and flattening everything well. Otherwise, the so -called vole can use the finished home and nest there in order to then ensure the same problem. Incidentally, these animals are often confused with the rigid mice. You should first make sure that it is really the animal. You can find out by opening the opening of the tunnel system. If it is closed again in just a few minutes or at the latest in six hours, then you are dealing with a rouse.