Medinilla magnifica is a small, evergreen shrub native to the Philippines, where it typically grows on trees in tropical forests. However, it has been grown for centuries as an exotic houseplant, once prized by the rich and noble in Belgium. Find out everything you need to know about Medinilla care to enjoy this extraordinary plant.
How to Grow Medinilla Magnifica
The magnificent Medinilla is one of the most graceful and stylish flowering plants that can be grown indoors. Its dramatic, pink, pendulous flowers add color to the windowsill in spring and summer, and the glossy green foliage is particularly effective in the winter months. Read on to find out how to get your medinilla to bloom, what care mistakes to avoid and how to treat diseases.
How do you properly care for your exotic plant?
Medinilla care is not difficult if you know what it needs.
- Licht:All medinillas grow best in partial shade because direct sun will sink the leaves or cause them to drop. Since it grows in the lower branches of large trees in the jungle, it receives subdued sunlight. They should try to create similar conditions.
- Temperature:The temperature should be between 18°C and 25°C all year round. In winter (November to January) or after flowering, it should be slightly lowered, but not below 15°C.
- Humidity:Medinille needs a moist environment to thrive. To increase the humidity for the medinilla, place the pot on a tray of moist pebbles or use oneCool mist humidifier.
- Irrigation:Always keep your Medinilla's root ball moist during the growing season. Provide good drainage and remove excess water from the saucer about 15 minutes after watering. In the summer, you can also completely submerge the root ball in water from time to time and then let it drain well. Always use room temperature, lime-free water, even when spraying the leaves.
- Earth:These exotic plants thrive in potting soil with some peat moss. They appreciate the slightly acidic soil conditions created by the peat moss. You can also use a diluted acidifying fertilizer to adjust the pH of the soil.
- Fertilize:Since the exotic plant blooms for several months, it needs plenty of nutrients. Apply a commercial liquid fertilizer every two weeks as soon as the flower buds open.
Medinilla care: repotting the plant
You should plant every two to three years in springrepot into a larger containerand be careful not to damage the roots. The pot must necessarily have drainage holes so that excess water can drain away. Medinillas should be left in the same pot for several years because of the increased risk of root rot and repotting problems. Water the plant 24 hours before root canal treatment to avoid the risk of transplant shock. For plants in a darker location, add an additional amount of perlite and grit to the deeper part of the pot to reduce the risk of overwatering.
Plant diseases and pests
The problems with the Medinilla are caused by errors in irrigation, lighting and humidity, among other things. Here you will find the remedies and solutions for the same.
- Falling leaves:Loss of leaves can be caused by drafts, too little light and low humidity. Moving your plant to a new location can also cause leaf loss.
- Browning leaves:Brown leaves are often the result of waterlogging or dry air. Check the soil and repot the plant in fresh soil if necessary.
- Spider mites:They are attracted to dry conditions, so keep them in check by misting the plant regularly.
- Mealybugs:They can attack your plant if not controlled early. They weaken plants by sucking the juices from the foliage and can eventually lead to wilted, curly and necrotic plant tissue. Combat the infestation by dipping cotton balls and swabs in alcohol and removing any mealybugs you find on the surface.
Medinilla Care: No flowering
There are three possible reasons why your medinilla isn't blooming:
- Place it in a brighter location where it receives bright, filtered light but is not in direct sunlight. Or install a grow light if you don't have enough light at home.
- The second possible reason for the lack of flowers is fertilizing with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer, which leads to vegetative growth at the expense of flowers. Fertilize the plant with a phosphorus-rich, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during the growing season, but hold off on fertilizing during cold seasons as growth is minimal at this time.
- The third possible reason for failure to bloom is underwatering. Water the plant moderately during the growing season, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out 1-2 cm between waterings.