Build a mosquito trap: Try these DIY ideas and enjoy a mosquito-free summer!

The return of warm weather brings with it a range of summer activities and pastimes. However, there is one thing that no one looks forward to this time of year – mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are a nuisance in any environment because they leave itchy bites, but they are especially frustrating when they invade your yard and home. And because certain species are capable of transmitting infections to humans, these bloodthirsty mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance – they can pose a real health threat. Try one of these DIY mosquito killer weapons, all of which can be made from items found around the house, so you can enjoy your yard and patio without having to spray yourself with bug spray every time. You can find out how you can build a mosquito trap in the following article - these are DIY ideas for your house, patio or garden!

Building a mosquito trap – tips and ideas

Even though you make every effort to keep your garden well-maintained and not allow standing water, you may still find the pesky insects buzzing around your outdoor parties. Set up one of these sophisticated mosquito traps to scare the mosquitoes away.

Homemade mosquito trap with home remedies for the patio or garden - use sugar and yeast

TheCarbon dioxide (CO₂)The gas that humans and other mammals exhale is mistaken by mosquitoes for their own breath, which is why they are attracted to this gas. They walk straight into this simple trap, knowing that they will soon be able to start sucking blood, but instead they are caught and killed.

To make this mixture you will need:

  • 250 ml water
  • 50g sugar
  • 1g yeast
  • 1 empty plastic bottle (1.5 or 2 l)

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cut the bottle in half with a knife.
  2. First bring the water to a boil, then stir in the sugar and wait until the granules dissolve. Allow the solution to cool and then pour it into the bottom half of the container. Then add the yeast to start the carbon dioxide reaction.
  3. To make a funnel, remove the lid, invert the top of the bottle, and then press it into the bottom half of the bottle. Then stick the two halves of the bottle together with adhesive tape.
  4. You can place something dark around the perimeter of the mosquito trap, such as a sock, a piece of cloth, or a piece of paper, and secure it with tape. This makes the trap more effective.
  5. Place the trap in a shady area of ​​the garden. The mosquitoes are attracted by the CO₂ so that they enter the trap through the funnel. Once inside, they dive into the water and die. Empty the bottle and add new mixture approximately every 14 days or whenever necessary.

Making a mosquito trap with vinegar and baking soda

Baking soda and vinegar are two common household products that we use when we want to remove stubborn stains or unclog drains. However, the combination of these natural agents triggers a process that leads to the production of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes. You can make your own mosquito trap using a plastic bottle.

You need for the DIY project:

  • 1.5 liters of apple cider vinegar
  • 250 g Backpulver
  • 1 empty plastic bottle (2 l)

Here's how it's done:

As mentioned, cut off the top of the bottle with a knife, turn the bottle upside down and stick it into the bottom. Pour the baking soda into the container and then pour apple cider vinegar. Afterwards, place the trap in a location where there are signs of mosquito activity. The insects are quickly attracted by the CO₂.

Build a mosquito trap with banana peels

Why not save the peels of your bananas to use themas a mosquito repellentto use instead of throwing them away? This homemade mosquito trap emits a smell that attracts mosquitoes and other flying insects. They drown in the liquid once they are trapped.

What you need:

  • 2 banana peels
  • 200g sugar
  • 250 ml vinegar
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 empty plastic bottle

This is how it works:

Place the water, vinegar and sugar in a plastic bottle and shake the bottle vigorously to mix the ingredients. Cut the banana peels into small strips and add them - pressing them down until they are completely submerged. Tie a strong rope around the neck of the bottle and either hang it from a low branch of a tree or place the trap near where you want to sit outdoors (in the garden or on your patio). You will probably find that this trap can also be used well as a fly trap. You may also catch a few other unwanted insects.

Indoor mosquito trap – use standing water

The fact that mosquitoes are attracted to standing water can be taken advantage of if you share the information in the right way. Soaps, detergents and cleaning products are examples of surfactants, substances that reduce the surface tension of water. When the mosquitoes try to land on the surface of the water to lay their eggs, they are unable to stay afloat and eventually drown.

Start by pouring some water into a bowl or bucket. Then add a few drops of liquid soap or liquid detergent and stir the ingredients gently without creating too much foam. Keep in mind that this method is only effective against a subset of mosquitoes. Only female mosquitoes that have already fed on blood actively search for standing water to lay their eggs. Otherwise, they won't bother looking for it.

DIY mosquito trap with a box fan for outdoor or indoor use

Do you happen to have a fan lying around somewhere in your home? Use it to trap mosquitoes. Most species of mosquitoes are poor fliers, and any strong wind can prevent them from getting to you. A well-placed box fan can reduce the number of mosquito bites. The most effective location for a fan trap is next to a light source that attracts mosquitoes.

To protect the back of the box fan, cut a piece of fly screen or fine mesh fabric that is 4 inches larger on all sides. Wrap this material over the back of the fan. Use magnets to hold the net in place. The side of the fan that draws in air is also the side thatMosquitoes from the areapulls into the network. The mosquitoes remain confined to the net as long as the air is continuously sucked through the net. The airflow kills them.

Important tip:If there are still live mosquitoes on the net, turn off the fan immediately and spray them with the 70% alcohol solution to kill them. Make sure that no liquid gets on the engine.

Instructions for building your own dry ice mosquito trap

Dry ice is highly recommended as a mosquito attractant. It has the ability to release a significant amount of carbon dioxide gas over a long period of time, which serves as an efficient attractant for mosquitoes.

What do you need?

  • 1 mosquito lamp
  • 1 drawstring bag
  • 2 – 4 kg Trockeneis


Prepare the outdoor area by hanging the mosquito lamp with care. Choose a location that won't get wet, is far from people, and has enough space nearby to hang the dry ice. Then place another hook near the mosquito lamp for the preferably black drawstring bag - the mosquitoes find the black color more tempting. Make sure the mosquito lamp does not come into contact with the bag when hanging as this could pose a fire hazard. The dry ice should be carefully stuffed into the black bag. If you can purchase dry ice in the form of pellets instead of blocks, you will find this product is much more manageable. Using a garden shovel can make scooping much easier. Also always wear gloves and protective clothing.

When your dry ice pack is hung next to the mosquito lamp, the carbon dioxide it emits attracts the insects and the light kills them.

What smell mosquitoes don't like,find out here.