10 Must Do Ideas for Your Home: This is what you can do in January 2022!

The start of the new year is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, fresh motivation and good resolutions! And January is the month to take stock and plan ahead. Here are 10 ideas to get your home in tip-top shape and start the new year fresh. So your house will be more organized, more creatively decorated and more comfortable.

Put away the Christmas decorations

As much fun as it is to take boxes full of Christmas decorations out of the closet in November, it's just as annoying to put them away again in January. In the big stores there are plenty of bins and containers in which to store yoursStore Christmas decorationsbut with a little planning and ingenuity you can find your own DIY solutions that work just as well. Egg cartons, for example, are the perfect storage option for smaller Christmas baubles and ornaments.

Reuse your Christmas tree

If you've decorated your home with a live Christmas tree this holiday season, you shouldn't throw it in the trash just yet. Put it to good use by repurposing it for your home or garden. Shred it into mulch for garden beds or process the tree trunkWooden discs for simple woodworking. This is a great opportunity to get creative in the New Year and get the most out of your Christmas tree.

Prepare for ice and snow

If you live in an area where ice and snow are common, you should prepare for all winter eventualities. For example, you should choose an ergonomic snow shovel with a smaller blade and a long handle. This takes longer to clear the snow, but it protects your back (and your heart). Other useful utensils for snow removal include a disc scraper,Window de-icerand a roof rake (if you need to remove ice dams).

Declutter your home

After the holidays, our home is often flooded with clutter. Create clutter by boxing up anything that can be donated or sold. Remember: Anything that is no longer functional can be properly disposed of at an electronics or textile recycling center.

Organize your cupboards

January is the month of new beginnings. In our hectic lives, every new beginning should also include clearing out your home and life. Start with the closet (keep what you need and clear out what you don't), then tackle the drawers, and then organize the kitchen cabinets. We explain how you can organize your kitchen supplies and keep your supplies in orderin this article.

Plan for your next renovation

Is it in your budget to renovate the kitchen or bathroom this year? When making your financial forecast for the new year, also plan for upcoming renovations. Set an upper limit now so you can decide whether to hire a contractor or do it yourself. Make sure you set aside some extra money as a buffer because most remodeling projects go over budget.

Refresh grout and tiles

Welcome the New Year with a fresh home and sparkling clean tiles. Not only do clean tiles help keep you healthy during cold and flu season, but they also look much neater. For chemical-free cleaning, mix baking soda with a little water and vinegar to form a paste. Apply this to the joints and let it work for about 30 minutes. Then scrub the grout lines with a toothbrush. To remove more stubborn stains or mold, you can use thisShaving cream trickand try bleach.

Humidify the dry heating air

Replenishing moisture in dry indoor air can be difficult in winter. Consider investing in a humidifier to improve air quality and keep your family healthy and comfortable all winter long. If you can't afford that, areHouseplants are a good solution.

Care for leather like your own skin

Cold weather causes the skin on the hands and faces to become brittle and cracked. Leather sofas and armchairs also need extra care, especially in the winter months with low humidity. Keep your leather furniture in top condition by using a leather conditioner to soften and moisturize the surface.

Do something fun and creative

Since January is typically the coldest month of the year, you'll be spending more time indoors. Make the most of your time at home by doing something fun and creative. For example, with a minimum of craftsmanship, materials, tools and time, you can create a unique oneMake a boho lamp. ABoot holderas a storage solution for wet and dirty shoes is also a great DIY project.