Houslings not only provide oxygen, but also pollutants and volatile organic compounds such as formaldehydeabsorb. Some of these plants help to maintain the ideal humidity, which counteracts diseases such as sore throat, respiratory problems and dry skin. Which plants if the room air is too dry? Here are some of the best houseplants that increase the humidity!
Why should you increase the humidity in rooms through plants?
With the exception of the coastal regions, we are all affected by dry air - whether we live in a cold or warm region. In winter, the room air is dried out by the heating, which reduces the humidity. If you live in a city, this problem gets worse through pollution and dust.
The imInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental HealthpublishedStudy saysthat regular inhaling dry air can cause potential health risks such as asthma, sinus infection, nosebleeds, bronchitis and many other respiratory problems. It also leads to skin irritation and eye problems. A simple way to combat dry air in the apartment are houseplants that increase the humidity.
Just like we put water vapor into the air while sweating and breathing, plants do it. This is called transpiration. The tiny, pore -like structures on the leaf surface, the so -called gap openings (stoma), release water vapor to the air and thus increase the humidity.
The more the plants are transferred, the higher the air humidity in the area. Here is the list of plants that are arranged according to their transpirate rate.
Housing plants that increase the air humidity
1. Goldfruchtpalme, Areca-Palme
Botanical name: Dypsis Lutescens
Transpirationsrate: 10
The ARECAPALME has one of the highest transpirate rates. A healthy plant with a size of 150 - 180 centimeters can release up to 950 milliliters of water vapor to the air every 24 hours. She is also oneplant certified by NASAthat filters the toluole, xylol and formaldehyde from the air.
2. Bamboo palm
Botanical name: Chamaedorea Seifrizi
Transpirationsrate: 9
Due to its high transpirate rate, the bamboo plant also filters benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins from the air. The air humidity can be further increased by placing the plant in a saucer filled with pebbles and water. The water level must end under the gravel layer to avoid waterlogging.
3. sword fern
Botanical name: Nephrolepis Exaltata
Transpirationsrate: 9
Ferns belong to the plants with the highest transpirate rate and ensure a tropical ambience in rooms. The tropical plants need an evenly moist earth, because drying out leads to throwing the fronds. Room ferns also clean the room air by absorbing harmful toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde. To increase your moisture potential, you can also spray the fern with water.
4. Einblatt / vaginal leaf
Botanical name: Spathiphyllum
Transpirationsrate: 8
This beautiful, flowering perennial has a high transpirate rate and also helps to filter harmful toxins from the air. The single leaf blooms twice a year and embellishs darker room corners with its elegant, white flowers.
5. Garten-Chrysantheme
Botanical name: Chrysanthemum Morifolium
Transpirationsrate: 8
According to the NASA report, the plant plays an important role in filtering formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.In another study by Wolverton & Wolverton from 1993It was found that chrysanthemums in a 15 cm pot of 1450 mg formaldehyde can bind out of the air per hour. You can also filter and neutralize ammonia and xylol.
6. Stucking palm
Botanical name: Rhapis Excelsa
Transpirationsrate: 8
The wide -leaved stem palace has proven to be efficient when removing air pollutants such as xylol, ammonia, formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. It not only produces more oxygen, but also regulates the humidity.
7. English ivy
Botanical name: Hedera Helix
Transpirationsrate: 7
The English ivy releases moisture in the air, which can significantly improve air quality in a small room. You can also do small -leaved ivyplant in flower lightsAnd so provide a paradise urban Jungle feeling in the room!
8. Rubber tree
Botanical name: Ficus Elastica
Transpirationsrate: 7
This tropical houseplant has a high transpirate rate and is perfect for moistening the room air. According to various studies and research, the large, thick leaf of the rubber plant absorbs chemicals from the air and makes the air clean, moist and fresh.
9. Golden ivy
Botanical name: Epipremnum aureum
Transpirationsrate: 7
According to a NASA experiment, it has been proven that the golden ivy can increase the humidity. The plant is watered less in winter.In this articleFind two great ideas on how to attach the climbing plant to a wall to create a living work of art.
10. Mexican mountain palm
Botanical name: Chamaedorea elegans
Transpirationsrate: 7
The Mexican mountain palm is another great plant with air purifying properties because it removes benzene and trichlorethylene from the air. This feathered plant with a high transpirate rate regulates the air humidity indoors very well.
11. Fragrant dragon tree
Botanical name: Dracaena fragrans
Transpirationsrate: 7
Throughout the life of the dragon tree, almost 99 % of the water absorbed by the roots is evaporated. According to research results, it also contributes to improving air quality by eliminating toxins such as xylol, benzene and formaldehyde.
12. Dwarf-dattel palm
Botanical name: Phoenix Roebelenii
Transpirationsrate: 7
This small palm is very easy to care for and, thanks to its high transpirate rate, which is due to your dense foliage, contributes to cleaning the air and increasing the humidity.
13. Dieffenbachie
Botanical name: Dieffenbachia
Transpirationsrate: 7
The large, colorful green leaves of the Dieffenbachia not only look nice, but also contribute to improving air quality byFilter out harmful fabrics. It also has a high transpirate rate, which improves the air humidity.
14. Purpurtute
Botanical name: Syngonium podophyllum
Transpirationsrate: 7
According to the NASA examinations carried out, this colorful leaf plant is a proven air purifier. Syngonium is also effective when reducing microbes in the air and increases the air humidity indoors.
15. Radiation aralia
Botanical name: Schefflera
Transpirationsrate: 7
This robust plant is estimated for its ability to remove toxins that are released by cigarettes in the air, and can filter and neutralize toxic chemicals such as toluene, benzene and formaldehyde. With its high transpirate rate, it also ensures a higher humidity in living rooms.
16. Pfeilwurz ‘Kerchoveana’
Botanischer Name: Maranta Leuconeura 'Kerchoveana'
Transpirationsrate: 7
The beautifully patterned arrow root is not very demanding and copes well with all light conditions except the direct sun. If the arrow root rolls its leaves, it is a signal that the place is too sunny. The leaves of this plant like moisture and have a good transpirate rate. You can also regularly spray the plant with water.
17. Flamingoblume
Botanical name: Anthurium
Transpirationsrate: 7
The flamingo flower is one of the most effective air purification plants that remove toxins from the air. The thick dark leaves absorb formaldehyde, xylol, ammonia and toluene, which are mainly found in offices and apartments.
18. Philodendron
Botanical name: Philodendron
Transpirationsrate: 6
Philodendrons are excellent air purifiers. You can increase the planting rate of the plant by slightly spraying the leaves once a week and placing the pot at a bright location, but not in direct sunlight.
19. Grünlilie
Botanical name: Chlorophytum Comosum
Transpirationsrate: 5
According to this studythe evapotranspiration of the spider plant can increase the relative humidity indoors. AndIn this theoretical studyIt was found that green lilies and other houseplants in hospitals have a positive impact on the condition of the patients.
Botanical name: Crassula Ovata, also called Crassula Argentea
Transpirationsrate: 5
In the examination mentioned above from 2016, the evaporation and evapot translation rates of green lilies (chlorophytum Comosum) and money tree plants (crassula argentea) were measured over 24 hours at 25 % and 60 % relative humidity (RH) and 20 ° C in order to obtain data for the calculation of the leaf surface and the number of plants that require to influence the aircraft are.
In all cases, the evaporation and evapotranspiration rates were higher than 60 % with 25 % relative humidity. With a relative humidity of 25 % during the day, the Evapot Transiration rates were 15 GHL1 for green lilies and 8 GHL1 for money tree plants.
Green lilies transported in sunlight due to their C3 photosynthesis path, while the thick leaf crops had higher evapo transiration rates in the dark-about 11 GHL1-due to their crassulace acid metabolism, also (CAM) Photosynthesis path.
Based on the measured data, the calculations showed that 32.300 cm² total leaf surface of the green lilies, ie 25 green lilies in pots with a diameter of 10 cm or less, but larger plants that can increase humidity in a bedroom from 20 % RH to a pleasant 30 % RH.