Baking soda is a versatile agent that can be used in numerous areas. The white powder is good for health, has an excellent cleansing effect and is successfully used for cosmetic purposes. Baking soda can also be very helpful in the garden. Continue reading our practical tips and see for yourself.
Make your own baking soda fungus killer
The anti-fungal properties of baking soda have been known for many years. Make your own fungus killer using four tablespoons of baking soda and 4 liters of water and water in desired locations in the garden.
Refresh the roses in the garden
Enjoy the beautiful rose flowers for longer with this baking soda solution. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda, ½ tablespoon of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt and 4 liters of water and water your roses.
Control the weeds with baking soda
You don't need to waste money on expensive and toxic weed control products. Simply sprinkle baking soda in the joints between tiles or in the concrete cracks where the unwanted plants grow until you destroy them.
Test the pH level of the soil with baking soda
Using soda for baking, you can easily check the acidity of the soil in the garden. Water the surface a little, then sprinkle baking soda over it. If small bubbles appear, then the soil has a PH level below 5 and is probably too acidic.
Cultivate sweet and tasty tomatoes
If you have already planted, picked and tasted the tomatoes and the taste seems too bitter, you don't need to worry. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the ground where the tomatoes grow - this should make the fruit sweeter.
No more crabgrass in the garden with the help of baking soda
A clever technique you can use to kill crabgrass is to sprinkle the weeds with baking soda. Be careful - sprinkle only the crabgrass and be careful not to get any powder on the other plants.
Fight the slugs easily without harmful means
If you have problems with slugs in your garden, you can easily eliminate them by sprinkling a little baking soda on the small creatures.
It's hard to believe that baking soda is the worst poison for manyPestslike ants – even rabbits avoid it. Sprinkle with baking soda the places in the garden where necessary.
Baking soda is ideal for flowers that need alkaline soil
Some flowers like begonias and geraniums like very alkaline soil. Water them with a solution of water and a little baking soda - the result is a lush bloom.
Neutralize the bad smells from the compost
One of the best, environmentally friendly ways to fertilize the soil is with compost. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn't smell very pleasant. To eliminate the bad smells, sprinkle baking soda around the edge of the compost pile - the baking soda absorbs them excellently.
Clean the birdbath and birdbath
Cleaning the birdbath with aggressive cleaning agents can have a very bad effect on the little birds. Use baking soda - you will be surprised at how easily the birdbath becomes clean and new again.
Picked flowers stay fresh longer with this resolution
You will admire the beauty of the cut flowers at home for longer with a little baking soda at the bottom of the vase. Add a teaspoon for individual flowers and two or three for larger bouquets.
Remove limescale deposits from clay pots quickly and easily
Limescale builds up over time as a result of watering, which clogs the pores of the teracotta and clay material. They can be effectively eliminated with baking soda. Place the clay pots in warm water and leave like this for a few hours. Add a teaspoon of the powder per liter - it has the ability to dissolve the lime and so the clay pot is clean again.
Clean hands without long washing and cleaning
After a long day of gardening, your hands are naturally dirty. Use baking soda to clean them. Get your hands wet, rub them with the white powder and rinse.
The cabbage caterpillars are no longer a problem
Cabbage caterpillars can cause major damage to all plants in your garden. If you have problems with these pests, sprinkle baking soda around the plants or just sprinkle the cabbage caterpillars - this will destroy them.