Olive trees generally die because they live in conditions that are clearly at odds with their native Mediterranean environment. If an olive tree has dried out and is losing its leaves, it may be suffering from water problems, low temperatures, or a disease.
Olive tree dries up: can it still be saved and how?
Even with the best care, olive trees can begin to drop leaves and die. But fear not, because even if an olive tree looks dead, it may not be too late to save it. Olive trees often recover in spring with the higher temperatures and more sunlight. Find out here how to get yourssave dried plantscan.
Check the plant
If you notice that your olive tree has dried up, you should first check whether the branches and twigs are still alive. Scrape them lightly and if they are green underneath and still contain sap, your olive tree is still alive. If there are some dead branches, cut them off, as well as any dried leaves.
Also check the roots by removing the dead parts.
Potted plants should be planted in new soil and placed in a bright and warm location, preferably outdoors. Water the plant very sparingly; the fewer leaves it has, the less water it needs.
Olive tree dries up due to underwatering
In winter the olive tree is watered less and it often happens that the tree becomes too dry. Although it is used to the dry climate of the Mediterranean and does not need so much water, it can sometimes develop wilted leaves that fall off. Luckily, it can be brought back to health by simply watering it.
A quick test you can do right away is checking the soil to make sure it contains enough moisture.
The young trees need to be watered about once a week, or when the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Once established, they need to be watered once a month.
Overwatering can also be the cause
If your olive tree develops yellow or brown leaves that fall off the tree, this indicates too much moisture around the roots. This can happen due to overwatering or slow-draining soil or pot drainage.
The excessive moisture in the soil leads to a limited oxygen content, which prevents root respiration and leads to the plant drying out. Water your olive tree only when the plant is immature or during periods of severe drought. Established olive trees usually do not need watering, especially if they are planted in garden soil. However, be sure to water the potted olive trees in summer when rainfall levels are too low.
If your olive tree is suffering from overwatering, take the following measures:
- It's best to plant your olive trees in pots that have better drainage than garden soil and dry much faster. This allows water to drain away better from the roots, which promotes root respiration and eliminates the risk of drying out.
- Use a well-drained potting mix that consists of regular general purpose compost and at least 20% horticultural sand.
- Place potted plants on bricks or coconut trees to ensure good drainage.
Fertilize the plant properly
If you're still wondering how to bring your olive tree back to life, then the answer might lie in fertilizing. A dying plant may indicate that it is not receiving the nutrients it needs. To grow properly, olive trees need a lot of nitrogen.
To find out which nutrients are missing in the soil, you should test the soil. If it contains too little nitrogen, your olive tree will have yellow leaves. To fix this problem,use a slow-release nitrogen-based fertilizer.
Also check the pH of the soil and if it is not balanced, add some salt and lime.
Temperatures too low
The other main cause of an olive tree drying out is the low temperatures, as olive trees have a hard time surviving in cold winters. The mature trees can usually cope with temperatures down to -6 °C. However, younger trees are more sensitive to cold and are more likely to drop all their leaves and die in winter.
The low temperatures reduce evaporation from the soil, which can put stress on the olive tree.
If the winter is too cold and longer periods of frost are predicted, you should bring your olive tree indoors. If this is not possible, you can use mulch to keep the soil temperature higher and cover the tree with a blanket.Cutthe areas damaged by frost only next spring.
Olive tree dries up: olive mange
Olive mange is a disease caused by bacteria. These bacteria enter your olive tree through a cut, crack or wound. Characteristic nodules appear on the plant, up to 5 cm thick, which block the flow of water. This causes the tree to dry out, even if you water it regularly.
The best cure is prevention of the disease. Use copper-containing bactericides before it rains. This will help prevent the disease.