Have you ever wondered if you can just spray your orchids with water to give them enough to grow? It is no exaggeration to say that watering orchids can be considered an art rather than a science. Today we'll take a closer look at watering an orchid and determine what the benefits of spraying the roots and leaves with water are and whether it alone is enough to keep the beautiful houseplant healthy and blooming.
Watering orchids
Orchid care and especially their watering is a somewhat complicated matter. In their homeland they are air plants that grow on trees and whose roots are exposed. This is a bit inconvenient for a houseplant, and so we generally keep them in special pots around the house. This makes watering more complicated because the orchid roots like water, but they cannot tolerate being in water for a long time. They also like high humidity, which is difficult to achieve in the apartment.
Other than that, misting seems to be a good practice for watering orchids. We explain whether it is actually a good method or not.
The short answer is: Yes, watering orchids by foliar misting is possible. But: Orchids kept indoors need a careful watering routine to ensure they bloom vigorously. Because overwatering and what followsRoot rot fatal to orchidsIt is important to use water consistently and sparingly. This is especially true for the rest period. However, when spraying is used as the sole source of water, it is ineffective compared to other irrigation methods. You need to feed your plants several times a dayspray with water, so that they receive the moisture necessary for good growth.
So it is inconvenient and laborious to water orchids solely by spraying. Additionally, this type of watering will most likely result in a plant with very frayed and unhappy roots.
These irrigation methods are better
Here we have listed three methods for watering orchids that are more effective than misting. They are all effective when used correctly. One irrigation method is not necessarily better than the others, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.
- Pour from above:This classic watering method is also popular with orchids. Orchids absorb water quickly through their roots. Watering from the top of the substrate is effective as long as you let the water run over the roots for a few minutes. However, since orchid pots and soil drain very quickly, the plant does not have the opportunity to absorb enough water.
- Dive orchids:According to orchid enthusiasts, this is the best method of watering. It ensures that the orchid roots have enough time to absorb the water during weekly watering. At thePouring by immersionA sink or bucket is filled with water (and fertilizer) and the entire pot is submerged in the water. If you let the plant sit in water for a few minutes, the roots can absorb the water without it having to go down the drain.
- Pour with ice cubes:Whether or not you should water your orchids with ice cubes is controversial. Some believe that the cold water from the melting ice shocks the orchid, which is a tropical plant. Another reason is the question of whether the orchid is receiving enough water. We have the method and its advantages and disadvantagesin this articlesummarized.
Mist orchids to increase humidity
Because orchids are tropical plants, they need high humidity to thrive. The exact amount depends on the type of orchid, but is usually somewhere between 40 and 70 percent. It is also important that this humidity is constant.
It can be difficult to create such an environment in an apartment. The high humidity is not welcome indoors and can harm both the apartment and its residents.
The orchid's aerial roots are known for collecting moisture from the air and using it to nourish the plant. Misting increases the humidity in a room for just a few minutes, then the water evaporates again. Again, spraying is a rather impractical method of increasing humidity because it evaporates so quickly that you would spend half the day spraying your orchids.
Increasing humidity: three effective methods
Luckily, there are a few tried-and-true methods to increase humidity indoors for tropical plants. Here are the best of them.
- Another location:The easiest method thatIncrease humidity for your orchids, is to place it in a bright bathroom, because the bathroom is more humid than any other room in the house. The plant will certainly benefit from your daily hot shower. However, the bathroom should have a window that provides the orchid with the perfect amount of bright, indirect light.
- Humidifier:Many orchid growers rely on humidifiers to create the best environment for their indoor orchids. Humidifiers are good for plants and people. The most important factor is cleanliness. You need to clean your humidifier regularly or mold can form, which is not good for you or your plants.
- Coaster with gravel and water:A saucer filled to the brim with pebbles or expanded clay and water is a great way to increase the humidity around your orchid in a low-maintenance and safe way without damaging other items in the home. The pot sits on the pebbles above the water, and as the water evaporates, it creates a small bubble of moisture for the plant.
Should you spray the orchids in the house regularly?
Finally, the question arises as to whether it is beneficial to mist your orchids in addition to providing them with sufficient water and moisture. The answer here too is: probably not.
If the air circulation in your area is very good, spraying is unlikely to cause any harm to the plant. However, if the air circulation is not optimal, spraying can actually cause problems. Orchids are very susceptible to rot, especially their roots, but their foliage can also be affected. If the water collects in the junctions of the leaves and cannot evaporate, it can cause leaf blight. So you have to constantly make sure that the leaves don't stay wet for a long time.