Watering orchids with ice cubes

Anyone who takes a thorough look at orchid care will at some point come across the claim that instead of watering or diving, you can choose another method that is even more efficient: using ice cubes. But when it comes to this, opinions differ. While some are convinced of the method, others strongly advise against it. Now what is right? We have gotten to the bottom of the topic and summarized the advantages and disadvantages for you. Can you water orchids with ice cubes with peace of mind or will it actually harm them?

Benefits of ice cubes in orchid care

Sure, orchids love moisture. After all, this is typical of their homeland. However, it can quickly become too much of a good thing, because these plants cannot tolerate waterlogging at all. And then there is the other side: you water too rarely andthe moisture-loving aerial roots(and of course the rest of the plant in the long run) dry out. How do you find the golden mean? Diving every week or every two weeks (depending on the season) for 15 minutes and then letting the excess water drain off and spraying the orchids is one option. Or you can water the orchids with ice cubes.

  • The idea is that the water can be gradually absorbed by the substrate and plant. If you were to water with a watering can instead, most of the water would flow directly into the planter.
  • The method seems simpler and less time consuming. You simply take the cube out of the freezer, place it on the substrate and you've completed the task.
  • Excess water that has run off does not have to be disposed of every time to avoid waterlogging.
  • If youOrchids in hanging basketsIf you pour water directly, there is a risk that it will overflow and flood the terrace/balcony. In such cases, ice cubes would be a good alternative.

What speaks against it?

There are also some claims that are supposed to support the use of ice cubes, but are actually not really true. Some people claim that using frozen water prevents germs because ice kills them. However, this is a myth and not an advantage over regular water.

It is also false that the temperature difference created by watering with ice is supposed to promote flowering. Although such differences between day and night are indeed important for the plant to move into the growth phase and then into the flowering phase, this is not achieved through the use of ice cubes. In addition, if at all, only the roots are cooled, but not the above-ground part of the orchid. The plant may go into heat shock or evenfall into a phase of rest, which delays growth.

Other things that speak against using ice:

  • So overwatering is one of the main reasons why some recommend watering with ice cubes. But actually it is not the duration of diving, for example, that could cause overwatering, but rather the frequency. Therefore, you could simply reduce the frequency and only dip or water when the top layer of the substrate is dry. This provides the plant with sufficient moisture and does not have to be repeated as often as watering with ice cubes.
  • If you water orchids with ice cubes, you avoid waterlogging and too much water. But you also risk a lack of water.
  • One must always remember to prepare a supply of ice cubes.
  • If the ice comes into contact with the plant, it could be damaged.
  • For watering, water at room temperature is always the better choice (regardless of the plant), as large temperature differences can cause stress on the roots.

Watering orchids with ice cubes – what should you pay attention to?

If you do want to water your orchids with ice cubes, keep the following things in mind:

  • The orchid is a tropical plant that cannot tolerate temperatures that are too low, let alone those of frozen water. The cube should therefore never rest on a root or touch stems or leaves. Choose a spot that only has substrate.
  • 2 to 3 ice cubes per week (or 4 to 5 for smaller cubes) are considered sufficient. However, you shouldn't necessarily take this as a rule, as it can vary depending on the weather/season and plant. For example, dry heating air can dry out your orchid more quickly. For this reason, always check the substrate. If the top layer is dry, watering is recommended.

Conclusion: Water orchids with ice cubes or not

So if you do it right, watering with the help of ice cubes can actually prove to be very useful. This is a wonderful alternative, especially if you are worried about giving the plant too much water. When diving, on the other hand, you could forget to take the plants out of the water in time or dive too often while the frozen water gradually thaws and supplies the plant with exactly the right amount of water without causing waterlogging.

During particularly dry periods, the ice cube method could take more time thanclassic diving, which you only have to do once a week because the plant can soak up moisture easily. The cubes, on the other hand, release less water, so you have to repeat watering more often.

So you have to decide for yourself whether the method is suitable for you. It is important that the ice does not touch any parts of the plants so that they do not freeze.