How orchids get new shoots and how to properly care for the flower afterwards

It's interesting to observe the cycle of plants, especially when it comes to exotic plants like the orchid. Especially as a newcomer to these beautiful flowers, you are often surprised at what happens - a new flower stalk and sometimes even a child suddenly grows from the old shoot. And what exactly is that that seems to be growing out of the trunk? A new aerial root or a new flowering shoot? We would like to explain to you what to do when orchids grow new shoots and how you can stimulate their formation.

The old flower shoot as a potential basis for a new one

One of the big questions regarding careafter floweringis, among other things, what happens to the flower stem. Some people cut it off, which isn't necessarily wrong. However, a new flower shoot can grow from the same stem. In some cases, the orchid even produces a new shoot with a leaf, i.e. an orchid child (a completely new plant). Only remove the part that is above the eye, i.e. the part where the flowers were.

If you still decide to cut off the stem early (i.e. not when it is completely dry), that's not a big deal. In this case, the plant will simply put its strength into a new shoot.

Encourage new shoots in orchids

Once the flowering period is over, the orchid, like most other flowering plants, goes into a resting phase. However, this usually doesn't last long and can be over after just a few days. In some cases, this can last several months, so you don't have to worry if it takes a little longer for you. How can you stimulate new growth?

  • After flowering, place the plant in a cool place. She was supposed to stay there for several weeks.
  • Water the orchid only in small amounts.
  • Fertilize the plantsnot.
  • Take care of the leaves. Wipe off dust.

Give the plant enough space

If it is too cramped for the plant, it needs a new, larger pot, otherwise there will be no new shoots for the time being. You can tell that the old pot has become too small because the substrate roots are already growing out of the drainage holes. Furthermore, many aerial roots that grow far beyond the edge of the pot are a sign that it is time to repot. You can also use this for a grooming cut. You can learn how to cut the plants correctlyin this articleread up.

You can repot even if the orchids are already growing new shoots. Only when flowering begins should you leave it alone and wait until after flowering so as not to stress the plant unnecessarily.

Once you notice the new growth, you can return the plant to its usual location and observe the new growth.

New shoot or aerial root – what is growing from the trunk?

You see that a small lump has formed on the trunk and ask yourself whether it is a new flower shoot or “just”.a new root? If you don't want to wait until it becomes visually obvious what it is (usually 5 to 10 mm long) - here's how to tell what part of the plant it is:

Flower stems:

  • grow from the leaf axils, or more precisely from a place between two leaves that are on top of each other, from the “seam”
  • are pointed and flat (shaped like a wedge)
  • are initially directed upwards (towards the light)
  • can arise individually or two at the same time

Aerial roots:

  • is round when emerging (has no tip) and spherical
  • usually forms in the front areas of the trunk
  • can sometimes also arise where flower shoots normally form
  • After a short time it is directed downwards or towards the substrate

When orchids grow new shoots: how do you care for them properly?

As already mentioned, the orchid can return to its normal location as soon as the new flower shoot has seen the light of day. From now on you can also use theusual carecarry on. You water and fertilize as before, because in order for the flower stalk to grow healthily and form buds, it needs strength and therefore the necessary nutrients. What exactly does that mean?

  • A warm location with temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees.
  • Bright location.
  • Sufficiently high humidity, namely around 60 percent. If you can't guarantee this, at least spray roots and leaves with water. The water should be lukewarm and as free of lime as possible.
  • You can treat the leaves with a special vital spray.