Parsley is one of the most popular herbs that grows in almost every garden or in pots on the windowsill. As with all plants, it is important to care for it properly so that it does not wilt and turn yellow over time. Parsley turns yellow for a number of reasons, but this is usually not a big deal as long as you identify the problem quickly and take care of it.
Parsley turns yellow: why is it and what can you do?
The healthy herb is often used to garnish various dishes with a few fresh leaves and give them a unique aroma. If you are growing parsley in your garden or on the balcony but suddenly notice that its leaves are turning yellow, it usually means that the plant is under stress. Below you will find the most common reasons for this and what you can do about it.
Overwatering is the most common cause
If you notice that some of your parsley leaves are yellow, you should first check the soil to rule out overwatering.
If you overwater the plant, the roots will drown and the excess water will cause fungal problems such as root rot.
Check the soil to see if it feels too wet and stop watering immediately if it does. Dig the plant out of the soil and examine the roots. Remove the affected areas and replant the parsley in a pot with fresh soil and drainage. Reduce watering to one to three times per week.
dryness and heat
If the leaves of parsley turn yellow from below and the stems droop, then your plant is suffering from drought. On hot summer days, the plant loses water and moisture very quickly before the roots can absorb the water and this causes the leaves to dry out. Therefore, the potted plants are more susceptible to yellowing from the heat of summer as they dry out more quickly.
If you detect underwatering early, move the parsley to a shady location and water it on time. Check the plant after a few hours and water again as needed.
Parsley turns yellow: lack of light
Parsley grows best in partial shade to full sun, requiring at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day for photosynthesis. If it doesn't get enough light and air circulation, the leaves turn yellowish, the plant grows slowly and the stems droop because it doesn't receive enough moisture and energy.
Make sure to place the potted plants in a sunny location or if youbreed indoorsto provide artificial lighting. Remove the severely yellowed leaves to help the plant recover faster.
Stress after repotting
Parsley has a long root and should therefore be transplanted very carefully so as not to damage it. Remove the plant from the old pot and move it to its new location as quickly as possible. Make sure the soil is not too wet and protect the parsley from direct sunlight for 2-3 days until it gets used to the new environment.
Some yellowing is normal after transplanting, but with proper care it should disappear on its own after a few weeks. If yellowing persists or worsens, consider other possible causes.
Pest infestations and diseases
The leaves of parsley may turn yellow if the plant is affected by pests such as aphids and spider mites.
- The small green aphids are rarely a serious problem and can be effectivecombated with home remediesor removed by hand.
- If you notice small yellow spots on the leaves of your parsley, this is a sign that the plant is infested with spider mites. The tiny pests are barely visible but can cause wilting and stunt growth. Cut off the affected leaves and immediately treat the plant with neem oil.
Another cause of yellow parsley can be gray mold. This plant disease is caused by a pesky species of fungus and results in wilting, yellow leaves that simply won't heal if the problem isn't addressed early.
Yellow parsley due to nutrient deficiency
Parsley prefers nutrient-rich soil and if you use soil from your garden, there is a risk that it will contain too much clay, which can be harmful to the plant.
If the plant is not doing well and some leaves are turning yellow, add plenty of compost to the soil to ensure nutrients and maintain a permeable structure. Additional fertilizer is not necessary if you use good compost.