Potting Soil Molds: Avoid These Mistakes to Prevent Mold on Potting Soil (+ Bonus Trick)

It's annoying when the soil of your beloved houseplants suddenly becomes moldy. Fortunately, this problem is usually solved more quickly than some other plant problems (some pests, for example). Inadequate care is usually the reason why a plant's soil becomes moldy, and by adjusting your routine accordingly, you can not only get rid of it, but also prevent it from recurring. We explain which mistakes you should avoid and also have a trick you can try to combat mold infestation on potting soil.

They keep the soil too moist for too long

It's no secret that the combination of heat and moisture is the ideal conditions for mold to spread. So why does potting soil get moldy? Because the earth is too wet! And although there are some plants that lower the humidity and stuffPrevent mold formation in the roomEven these specimens are helpless if you keep the potting soil moist over the long term. So what can you do?

  • Reduce watering

In winter, plants have their rest period and require less water than during their growth phase. However, caution is required here so that the plants do not dry out again. So instead of watering less often, it's better to simply reduce the amount of water you give. Give the soil enough time for the top layer of soil to dry out. This means that mold spores have no chance of spreading and there is no risk of the plant soil becoming moldy.

  • Pour from below

The potting soil keeps getting moldy because you can't estimate the right amount of water?

Another way to keep the top layer of soil dry and not provide an ideal breeding ground for mold is to simply water the plant from below. This means you simply put the water in the draining plate and let the plant do the rest. It will absorb the necessary amount of water. Give it half an hour and add more water if necessary. The excess that remains after the elapsed time can be disposed of or used for other houseplants. No water should remain in the draining plate, as this in turn leads to waterlogging and, in the long run, root rot.

Find out what you can do if there is mold in your flower potin this article.

Plant soil molds in the apartment if the location is unfavorable

Too dark, too dry, too moist, too cool - these are all factors that can quickly lead to you being tempted to water too often or to the potting soil not drying quickly enough.

  • The location should be bright but not too dry

If it is dark and cool, the plant soil can become moldy because it dries much more slowly. Therefore, find a bright place for your plant! It doesn't have to be direct sunlight if your plant species can't tolerate it. In any case, the brightness ensures that the earth dries faster. But it is also important that you avoid the dry heating air so that you are not tempted to keep watering.

  • Avoid stuffy rooms

Yes, humidity also plays a role in how quickly potting soil dries. To prevent your plant soil from becoming moldy, a healthy air exchange is very important. This means that you should ventilate regularly. A stuffy basement or the bathroom without windows might not be a good location.

Potting soil is moldy – The potting soil is not permeable enough

The loamier the soil is, the more moisture it stores and the slower it dries out. This is of course very useful for many plants in the garden in summer. In the cold winter, even indoors, this can be a disadvantage, especially if you want to prevent the plant soil from becoming moldy.

  • Use loose potting soil

A loose consistency of the substrate means better air circulation, which is not only good for the plant itself (more oxygen supply via the roots), but also results in more optimal drying out. Mix your own substrate! To do this, you can simply mix pine bark and clay granules into the normal potting soil. Also coconut fiber, which evenUsed more and more frequently in orchidsfind, are suitable as an addition.

  • A good drainage

Alternatively, you can also add drainage. To do this, simply add a thin layer of pebbles to the pot before adding soil. This means that water doesn't build up in the lower area of ​​the pot (which happens despite the drainage holes), but can drain away. Congested water absorbs the upper layer of soil like a sponge, so that it is permanently moist.

A notice:White coating on potting soil does not necessarily mean mold, but can also be caused by minerals.You can read herehow you differentiate between the two.

Bonus tip: Sterilize soil for houseplants

You can prevent mold on potting soil using home remedies (you can find a few of them in the links above). A really useful option is to sterilize the soil in the oven (the microwave is also suitable for smaller quantities), which not only kills mold spores but also all other pests and germs. If you make this routine a habit, you can not only prevent mold on potting soil, but also other infestations. How exactly does this work?

  • For the oven:Before using the purchased soil, spread it on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and insert the tray. Now let the plant soil rest in this heat for about 30 minutes. Then let them cool down well before planting your plants.
  • For the microwave:Place the desired amount in a microwave-safe container. Heat the soil at 600 watts for about 10 minutes.

Is your potting soil moldy in the bag? Then the oven variant is also a good option to kill the existing spores. Direct sunlight is also suitable (e.g. for summer), as the UV rays work against mold spores. Simply spread the earth out thinly on a piece of foil so that the rays really reach everywhere.

Also read:How can you avoid mold on potting soil? Buying and care tips