Potted plants are an integral part of many homes. And despite our best efforts to keep plants healthy, most houseplants struggle with growth and care issues from time to time, with one of the most common problems being moldy soil and excessive mold growth. Mold growth on houseplant soil can occur in various situations and after certain events during the routine care and maintenance of your houseplants. Plant pot mold can appear in a variety of ways and be caused by a number of triggers. However, the most common type of mold you will encounter in your planters is white mold.
White mold in the flower pot: what is it?
Most people don't realize that plants have a natural balance between bacteria and other microorganisms. Just as humans have helpful bacteria that live on our skin and in our gut, plants also have a relationship with good bacteria and organisms that live in the organic material of plant soil.For outdoor plantsNatural processes keep these microorganisms in check so that they do not become too numerous under healthy conditions. However, in indoor container plants, these bad bacteria can build up in toxic levels and kill the good bacteria. Many of these microorganisms are necessary for plant health, but they must be present in the right amounts and in the right balance. This symbiotic relationship is why living soil is so conducive to healthy and beautiful plants. This simply means that the top layer of soil is rich in organic matter and is enhanced by the addition of composted plant material, fertilizers and soil amendments.
If you notice mold growing on your potting soil, it is often the first sign that there is a problem with the top layer of soil and the environment in which your plants are located.
How does mold actually come about on the soil in the flower pot?
As with most things in nature, there is no one-size-fits-all solution or cause for everything. If you have white or yellow mold on the groundof your potted plantshave to do, there may be a single contributing factor or several:
- Overwatering and Poor Drainage: Soggy potting soil and poor drainage lead to moldy soil and mold growth.
- Poor air circulation: Mold in the home thrives best in damp and warm places and the same applies to mold in plants. White mold spores love stagnant, moist air that doesn't circulate much.
- Contaminated Soil: Starting with contaminated or infected soil will only spread the mold further.
- Decomposing leaves: If your potted plant sheds dead leaves, they should be removed as quickly as possible.
If you want to know how to remove white mold from plant soil, the following steps can help you sterilize your soil, clean your plants, and effectively remove moldy soil.
Repotting to get rid of mold on the soil of houseplants
If you decide that the disease outbreak warrants repotting the plant, you should use fresh soil and a new pot. If you want to reuse your existing plastic or ceramic container, clean it carefully with water and bleach. Dry the pot completely before filling it with soil. Before repotting the plant in the freshly cleaned pot, rinse the roots of the plant and wipe any mold residue from the leaves. If spores remain, re-contamination could occur.
Also read:How can you avoid mold on potting soil? Buying and care tips
If you have a terracotta pot, replace it with a new one. Dry the pot completely before filling it with soil.
Moldy soil in the flower pot – home remedies can help
Adding a natural antifungal agent to the soil can improve the situation. Some good, natural remedies are cinnamon, vinegar and baking soda:
- Cinnamon
Sprinkle a light layer of cinnamon over the surface of the potting mix. Cinnamaldehyde, a chemical compound in cinnamon, is a natural antifungal. Using cinnamon is a great, all-natural way to tackle the problem without the use of chemicals.
- Baking soda
Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 quart of water to make a spray that kills the fungus. The high pH of baking soda kills white mold.
Also read:Home remedies for flies in the potting soil! These are really effective!
Expose the plant to sunlight
The ultraviolet rays of direct sunlight destroy mold, so natural sunlight is an effective way to kill the spores.Place the houseplantsjust put it in a sunny spot outdoors. The sunlight will do its work seamlessly. This method is especially useful if the mold grows on the surface of the soil. Go even further and spray the soil spread out in the sun with a solution of baking soda and water. The baking soda absorbs the moisture from the spores and helps prevent outbreaks of mold growth in the future.
Mold in the flower pot: Remove the top layer of potting soil
First, take proper health precautions by wearing a mask during the process. Take a spoon and remove the top 2 inches of soil. Then take a damp cloth and wipe off any mold residue on the plant stems. Finally, treat your plant with one of the home remedies mentioned above. You can also spray the stems of your plants with neem oil (which you can buy pre-diluted or dilute yourself).
You can find another trick for preventionin this article.