They are really enthusiastic and give their allCaring for your houseplantsa lot of effort, but suddenly you discover something really unpleasant: mold on the potting soil. Every newcomer immediately asks themselves whether they have done something wrong. Why does potting soil mold in the apartment, is it harmful to health and what can you do about mold on potting soil? Questions upon questions that we will answer for you today so that you can continue to care for your plants without any worries.
Why does potting soil get moldy in the apartment?
First of all, we would like to point out that a white coating on the ground does not necessarily mean mold. As you know, our tap water contains lime, sometimes more or less depending on the region. Over time, this settles on the surface as the irrigation water evaporates, resulting in white spots. Other minerals contained in water can also cause this effect. The first thing to do is to check whether there is actually mold on the potting soil of the houseplants.
Test the white layer
You can easily test whether the potting soil is moldy or not using a wooden stick (e.g. toothpick). Scrape off some of the white layer and take a closer look. If it is dry and brittle, it is just deposits that you can remove if it bothers you visually, but you don't have to. Then fill the pot with some fresh potting soil.
If the potting soil is really moldy, you can tell because this layer is soft and fluffy and sometimes smells musty. Don't believe that eitherthe mold infestationis only limited to the surface. Mold spreads inside. But why is it created at all?
Mold growth indicates a biological imbalance in the soil. Those with a higher proportion of humus or an inferior product with a high proportion of compost and black peat tend to form mold. Excessive watering, i.e. a permanently moist soil, also promotes this. That's why you should use it sparingly and let the top layer of soil dry out. The condition of the soil also plays an important role: if it is not well ventilated due to the unfavorable mixture, moisture will also build up.
Is mold dangerous in potting soil?
To what extent theDangerous molddepends primarily on its type. Remember that the spores spread through the air and can therefore quickly reach the respiratory tract, where they can cause allergic and chronic lung diseases such as asthma and others. In people who already suffer from such a condition, it can worsen and trigger asthma attacks.
Remove mold from potting soil
So your test has proven that it really is mold, now how can you spot the mold on theFight potting soil? Some of the infected potting soil should be replaced. It's best to do this outdoors to avoid fungal spores flying around your rooms. While you are dealing with the soil outside, we also recommend that you ventilate the apartment well.
1. Outside, take the plant out of the pot and scrape off the top layer of soil with the visible mold on the potting soil. Then remove the loose chunks of soil around the root ball. Only this root ball should remain at the end and contain soil. If the plant is currently in its resting phase, you are welcome to shorten the roots by a third or quarter.
2. Also clean the pot to remove any mold spores and prevent mold from forming again on the potting soil. Use one for thiswarm vinegar solution, which you can use to thoroughly scrub the pot.
3. Plant the plant back in the pot and use suitable soil: universal soil or soil specifically for houseplants, which should definitely be of high quality. When choosing, make sure that it has a high mineral content. This means that it should have a good amount of sand or lava grit mixed in. Do you already have potting soil at home that you don't want to throw away, but the mineral content is not that high? Then simply mix them with clay granules.
Also read:How can you avoid mold on potting soil? Buying and care tips
4. Make sure that the drain holes do not become blocked. You can prevent this with a drainage layer made of gravel or broken clay. If it is a tall pot, you can add a thicker layer of expanded clay on top of this layer.
Prevent mold formation
What can you do against mold in the potting soil? If you want to prevent mold on the potting soil, follow the following rules:
- Make sure there is good drainage.
- Use a high-quality soil with the right composition of water-storing and non-storing parts.
- Dose the water correctly and avoid keeping the potting soil too moist. The top layer of soil should always be dry before watering again.
- During the rest period, also reduce watering. You can partially replace watering with foliar spraying.
- Water the plant until the soil no longer absorbs water. Allow the excess water to drain into the saucer. Then use this to water the next plant.
Use home remedies to combat mold on the potting soil
You replaced the soil as explained, but now mold has appeared again? Then use one of the followinguseful home remediesfor prevention, which can also help with severe infestations:
- Add some tea tree oil to the water or place cloths soaked in tea tree oil over the soil. The oil is a wonderful fungus fighter.
- Sprinkle activated charcoal over the affected soil to kill the spores.
- Sprinkle cinnamon over the soil. This also works against the spores and can prevent or at least limit their re-formation.
- Mix liverwort extract with water in a ratio of 1:10, then spray the affected soil surfaces with the solution.