Winterizing your pool – How to prepare your outdoor swimming pool for the colder season

As the summer days come to an end, it's time to think about how to winterize your pool. This is especially important if temperatures in your area fall near or below freezing during the winter. As with anything related to such outdoor plants, there is a specific process that you need to follow for trouble-free winterization. These steps are part of proper maintenance and will help ensure your pool is in top condition when the swimming season begins again next year. Here is a simple guide and tips that can help you complete this task.

How and when to winterize your pool

The steps toPool care before wintermust be done in a very specific order to ensure ease of use the following spring. Start doing this after the summer season is over and temperatures remain consistently at 18 degrees or lower. If you start preparing too early, you may have problems with algae that thrives in higher temperatures. Give yourself a week to complete this process, as it involves following several steps over the course of a few days.

Properly protecting an in-ground pool requires a cover for safety and security, so choose a durable version. Depending on the shape and size of your pool, you may need one for the in-ground poolSwimming pool in the gardenor be custom-made in the patio area. Mesh covers are lighter and cheaper, but offer less protection than full covers. It's best to choose a cover that is made for winter use.

Remove ladders and accessories

Start by removing accessories such as skimmer baskets, cleaners, ladders, steps and solar blankets from the pool. Hose off dirt and algae, let the items dry and store them in a safe place for the winter. Loosen the ladder anchor plug screw. If this rises, you can knock it down with a heavy wrench.

Loosen the ladder so the pool cover fits properly. Closely inspect your ladder steps for cracks and tighten any loose ladder bolts. Most ladders can be stored outside, but plastic steps are best stored indoors. Also remove all handrails, filler necks, eyeballs and fittings. Store these in a safe place where you can easily find them again in the spring.

Balance water chemistry and winterize the pool

It's important to start with balanced water chemistry when winterizing your swimming pool. Test and balance by adjusting any chemicals if necessary. Balance the water chemistry a few days before closing your pool to allow the chemicals to disperse. Adjust as needed and be sure to balance alkalinity before working on pH. Err on the higher side for any of these measurements as levels will naturally decrease over time. Maintain the following ranges for balancing water chemicals:

– pH-Wert: 7,4–7,6 ppm
– Total alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
– Calcium hardness: 200-400 ppm
– Chlor : 2,0–4,0 ppm

How to clean your pool before winter

Brush and shock your pool to remove algae or other organic materials before covering it. Even traces of algae can spread over the winter and cause problems. A suitable brush can help you scrub the walls and bottom of the pool. It is important to carry out a thorough cleaning, even if the pool walls look clean. This is also a good time to repair any cracks or damage.

The cleaner the pool is when you close it, the better it will look next spring. Any debris or algae left in the pool during closure will dilute the strength of the overwintering chemicals. Use a leaf net or hand skimmer to remove obvious debris when winterizing your pool.

Let the water run so the filter can remove smaller particles. In fact, it is important to make the remaining water as clean as possible, as any dirt can cause problems if trapped over the winter. If you have an automatic floor cleaner, run it, remove it and store it for next season.

Partially drain pool water and lower the water level

Check the instructions for your pool cover to see if it specifies how low the water should be in the winter. Net covers generally require an in-ground pool height of approximately 30cm below the waterline. Thicker covers designed for swimming typically require the water level to be lowered 4 to 6 inches. Depending on how you remove the water from your pool, this process may take a day or two.

Drain and clean filters and equipment

Diatomaceous earth filters require special attention when winterizing a pool. Dismantle the filter and remove any debris left in the pump. Cartridge filters are a little simpler, but you still need to remove the cartridge and its connecting hoses for storage. This is also the time to drain booster pumps, chlorine generators, and other components your pool may use. Also turn off the power to the pump, lights and heater at the fuse box. If you have a timer for your pool pump, turn it off and remove the timers.

Additionally, it is important to drain all equipment so that water does not expand and cause damage when temperatures drop below freezing. Clean the water from the pipes with a blower and then close them with expansion plugs. If you want to be extra careful about preventing burst pipes, consider adding antifreeze. Drain all filters, pumps and heaters and, if possible, store the filter and pump indoors during the winter.

Perform shock chlorination and winterize the pool

Read your kit's instructions for winterizing the pool. Here's how to figure out if you need to shock your pool with a variety of chemicals just before covering it. The kits may also include shock packs as part of the process. If recommended, this should be one of your final steps. As winter approaches, you should know how to prevent pipes from freezing. In addition, shock chlorination eliminates bacteria, while adding algaecide works against algae formation. Make sure you use a kit that is suitable for your filter type and read the instructions carefully to avoid mistakes.

Cover the pool and let it overwinter without any worries

It's finally time to cover the pool, and there are two types of covers: safety covers and winter covers. Safety covers must be anchored and provide the greatest protection from debris and people or animals accidentally falling into them. Winter covers offer less protection, but you don't have to worry about the extra step of securing them. No matter what type of cover you use, make sure it fits snugly and has no holes or tears.

Recheck the pool if necessary to keep it as clean as possible over the winter. Also clean the tarpaulin to avoid dirt and debris getting into your freshly purified water. If possible, move problem areas of the tarp to the deck or close to the edge and do not place your pump over the cracks. Attach Fucking as needed. There are those for solid winter coverings and mesh or solid patches for safety coverings. Secure the cover with water bags, straps or anchors for safety cover, as well as a cable and winch assembly for above-ground winter cover, depending on the type of cover you are using.