The butterfly lilac, also known as buddleia, is a beautiful shrub that often adorns the home garden. In this country it is grown both as a garden plant and as a container plant. Proper care is very important so that it delights the eye with its fragrant flower buds year after year. This also includes wintering. We have summarized the most important tips for autumn and explain how to overwinter the buddleia.
Overwintering buddleia: This is how the garden plant gets through the winter well
The butterfly lilac is a hardy plant. Nevertheless, it needs appropriate protection so that it can survive the cold season without any problems. In the wine regions, around the rivers and in the southern parts of Germany, where the climate is mild and the winters are almost frost-free, one is enoughLayer of mulch as winter protectioncompletely out.
In northern Germany, the plant drops its leaves and the tips of the shoots can also freeze. If temperatures fall below -25° Celsius, all parts of the plant above ground could even die. But that doesn't mean that the entire plant will die. The butterfly bush will sprout again next year.
Should I cut back the butterfly lilac in the fall?
As a rule, pruning of butterfly lilacs is done in late winter or spring. However, if strong winds and snowstorms between November and March are not uncommon in your region, then you should shorten the bush a little in autumn. The right time for this is the end of September or the beginning of October at the latest. This is the only way the plant can recover from the caring cut before frost sets in. Proceed as follows:
- Remove all dead plant parts
- Cut off any shoots growing inwards
- Shorten all other shoots by a third.
Plant the garden plant in a pot: September is the right time
Alternatively, you can plant smaller plants in pots and overwinter indoors. The right time for this is early autumn. This gives the tree enough time to get used to the new situation. In October you can gradually reduce the watering. This gives the shrub a sign that the cold period is about to begin. For him this means the beginning of the rest phase.
The butterfly bush that you transplanted into a container in September can spend the winter outside. Provided that you wrap the pot with fleece and place it in a place protected from the wind (preferably directly in front of the house wall) in the garden. A Styrofoam coaster can also protect the roots from frost.
Plants that have at least four weeks to adapt to the new conditions and environment can be planted at the end of OctoberLayer of mulch as winter protectiont be.
Overwinter butterfly bush outside
If the temperatures in winter do not fall below -20 degrees Celsius, you can also overwinter the shrub outdoors. To do this, place a 5 cm to 7 cm thick layer of mulch over the bed. The mulch will protect the roots from frost and also prevent the water from evaporating too quickly.
Propagate buddleia and overwinter the cuttings
If you propagated the buddleia via cuttings in late summer, you can plant the young plants in the garden in autumn. However, you need sufficient frost protection. Place a 10 cm thick layer of mulch over the root area. Cover the above-ground parts of the plant with winter protection made of fleece.
Overwinter butterfly lilac in a pot
Compact buddleia varieties that are suitable for container cultivation can be overwintered both indoors and outdoors. Of course, there are certain rules and tips that make the gardener's work easier.
Leave buddleia outside
If you want to overwinter the buddleia outside, place it on a wall or in a place in the garden protected from the wind. Rain protection is also important, as too much water can lead to rot. A covered terrace or the covered entrance to the house is best suited.
Place the bucket on a Styrofoam coaster. Tie fleece loosely around the bucket and fill the space with mulch or autumn leaves. Add another 7 cm thick layer of mulch to the ground.
You can wrap the above-ground parts of the plant with special translucent fleece, but this is not absolutely necessary. If the roots are well protected, the tree will recover quickly next year and sprout again. Even if the shoots dry up completely in winter, it can still bloom vigorously next summer. That's because it blooms on this year's wood.
Overwinter buddleia indoors
If you want to be on the safe side, if the buddleia was recently purchased or if you care for it as a houseplant anyway, then you can also overwinter it indoors. Do not place the shrub directly on the windowsill, but in a shady place.
Care in winter quarters: When it comes to care, the butterfly lilac is quite undemanding. It needs regular watering (although you should water it significantly less during the rest phase). Fertilization is completely stopped in the winter months. Remove diseased shoots or yellow leaves.
At what temperature should the butterfly lilac overwinter?
In winter, the shrub thrives best at a room temperature of up to 10° Celsius. This will prevent it from freezing and all of its shoots from drying out. Next year the pot plant will sprout again at full strength and will produce flowers in the summer.
Also interesting:Cutting butterfly lilac in spring with instructions