How you should care for succulents – great tips and a little more

The easy-care, water-storing plants are perfect for growing in the garden or on the terrace. They have an exotic shape and are extremely easy to care for. Below we have a few important facts and tips about caring for succulents and how you can grow them yourself.

Succulents are plants that come from dry regions and have the ability to store water in their thick, fleshy leaves and stems. They are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. The special thing is that they can quickly and easily get used to a wide variety of living conditions. When it comes to gardening, the terminology can sometimes be quite confusing. For example, all plants that have fleshy leaves and stems and can store water are often considered succulents, includingthe Aloe, cacti, sedum, agave, echeveria, houseleek, crassula, kalanchoe and hundreds of other species. This is primarily because most gardeners use the word “succulents” to describe plants with fleshy leaves. For example, all plants with spines are called cacti, even though they are actually succulents.

Tips for proper care

Like all other plants, succulents need water, light, soil and fertilizer to exist.

Sun: You need at least 6 to 8 hours of full daylight a day;

Soil: Water-storing plants can live in all types of soil. However, it is best to use sandy soil with good drainage or small stones to make the water drain easier;

Water: These plants love heat and dry spells, so they can go for weeks without water without affecting their health and attractive appearance. A good tip is not to leave them in moist soil for long periods of time. This can even kill them.

Fertilizer: Fertilize your succulents in the spring. The fertilizer should contain equal proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Once the succulents have become established, most of them require next to no care.

However, some larger species, such as the large stonecrop, should be cut down in autumn or early spring.

Hardy or tropical species

Before purchasing, check the care instructions for the respective plant. Some species can be rock-solid landscape decorations in northern gardens, while others prefer warmer climates. Choose more delicate varieties if you live in a frost-free area or use them as houseplants in winter.

Where you should plant them

Garden lovers like these plants because they look great and are flexible. They are liked by decorators because of their shapes, patterns and colors. Succulents are also popular with gardening beginners because they require little care and they look great despite little attention.

The matching flower pots

Die Easy-care succulents thrive in simple, shallow bowls and pots. The only requirement is that they contain holes through which excess water can drain away from the roots of the plants. It is best to combine different types in such a container. This will give you a beautiful mix of colors.

Grow in the garden

These plants can solve many problems in the garden. Use low-growing species, such as the Caucasian stonecrop, to cover the ground in areas with direct sunlight. Some types of sedum even get by with a little shade.

Design unique gardens

Smaller examples of the easy-care succulents can be used to create wreaths and are ideal for vertical gardens and garden roofs.

Decorative items for your garden

A somewhat special idea

Out and about in the city

Make new out of the old
