Lantana overwinter in the garage or in the apartment: How you should care for your plant in winter!

Lantana is the plant every gardener has been waiting for. The plant is remarkably easy to care for and yet blooms all summer long. How should lantana plants be treated during the colder months? In warm areas, lantanas can survive the winter without much attention, but in frosty areas, additional measures are required. Lantana overwinter in the garage or in the apartment? Many hobby gardeners ask themselves this question.

There are approximately 111 species in the genus Lantana, all of which are flowering, evergreen, vine-like shrubs. Lantanas are native to the tropical regions of America and Africa and are ideal for containers and hanging baskets because they tolerate neglect and dry temperatures. Read on to learn how you should protect and care for your lantana plants during the winter.

Can you leave lantana outdoors in winter?

Unfortunately, the lantanas are not hardy and are very sensitive to cold, so they should be brought indoors before the first frost - the plants cannot stay outside.

Plants in the Lantana genus should enter a dormant phase in the fall that lasts until next spring. Reduce watering to about 1/2 inch per week and stop feeding the plants in late summer as the first step of winter lantana care.

If you keep your lantana in a container in the summer, you shouldover the winterBring it into the house as long as you give it enough space. The plant thrives in containers and planters as they provide better drainage. Use a container with plenty of drainage holes and an airy and light potting mix so that water can drain easily. Improve drainage by mixing in coarse sand and organic material.

Lantana overwinter brightly

Place the lantana pots indoors, but in a cool place: the temperature should be between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius. For example, your plants can overwinter in a moderately heated winter garden. Remember that lantana prefers intense sunlight. So make sure your indoor space gets at least six to eight hours of sunlight every day. Choose a window that faces south or west. Even in such a location, artificial grow light may be required to compensate for the shorter days in winter. To ensure that all of the lantana's leaves receive sun throughout the winter, it is important to turn the pot about once a week.

Dark wintering

You can also put your lantana in a dark place if you don't have a bright place for it to overwinter - the plant thrives well in the garage or basement. If you want to overwinter your plant in a dark place,prunethe crown by at least half with pruning shears. The plant will lose its leaves if you leave it in the dark all winter. As soon as you put the plant back in the light and warmth in spring, it should thrive and produce new shoots.

Cut and overwinter lantana

Lantana blooms between May and October, so that's the time to plant it. Therefore, late winter or early spring is the best time to prune the plants. If you do this, your plant will thrive. If you prune your plants in the summer, they will thrive in October.

Tipp:When you prune your lantana, save some of the clippings to plant next year. If the soil temperature in your garden consistently rises above 15 degrees Celsius in spring, you can easily grow new plants in the ground.

Should lantana be fertilized in winter?

Lantana is not the only plantthose in winterbenefits less from fertilizer. At the beginning of each growing season, it is best to repot the plant into a new container with fresh potting soil. A half dose of a balanced fertilizer once per month during the growing season (spring and summer) is optional thereafter. Stop fertilizing your lantana at least six weeks before the first frost.

Water lantana in winter

In winter, you should water your plants less than usual. You should start reducing watering about six weeks before the first expected frost. Once you bring your lantana indoors, you should check the soil about once a week. If the top layer of soil has dried out, water the plant only lightly. Never leave your plant standing in water and make sure that puddles evaporate quickly.

Watering from above should be avoided. Water only to moisten the soil. Avoid spraying lantana or keeping the leaves wet. This could lead to problems with mildew.

Bring lantana outside again in spring

Move the lantana plant outside once the weather has warmed to at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius) in the spring. Position the plant so that it gets more sun. Once the plant is back outdoors, water it as usual. As the temperature rises, growth should resume.

At least half of the leaves on this exotic plant often fall off during winter dormancy. The lantanas are severely damaged by the winter. They therefore need attention in spring to restore their health and attractiveness. Fertilization is not necessary, but it is beneficialthe flowering periodconsiderably. The plant can thrive with light pruning. Cutting back overgrown plants by a third is like giving them a fresh start.

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