Aquarium aquarium - the right choice and care

As nicely as the fish and other animals are, an aquarium can only be difficult to refer to when the plants are missing. TheAquarium aqual plantsIt not only serves him for decoration, but are also used by his residents. However, the question arises which plants for a decorativeAquariumare suitable and which should be selected in the large selection. Since the appropriate planting of the aquarium has to be replaced regularly, this topic is not only interesting for the beginner, but also for the more experienced aquarist. Especially when it comes to the entire decoration of the domestic aquarium, the answer to this is not clear.

As the aquarists of older generations can probably remember, there were times when this task was easily solved. Just known around ten were knownAquarium aqual plants. This included the water plague from the nearest river, the Ludwigie, the Vallisneria and others. Nowadays, however, more and more plants from the tropical and subtropical areas appear. In the specialized literature for aquarists, between 300 and 400 types ofAquarium aqual plantsdescribed.

The aquatic plants for aquarium: a fish paradise

As is known, the aquariums are used, and this also uses aquaterraria, paludariums, a pelvis, combinations of aquariums and greenhouses and other, too diverse purposes. For this reason, there are also different types ofAquarium aqual plantsnecessary, large and small, water and swamp plants, those that are suitable for the shadow or a lot of light. A prerequisite is undoubtedly the same and compulsory. All types of the aquarium need aquatic plants. For this reason, all attempts to use houseplants for the aquarium are unsuccessful, no matter how much they also love moisture. Of the huge variety of aquatic plants (6000 species), only a small part is suitable for the aquarium and not everyone can be fully under water for a long time.

'Rio', 'Madagascar', or ...? Where do they come fromAquarium aqual plants

Where theAquarium aqual plantsAlso located, you need the conditions of your home. TheAquarium aqual plantscome mainly from tropical and subtropical countries. For this reason, you need a temperature of 18 to 35 degrees in most cases. In our natural waters, plants rarely occur that are also suitable for the aquarium. So if you have the large selection of foreignAquarium aqual plantsIf you can use beforehand, you should be able to offer you the necessary conditions you would have in your home country. If the plants do not get these conditions, they will fall ill and finally die. Unfortunately, experienced aquarists often do not adhere to this rule. Last but not least, the owners of aquariums choose the plants depending on the square they are supposed to take in the aquarium. Some aquarists who know the peculiarities of plant diversity in the water from experience prefer it to even the combinationsAquarium aqual plantsTo put together, while others prefer to follow the instructions from specialized books.

How can you choose aquatic plants for aquarium?

When choosing the Aqua plants should not only be observed their biological requirements for the surroundings, but also other things.Aquarium aqual plantsOnly paid attention to the decorative properties. Of course it is important to the external peculiarities, as well as the size that the respectiveAquarium aqual plantscan be observed. You should coordinate this in turn with the size of your aquarium. It is also important that you assess the foliage of the plants and, in connection with it, its transparency, on which the light on the lower layers can be obtained and whether it will be possible to see the plants in the background. It is just as important to assess the growth speed of the respective plants and to consider how they combine them in shape and color. If this is not considered, some types ofAquarium aqual plantsStart suppressing the others, whereby the weaker can die.

There is a real jungle on the ground and in the water of the aquarium

When choosing theAquarium aqual plantsIt is particularly important that you assess the mutual influence of fish and plants. Because among the fish there are many species that feed on them or simply pull them out of the ground with a weaker root system. Therefore, it can happen that you have to banish either certain plants or some fish from the aquarium. In decorative aquariums, thePlants and fishcan also be coordinated with regard to the crowd. If they have few fish, they also have the amount of nutrients for theAquarium aqual plantsbe insufficient. They use the feces that is excreted by the fish after digestion. In contrast, too many fish will be necessary to clean the aquarium more often, since the amount of feces will also become more.

The Aqua residents enjoy a clear fresh water

One of the most important conditions for the correct development of theAquarium aqual plantsis the amount and quality of the light. This includes the duration of the lighting of the aquarium a day. Do not forget that the plants live under completely different conditions. What is meant is the composition of the water, the basic and the light. Therefore, it can often happen that selected according to decorative propertiesAquarium aqual plantsdo not get along well. But there is also a solution for this problem. For this purpose, aquarists use different light intensities or additional light sources or ensure more shadows for certain plant species. Despite these possibilities of improvisation, some types shouldAquarium aqual plantsso that you are close to the light source depending on your needs. The depth of the water and its properties is also important for some plant species.

Sea similar landscape with plants of different heights

SomeAquarium aqual plants, like the Echinodorus Osiris, E. Portoalrenisis and others, it is difficult to get by with deep water, especially if they are still small and young. Such species only occur in nature in flat waters. Then there are also types such as the Cryptocoryne Aponogiifolia, which in turn do not feel comfortable in flat waters or prefer swampy conditions (EHINODORUS and others). This is particularly noticeable if the aquarium is not sufficiently illuminated, whether by artificial or natural light.

The quality of the water also plays for themAquarium aqual plantsa big role. It should neither be too acidic nor too hard or too fresh. Note that all residents of the common aquarium should feel comfortable and that they actually do not live together in the wild, but only live in certain ecological areas.

The aquatic plants for aquarium are not only used for decoration

They are an important part of a complex, biological system. They emit oxygen to the water and absorb the fabrics of the food chain in the water, the dead leaves and others, stabilize important parameters of the water, such as the acid and base content, i.e. the pH. To theAquarium aqual plantsyou can also determine the conditions of the aquarium. They show whether the light is too much or too little, whether too many organic substances have accumulated and other.

The beginning: types and important tips

If you only start designing your aquarium, we can give you someAquarium aqual plantsrecommend. The most demandingAquarium aqual plantsis the Javamoos (Vesicularia Dubyana). This plant, which resembles the externally confused, dark green niches, is characterized by the fact that it manages with shadows and is undemanding. It does not have to be planted to the bottom because it has no roots.

Vesicularia dubyana (Javamoos)

The most adaptable in the group of underwater ferns isAquarium aqual plantsthe JavaFarn (Microsorum Pteropus). This plant also has no roots and does not need a nutritional reason. With the help of decorative roots, rhisoids (quasi roots), you can easily stick to stones and mussel bowls.

Vesicularia mounted

Different types of Elodea can serve as pioneering plants. From this genus you can get representatives from four botanical species in the shops. These are the Elodea, Egeria, Lagarosifon and Hidrilla. At first glance, all Elodea look very similar. ThisAquarium aqual plantsconsist of long stems with tiny leaves. Both, both the stems and the leaves, are green. In the event of strong light and sufficient nutrients of the basic with micro elements, red discoloration can occur in some types. It also happens that they bloom. These flowers are tiny and grow above the water surface.

Another interesting and useful groupAquarium aqual plantsare the hydrophilia. In contrast to the Elodea, plants with a different look of this group belong. Up to ten species are offered in the shops, which differ in shape and color. They are swamp plants so that their tips grow from the aquarium and they can continue to grow in the air. The shapes and sizes of the leaves of thisAquarium aqual plantsare very diverse. There are large leaves with a smooth edge that resemble those of the lemon, as well as those with a corrugated edge, thin, short and elongated, resemble the ligaments. In order for the hydrophilias to develop well, they must be planted to the bottom.