Little white beetles in the apartment: what kind of animals are they?

They are small, white and can be unwanted guests in your home: little white beetles. In this article we would like to explain everything you need to know about these common insects in the house. Learn what they look like, what they eat and where they like to nest. We also give you practical tips on how to deal with an infestation.

There are many species of insects that fall under the “small white insects” category. They usually enter the house through plants, and you often only notice them when they settle like dust or lint. The most common types aremealy mites, dust and book lice, mealybugs and whiteflies,but there are still a few to keep an eye out for. This article aboutlittle black beetlesmight also interest you.

Flour mites are most commonly found in the kitchen

Photo: Shutterstock / Tomasz Klejdysz

The grain or flour mite (Acarus siro) is a pest that is widespread worldwide. As the name suggests, this type of mite feeds primarily on flour and grains and can also infest other stored dry goods such as oatmeal, cereal, medicinal plants and dried fruit. It is possible that grain mites have entered the home through packaged food.

Cause allergies in humans as well as intestinal disorders, skin rashes or asthma when contaminated foods are consumed. It is therefore important to store food in a dry place and watch for signs of infestation to prevent the spread of flour mites.

Read how you can fight flour mitesin this article.

The mother mite

Photo: Shutterstock / Tomasz Klejdysz

Mold mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae), also known as mold mites, are tiny, colorless animals and can occur seasonally, especially in summer, in almost all households. Compared to the very similar mealy mite (Acarus siro), the mildew mite has a larger number of longer hairs on its abdomen.

The mildew mite prefers products rich in fat and protein that have been stored in damp conditions and are already infested with mold. It feeds on various foods such as flour, grains, nuts, cheese, salami and other similar products.

Dust lice (Psocoptera) discovered on wallpaper or in books

Photo: Instagram @luky_entomology

Dust lice, also known as book lice, are tiny, only about 2mm in size, and prefer dark and dusty environments. They are often found in pantry items such as semolina, flour or oatmeal. In additionThey like to hide on wallpaper, plaster, carpets, wood, old books and between papers. To survive, they need high humidity of more than 70 percent. Dust lice feed mainly on mold, which is why they can multiply en masse, especially in damp apartments and new buildings. These beetles have no wings, so they are fairly easy to eliminate once they are discovered.

Mealybugs/mealybugs infest houseplants

Foto: Shutterstock / Nguyen Huynh Xuan Binh

Mealybugsare slightly larger and feed on plant juices. They settle in groups on leaves and fruits and look like small cotton balls. Check your plants regularly for signs of mealybugs and treat infected plants in a timely manner to prevent them from spreading.

Whitefly on the underside of houseplant leaves

Photo: Shutterstock / AJCespedes

The whiteflies (Whitefly) are small, flying insects with a white color and transparent wings. They feed on plant sap and can attack garden and house plants. They are often found especially under the leaves and in warm weather. They are usually brought into homes through infested houseplants. To combat whiteflies, you can use natural preparations or insecticide-free methods.

Clothes moths in the bedroom

Photo: Shutterstock / csikiphoto

Tiny white bugs buzzing around clothing couldClothes moths (Tineola bisselliella)be. These insects feed on natural fibers in clothing such as wool and cashmere. They are about 1 cm long and are cream to light yellow in color. Their body is elongated, with thin, long wings and tiny legs.

You should act quickly at the first sign of clothes moths, as these insects can cause significant damage to clothing. After identifying the small white beetles, all affected clothing items should be thoroughly inspected to determine any damage. Small holes can be repaired and clothing then dry cleaned to remove any moth larvae.

To ensure that no eggs or larvae remain, it is advisable to vacuum the wardrobe and thoroughly clean carpets. In serious cases, residents should consider professional cleaning services.

Chironomids like to sit on window panes in the apartment

Photo: Instagram@michael_simosan

Chironomidsare native to Germany and are currently on the move more and more. These small insects are often confused with mosquitoes, but interestingly, their mouthparts are not designed for biting and sucking blood. That's why they're in EnglishNonbiting migescalled. Most midges form large swarms and can be a nuisance.

There are still some species that are whitishcoloredare:

Foto: Shutterstock / r_silver
  • Aphid cases– When aphids shed their skin, they leave behind their exuvia, i.e. their old layers of skin. These can be found as small, white or clear “husks” on the leaves or near plants. The shed skins of the aphids are immobile and are only carried around by the wind.
  • Termites– Some subterranean termite castes may be white in color. That's why they are also called white ants. However, it is extremely rare to see such termites in the home as they typically live underground near the home perimeter.
  • Dust mitescannot be seen with the naked eye. They feed on dead and dry skin, which means they can multiply quickly. They are often found on soft surfaces such as beds, mattresses, sofas, carpets and clothing. Dust mites do bite, but their bites are harmless. However, they can worsen allergies and asthma because their dead skin and feces trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

Titelfoto: Shutterstock / Anucha Cheechang