Fight flour mites with home remedies and in a natural way: These methods work immediately!

It's really unpleasant when you open a cereal package and find traces of pests. Flour mites can wreak real havoc on your food. Once in the cupboard, they can quickly contaminate all products. Before you learn how to control flour mites, you need to learn how to identify the pests.

They are tiny insects that attack not only flour, but also dry goods such as cereal, pancake mix, dried vegetables, cheese and dried fruits. This makes the food unusable. A female mite lays up to 800 eggs during her life cycle of a maximum of one month. Read on to learn how to protect your food.

How can you recognize flour mites?

Flour mites are very difficult to see with the naked eye due to their tiny size and white-gray color. However, there are signs you can use to tell if your food is infested with these pests.

  • Brown, dust-like residues on dry foods are a sure sign that flour mites have settled there.
  • You can also usually smell a minty smell when you crush the flour between your fingers.

Which conditions favor the pests?

These insects prefer dark and wet places. Kitchen cabinets are often very inviting if proper ventilation is not ensured. The pests lay their eggs in the food and feed on food. They also form webs and cocoons that can contaminate food. The larvae break down the food, producing feces, excretions and lumps in the food.

How to combat flour mites

What to do against flour mites? There are some very simple methods to your foodto protect against pests. It is a matter ofHome remedies and natural methods, which are easy for each of us to use. We show the most common methods for combating flour mites.

Store food neatly

If you find mites in your kitchen cabinets, take everything out and clean the cabinets. Do not leave food packaging open, but store all products in airtight containers. Do not leave leftover food on the counter, table, or anywhere in the kitchen. This is the easiest way to get rid of flour mites. It just takes a little bit of attention.

Check and clean kitchen cabinets regularly

Also, take the time to check and clean your kitchen cabinets regularly to avoid the risk ofPrevent pests. What's the easiest way to clean the cupboards? Use hot, soapy water. You can also fight flour mites with vinegar by mixing equal parts vinegar and hot water. Lemon juice can successfully replace vinegar and your cabinets will smell pleasant.

Apply the soapy water with a rag or spray the cleaner onto vinegar or lemon juice. Wipe the shelves clean with a rag or paper towel. Allow the surface to dry completely before returning the food, as insects love the moisture.

Fight flour mites with bay leaves and garlic

There are some home remedies that ward off mites. Bay leavesrepels a number of pests, including flour mites. You can use dried or fresh leaves, either works well.

Garlic cloves are also an effective way to ward off flour mites. Just be careful not to add garlic to your baking ingredients. The smell is too strong, so keep garlic in the cupboards but do not mix it with your food.

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Diatomaceous earth against harmful insects

Which remedies for flour mites? Diatomaceous earth kills various insect pests, including flour mites. This method kills the flour mites as they travel through the diatomaceous earth film, preventing an infestation from spreading to your dry goods. The substance sticks to the mites' bodies, causing their protective outer covering to wear away and them to dry out.Make sure you use food grade diatomaceous earth. Make sure pantries are free of flour before applying the diatomaceous earth.

Make your own repellent with essential oils

Essential oils like tea tree, eucalyptus, neem, and pine are scents that flour mites don't like, so they stay far away from where you spray it. How to use essential oil?

  • Add 2 cups of water to a spray bottle with 2 teaspoons of the essential oil of your choice.
  • Shake the ingredients and spray the mixture on pantry shelves and cupboards every few days to deter flour mites.
  • Another method is to soak cotton balls in essential oil and place them in the corners of your cabinets. Replace the cotton balls if they have dried out or no longer give off a strong smell.

How dangerous are flour mites for your health?

Eating flour mites, live or dead, is unlikely to cause you serious harm. Some people are allergic and react within minutes of eating contaminated food. Seek immediate medical attention if you develop any of the following symptoms after eating potentially contaminated food.

  • weakness
  • nausea
  • Hives
  • Swollen throat
  • Difficulty breathing

Important: You should not give your pets infected food, as animals can experience allergic reactions, diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and other unpleasant consequences after eating mites.

Also read: Baking soda against ants, snails, aphids and mites: How effective is the home remedy actually?