Mosquito plague 2022: Which flowers and herbs really help against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are probably the most unpopular insects in the world - and rightly so! Their persistence can quickly ruin a barbecue or a picnic in the great outdoors. Mosquito sprays are not always practical, and non-natural remedies are extremely harmful to both the environment and you. Luckily, there are a handful of mosquito repellent plants that can repel the pests and save your summer garden vacation.

There are several plants that have mosquito-repellent properties, some of which even deter other garden pests. But there are also some that don't work at all. Many plants are often advertised as having mosquito repelling properties, but in most cases there is little to no scientific evidence to support these claims. That's why we have created this list in which you will not only find the best plants that repel mosquitoes, but also those that only have a good reputation but do not protect against the pests at all.

While many of these mosquito-repelling plants contain certain amounts of citronella and other pest-repelling oils, simply planting them won't necessarily solve your mosquito problems. In most cases, you will need to grate, crush, or cut these plants to release their valuable oils.

Lemongrass against mosquitoes

We'll start our list with the obvious. Citronella or West Indian lemongrass has a scientifically proven effect against biting mosquitoes. The one contained thereinessential oil repels mosquitoes, which is why it is included in various insect repellent products such as candles, sprays and bracelets.

The citronella plant gives off a delicious lemony scent, which is why it is often confused with lemongrass. The two also look very similar, but are in fact very different plants.

This mosquito repellent plant doesn't release its essential oil on its own - it needs a little help. All you have to do is chop or cut a few blades of grass and the citronella oil is released. For example, you can rub the cut grass blades directly on your clothes or skin to keep the stinging insects away.

Get rid of annoying mosquitoes with lavender

Lavender, with its delicious scent, is one of the most popular plants for the garden and terrace. While this scent pampers our noses, the mosquitoes simply cannot tolerate it. Studies show that it has a similar effect on mosquitoes as DEET (diethyltoluamide), which is used to make anti-mosquito sprays.

Lavender has a double effect against pests. In addition to the strong scent, the plant also contains linalool - a type of alcohol that repels mosquitoes.

To fully utilize lavender's defensive effects, it must be crushed or cut. How you can use this fragrant plant against mosquitoesfind out in this article.

Catnip is a good anti-mosquito plant

This lavender-like plant is known for giving our feline friends a euphoric high. But catnip is more than just an herb for cats. Their sweet little flowers with purple polka dotsbring color to your garden in no time.

In addition, catnip repels various insects, including mosquitoes. The chemical compound nepetalactone, which attracts cats, deters mosquitoes and other annoying summer pests.

Catnip is one of the few plants that deters mosquitoes on their own. However, there are ways to get the most out of this handy little herb. You can cut a few stems and spread them around your picnic area or patio, or make a simple catnip spray yourself.

Marigolds against stinging insects

Whether for planting beds or attracting beneficial insects, marigolds are always considered a good choice for the garden. Even more so, because marigolds have been found to be a wonderful mosquito deterrent. They are also one of the few plants that are most effective in their herbal form.

During their natural biological processes, marigolds produce chemicals, namely pyrethrum and thiophenes, that are unpleasant to mosquitoes and other summer pests. These chemicals can be released during the crushing of these magnificent plants and the production of marigold essential oil. But they are also highly effective in the garden and often deter mosquitoes just as well as artificial sprays.

Lantana – beautiful and effective against pests

Lantana is one of the most effective flowers against mosquitoes. This beautiful bedding plant is often used in the garden because of its beauty and ability to attract bees. However, this is not everything the plant can do. Several studies have proven the flower's effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes.

Lantana plants well in beds, but it is best to display them in heavily used areas where they can be disturbed. When the leaves and flowers of the plant are crushed or crushed, they give off a strong citronella scent that deters mosquitoes. You can also cut them and incorporate them into cut flower bouquets to bring their beauty and superpowers into your home.

Another surefire way to repel mosquitoes is to dry, shred and burn the leaves. However, do not rub the crushed lantana leaves on your skin as the oil can irritate it.

Does basil also help against mosquitoes?

In recent years, studies have shown that the compounds found in basil are extremely toxic to mosquitoes and their larvae. Basil oil is the most effective mosquito deterrent, but plain basil leaves are also very effective.

While other plants may be better for repelling pesky mosquitoes, basil is a good choice for anyone looking for a multi-purpose plant for their herb garden.

With the power of mint against the mosquito plague in the garden

Mint also finds its place in the list of herbs against mosquitoes. The strong minty scent of all mint varieties effectively repels many pests, with peppermint being the most effective variety. Studies have shown that peppermint, when applied as an oil, can deter mosquitoes for between 45 minutes and 2 hours.

But you don't have to make mint essential oil to take advantage of this herb's mosquito-repelling properties. Fresh mint works wonders, and you can easily make a mint spray for yourself or for an area prone to pests. Simply chop up some fresh mint leaves and steep them in boiling water. Once cool, strain the water and pour your mint mixture into a spray bottle.

These plants are completely useless against mosquitoes

They are often touted as effective, but their effectiveness against stinging insects has not been scientifically proven. Here are the plants that, despite their good reputation, are useless against mosquito infestation in the garden.

  • Rosemary:This herb is a real enrichment in the herb garden, but unfortunately cannot repel mosquitoes from your garden or terrace.
  • Garlic:Studies have shown that rubbing garlic on the skin has some success in...Deterring mosquitoeshas. However, the plant itself has no repellent effect on mosquitoes.
  • Scented geraniums:Still known as the citronella plant, scented geraniums ironically have no proven effect against mosquitoes.
  • Leberbalsam:Although it is touted as an effective mosquito repellent plant, there is no research confirming the pretty purple flower's defenses against mosquitoes.