Does garlic help against mosquitoes? This is the effect it has on the pests!

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a vegetable with a pungent taste and peculiar smell that is used not only as a spice in cooking, but also asRemedies for various physical ailmentsapplies. Garlic grows well in mild to warmer climates (3 to 10) and can be grown year-round. Garlic is related to onion, leek and chives. Garlic is believed to help against mosquitoes and other pests. Find out below whether it can actually keep the pests away!

Garlic as a mosquito repellent

Mosquitoes are one of the natural nuisances of summer and are often referred to as nuisances. The World Health Organization considers them the deadliest animals on the planet because of the diseases they transmit. There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes worldwide, and around 50 in Germany.

Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but also potentially dangerous. People can access theirsStings have an allergic reaction, making summer outdoor trips an unpleasant experience. Even if you're not allergic to mosquito bites, you probably still want the unpleasant onePrevent itching.

Garlic contains the amino acid alliin. When the garlic clove is crushed, chopped or finely blended, enzymes convert alliin into the sulfur compound allicin. This cleavage product not only gives garlic its characteristic taste, but also has many special properties.

Like some people, insects and animals don't like the smell of garlic and therefore stay away. Garlic decoction, for example, is a well-known home remedy against pests such as aphids, fungus gnats, ants and even voles. Garlic works well as an insect repellent on people, sensitive trees, shrubs and lawns that could be harmed by conventional chemical treatments. Garlic is a natural remedy that is effective enough to compete with some synthetic products.

It's a popular belief that eating garlic can also repel mosquitoes, but research doesn't support this.

Consuming large amounts of freshly chopped raw garlic could provide you with protection from mosquitoes, both through the smell on your breath and the sulfur compounds released through your skin. However, the only way to consume so much raw garlic is to chop it up and eat it by the spoonful.

Garlic in oil against mosquitoes

Rubbed on the skin, garlic oil seems to be a better solution than mosquito repellent. Garlic oil also has a soothing and antibacterial effect and makes the skin softer and smoother.

To make a natural repellent, mix 2 chopped cloves of garlic with 250 ml of vegetable oil in a jar. A neutral cooking oil such as sunflower or olive oil can be used for this. Let it sit overnight so the oil can absorb the garlic smell.

Prevent mosquito bites with garlic water

Mixing garlic in various forms with water or other liquids to make a spray has a long history of success. Garlic water and the smell of garlic juice will repel mosquitoes as long as they can detect the smell. The smell of the sprayed garlic juice is no longer noticeable to humans within minutes, but to mosquitoes it lasts much longer.

Mix one part minced garlic with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. The effect is said to last up to 6 hours. Spray wherever you are or on a few pieces of fabric that you then hang on an open window or door.

Studies on the effects of garlic against mosquitoes

The results of scientific studies on garlic vary depending on the research question and the aim of the study. Those who swear by garlic claim that it works, while others are more reserved about its effectiveness.

The majority of studies look at herbal compounds that stop mosquito larval development in order to control populations of mosquitoes that transmit diseases such as dengue and Zika virus.

OneStudy from 2020confirmed the effectiveness of garlic solution at various concentrations in killing the larvae of Aedes sp. The researchers concluded that garlic (Allium sativum) could be used as an alternative ingredient to kill the larvae of Aedes sp. can be used in concentrations of 60% as it kills 100% of the larvae.

In 2016, Aberystwyth University in Wales investigated the use of a feed supplement called Horslyx Garlic on horses. The results showed that horses that had access to the lick mass were attacked by flies up to 64.5 percent less than control horses. The reduction in stimulation made the horses calmer and more sociable.

Can taking garlic tablets repel mosquitoes?

There are now garlic tablets or capsules on the market that, unlike conventional garlic, are odorless.

Christopher Gardner, PhD, a researcher at the Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention,explained in 2003that garlic supplements in pill form may not have the same effect as fresh garlic. The main problem is the active ingredient in garlic, allicin, which is only created when the garlic cloves are injured.

However, it's harder to get allicin from a garlic pill. In some cases, when the pills dissolve in the stomach, the garlic enzyme needed to produce allicin is inactivated. Some pills have an enteric coating, and these pills often pass through the body undissolved.

When it comes to repelling mosquitoes, only fresh, raw garlic helps.