With its red leaves, poinsettias have become an integral part of Advent decorations. But it's even more annoying when the poinsettia leaves curl up. Then it is necessary to act quickly so that the plant does not die. Luckily, there are some “rescue measures” you can take.
Poinsettia leaves curl up: why is that?
The popular potted plant actually comes from Mexico. In this country it can only thrive indoors or in a heated winter garden; the poinsettia has no chance outdoors.
But the wintergreen plant can also die in the house or in the heated winter garden. This is especially true of certain onesCare mistakesattributed. If the plant's leaves curl up, this is a sign that it is stressed and storing energy. The nutrients are supplied only to the main stem and the leaves curl, yellow and fall off. Then all parts of the plant above ground gradually die off and the plant dies.
However, if you react to the first signs such as curled, yellowed or falling leaves, then you canSave the plant.The reason for the curled upLeaves could be quite simple. Most often, this is due to incorrect watering, poor drainage or waterlogging, incorrect location and lack of sunlight, humidity and too much fertilizer.
Water the poinsettia incorrectly
One of the most common reasons for curled leaves is incorrect watering. If the leaves point downwards and are curled downwards, then this is a sign thatthat you have the poinsettiahave poured over. Too much water leads to waterlogging, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the soil and therefore the roots can no longer absorb the water in the soil. To store water, the plant curls its leaves. This keeps evaporation to a minimum.
What you can do depends primarily on how moist the ground actually is. Do the finger test. If the soil is only moderately moist, it is enough to stop watering for a week. Wait for the soil to dry before watering the plant. Of course, you then have to regulate the water quantities. Water the plant less to avoid further problems. Such a care mistake can often occur. This usually happens immediately after purchase, when you cannot yet determine how much and when the poinsettia was last watered.
However, if you have had the plant for a long time and have watered it extensively, waterlogging could form. The roots rot and the poinsettia dies. Check the soil. If it is wet, you need to repot the plant as quickly as possible. Loosen the soil from the roots and check for rot. Cut off any rotting root parts.
Poinsettia leaves turn yellow: Poor drainage and waterlogging
Waterlogging can also have a very negative effect on the plant. It mainly occurs when there is poor drainage. If the holes at the bottom of the pot are blocked, the water cannot drain out. The poinsettia is very sensitive to this. It is also weakened and can be attacked by pests. To prevent this, you should repot the plant as soon as possible.
Cold and drafts
The poinsettia is very sensitive to wind, drafts and low room temperatures. Sometimes just being near an open window is enough. Air conditioning can also have a similar effect. So if the plant leaves curl up and droop, then you may want to change the location of the exotic. Is he now standing next to a door that you open often? Or maybe it is on a windowsill and you ventilate the room several times a day?
As for the cold:Ideal for houseplantsThe room temperature is between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. So if you leave the poinsettia in an unheated room or greenhouse and the temperatures fall below 14 degrees Celsius in the evening, the leaves will curl.
Too dry and polluted air
The exotic plant feels perfect at a humidity of 60%. However, this is not optimal for humans. If the air in the room is too dry, you can regularly spray the plant with water. Another variant is to place the pot in a large saucer and fill the saucepan with river stones. The river stones will absorb the runoff water from the pot and then gradually release it back out.
Smoke (cigarette smoke or chimney smoke), even in minimal quantities, can have a negative effect on the plant. But even in poorly ventilated rooms, the poinsettia can curl up its leaves due to the lack of oxygen.
Another tip: If you buy the poinsettia packaged, remove the packaging when you get home. Because this packaging prevents the supply of oxygen. Would you like to give the poinsettia as a gift? Then either buy a poinsettia right before the event or unpack it at home and then pack it again on the day.
Poinsettia leaves curl up: Not enough direct sunlight
The plant needs direct sunlight. In nature it prefers full sun locations. So place it on a western or southern facing window sill and it will feel wonderful. However, it is important that the window is rarely opened. Otherwise, there is a coffee or dining table near the window.