Would you also like to plant palm trees that are hardy down to minus 20 degrees? Discover which types are suitable below!
Winter-hardy palm trees down to minus 20 degrees – gardening tips
Winters in Germany can be harsh, but in sheltered gardens and under the right conditions, certain hardy palms can certainly survive. However, winter damage is more likely to occur in plants that are in exposed locations or in pots or that have wet roots. The temperatures given are therefore only guidelines. The word ?hardiness? is reserved for older specimens because immature plants are more susceptible to cold-related damage.
Frost-resistant species care for in winter
Palm trees can withstand cooler weather for longer because their trunks grow with age. In areas where cold winters are expected, wrap plants with protective materials. Also, be sure to cover and protect your container palm trees throughout the winter. If you must leave the container outside, wrap it in bubble wrap to protect the roots from frost.
Also interesting:Palm trees overwinter outdoors and indoors: It's that easy to protect the plants from the cold
Chinese hemp palm (Trachycarpus fortunei)
The Chinese hemp palm, scientifically known as Trachycarpus fortunei, can withstand temperatures as low as minus 15 degrees, making it one of the most resilient trees in the world. The evergreen tree's fan-shaped leaves are 90 cm long, grow slowly to moderately, and remain viable in low temperatures if protected. Although strong winds can damage the leaves in cold, exposed locations, this is the only type of palm that can be grown on a large scale. It can even cope with harder clay soils in partially shaded areas.
Zwergpalme (Chamaerops humilis)
The dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis, grows up to 2 meters high. It is wind-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to -12°C. It thrives in partially shaded areas and on heavy clay soils. The growth habit of the palm is characterized by clusters of fan-shaped leaves on a pile of leaning trunks. Since it doesn't grow more than 13 cm per year, this tree is perfect as a shrub palm or houseplant.
needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix)
Needle palms, or Rhapidophyllum hystrix, are fan palms that can withstand temperatures down to -24°C, although they thrive best in warmer summers. It gradually forms clumps of visually appealing deep green leaves that reach a height of 1 meter. One of the most resilient palms is the needle palm. However, the tree is not immediately recognizable as a palm due to its less palm-like appearance, lack of a trunk, and many thin branches radiating from a single base. Animals cannot get to the plant because of the spines that cover the leaves.
Canary Islands date palm (Phoenix canariensis)
The Canary Islands date palm, scientifically known as Phoenix canariensis, isan attractive palm tree, which is both affordable and easily accessible. Gardeners and customers love Phoenix canariensis because it grows quickly in warm areas and grows into a large, striking specimen in just a few years. Even in the milder climates of Germany you can find some very remarkable examples of these palms, which are widespread in Mediterranean communities. Also remember that the date palm does not like snow or even light frost - not below minus 7 degrees. Ideally it thrives in a warm garden, or in a sheltered urban environment.
Tipp:Just make sure you have enough space and watch out for the sharp spines on the underside of the leaves.
Geleepalme (Butia capitata)
Another magnificent palm tree that amazes everyone with its indestructibility. Jelly palm is a feather palm native to Chile and Argentina with attractive, arching, gray-green leaves on a sturdy trunk. You can grow jelly palms: As long as they have good drainage, they will survive the worst weather conditions. This palm tree is frost tolerant down to around minus 10 degrees. You can even make jam or jelly from the ripe fruits harvested in late summer.
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