Winter birds in January: These species regularly visit the feeding area in the garden or on the balcony

If you put up bird feeders in winter, you can be sure that a variety of birds will feed in these places. Wondering how to find out what type of birds are feeding at your feeders and what winter birds to see in January? Here we show you the five most common types.

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Winter birds in January: sparrows

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The sparrow is a small bird whose color consists of gray, brown and black. The belly and head have light colors. Coloration in these areas varies from gray to brown, small black areas may be present. The wings and tail are always darker in color. Depending on the species, the back of the bird's head is colored in a certain color, and white stripes may be present on the wings.

The beak is usually black and the tail is short. The eyes are small and resemble a pearl. Adult birds typically grow up to 14 cm, but some, particularly large ones, reach up to 18 cm. The bird weighs about 35 g and has a wingspan of 27 to 30 cm.

The males are usually larger than the females, which makes it possible to tell them apart. This small size helps the sparrows remain inconspicuous in the foliage of trees and hide from predators.

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Birds from the tit family are characterized by their incredible mobility and activity. Despite the factthat it is for birds, which are in constant flight, it is difficult to lurk in one place, they are absolutely undemanding in terms of the choice of their habitat.

Thanks to the strength and development of their legs, they can survive in adverse weather conditions, even if they are unable to seek shelter in the nest. In such situations, the birds cling to a branch with their claws, curl up into a small fluffy ball and quickly fall asleep. This ability makes life much easier for them in times of severe frost.

Finches visit the garden in winter

Photo: Gerdzhikov / shutterstock

There are now a large number of small birds in the local forests and fields that are classified as “sparrow-sized” or “slightly smaller than a sparrow”. One of these fairly widespread but little-known birds is the finch.

The bird belongs to the finch family, which includes many species. Each of these species has the name finch with an additional definition, such as: E.g. “branchinch”, “Himalayan finch” and so on.

Despite its low visibility, the bird is quite striking in appearance. The back, tail and top of the head of these birds are dark, almost black, the belly and tail stripes are white, while the chest and shoulders are ocher or orange.

The wings have alternating black and orange-red stripes with white markings. Adult males aged 3 years and over are the brightest colored, especially in the warm season: their orange, black and white plumage tones are saturated and form contrasting spots. Young males and females look duller, the color spots are weak and blend smoothly into one another.

Winter birds in the garden: blackbirds

Foto: J.M.Abarca / shutterstock

Blackbirds are considered the largest of the thrushes, as the body of an adult bird is up to a quarter of a meter long and reaches a maximum body weight of around 125 grams. The bird is easy to recognize because it is characterized by its almost black coloring. Young specimens and females are characterized by brown plumage.

It should be noted that it is underthese feathered birdsThere are also albinos who clearly stand out from their fellows. They are particularly common in urban areas, which has a positive effect on their populations. In the wild, albino thrushes are of interest only to hunters, while in urban areas they are also of interest to individuals of the opposite sex.

Recognize robins at the feeder

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This tiny songbird is a relative of the sparrow, but it is even smaller (about 15 cm). Along with crows, swallows, tits, starlings and many other birds distributed throughout the world, this bird is classified by ornithologists as a passerine - the most extensive group of the entire feathered community.

The robin has an interesting, eye-catching and bright color that gives it individuality and uniqueness. The upper surface of its feather cover from the back of the head to the tail is olive brown or gray with a greenish tinge; the sides of the head, chest, throat and forehead are reddish; the belly is almost white.

The robin's chest is decorated with a bright spot, which, however, differs significantly in outline and shade of color. In males it has a richer color. Such a “cap” that adorns the males occupies a large area that extends from the chest to the neck and further to the head.

Also read:Domestic winter birds: How to help them survive the cold months more easily!