Make your own worm compost: Tips for producing your own biomass and the advantages of worm composting

Are you planning to produce a natural and inexpensive fertilizer for your plants by making your own vermicompost? The following information and advice will help you!

Foto: Shutterstock / Sanford Tullis

Using compost as fertilizer can both improve the structure of the garden soil and increase crop production. In addition, organic waste can be converted into valuable worm humus in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, which can be used widely. A so-called worm composter is also easy to maintain if you familiarize yourself with the process and care. However, there are also some factors to consider in order to achieve the best possible results. Below you can find out what they are and how to make your own version correctly.

Why build your own worm castings and what should you pay attention to?

Foto: Shutterstock / Jurga Jot

Although there are numerous commercial opportunities todayImproving garden soilchemical-based fertilizers can prove to be harmful to the environment. Another disadvantage is of course the high costs that accumulate in the long term and make gardening expensive. In contrast, the soil in greenhouses and gardens can be made nutritious naturally. This can increase yield as well as improve the taste of fruits and vegetables and make crops last longer. Therefore, it would make sense to find out about the peculiarities of vermicomposting, and here are some of the most important of them:

  • First and foremost, it is important to choose the right location if you are building your own worm castings. Although composting is easier indoors, the garden area is also suitable for it. Depending on whether you choose a container, pit or compost heap, you should choose a flat surface for it.
  • It is also important to choose a shady and protected location for your worm composter. Otherwise, certain weather conditions such as strong winds or direct sunlight can have a negative impact on the process.
  • When using vermicomposting, it is also advisable to have access to it yourselfEarthworms found in the soilto the compost not to be blocked. Allow them to participate in the process by using leaves or straw under a layer of garden waste as bedding.
  • Worm selection is an equally important aspect, with species such as Eisenia fetida, common earthworms and California redworms being ideal for this purpose. The latter are more active and can accelerate the process of decomposition of organic waste. However, they are sensitive to feeding and temperatures and can die quickly when exposed to cold temperatures and improper care. It is therefore advisable to rely on native species that are used to local conditions. However, this can slow down the decomposition process.

How is vermicomposting done?

Photo: Shutterstock / Fevziie

You can compost organic waste with worms either outdoors or indoors and in greenhouses. You can also build your own raised bed with worm composter to prevent weeds and plant diseases. To do this, you need to feed the worms in the individual beds with cold compost twice a week. To make them feel comfortable, you should also provide the appropriate conditions depending on the situation, such as:

  • In the summer or when outside temperatures are normal, you can easily breed the little helpers in the garden area.
  • When it comes to feeding, leaves, kitchen waste and older horse manure are ideal food for outdoor compost worms.
  • Initially, you will need to feed the worms two to three times a week so that they multiply quickly and become more efficient. Their population can be regulated by the amount of food they eat.
  • It is also important that the worm composter has a constant temperature outside and is always moist and well ventilated.
  • In winter, cellars, garden sheds or other well-protected rooms with high humidity are suitable for this type of compost. For this purpose, the temperature inside should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius and there should be no direct daylight.
  • To continue worm farming next season, you can create a pit that is warm and breathable. The optimal dimensions for this are 1.2 x 1.5 meters and a depth of 40 cm. The indoor temperature should be higher than the freezing level of the garden soil.
  • To protect against moles or mice, you can line the walls with cardboard or fleece before filling the pit with rotted manure and adding the worms.
  • In order to maintain optimal biomass, the compost worms also need certain foods. The most suitable of these are rotten, unfermented fruits and vegetables, ground eggshells, and coffee grounds/tea, which you give them in portions.

Otherwise, you can make your own version to nourish plants with homemade fertilizer using the following instructions and tips.

Proceed step by step and build your own vermicompost

Photo: Shutterstock / Mariana Serdynska

In order to utilize organic waste and convert it into worm castings, we recommend building a worm composting container. For this purpose, you can use worms from the garden center or, depending on availability, from your own garden soil. You will also need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 opaque plastic containers with lids, such as storage containers or plastic tubs (at least 30 cm deep)
  • 1 small pot or brick
  • Newspaper or cardboard
  • Food residue and possibly garden waste
  • Drills with 2 mm and 4 mm attachments
  • old tights or fine-mesh net
  • Pencil or marker

Exemplary construction instructions

Foto: Shutterstock / Delpixel
  • First, use a marker or pencil to mark the locations for 4 holes on the top 4 sides of the container.
  • Do the same for about 20 to 30 holes in the bottom, depending on the size of the container. You should also make small holes on the lid for better air circulation.
  • Then start making one plastic container with small holes in the bottom for ventilation and drainage of excess liquid. It is best to drill these at a distance of one centimeter, using the points marked beforehand for orientation. You can use the 4 mm attachment for the holes on the base and the 2 mm attachment for the lid.
  • Next, place one pot or brick in the center of the non-perforated container before placing the other one with the holes on top. This ensures that the liquid can flow freely from top to bottom.
  • Then crumple up damp newspaper or cardboard and place a layer of it on the bottom of the perforated container. This way the worms cannot escape downwards while the container is properly ventilated.
  • The next step is to cover the layer with tights or netting to secure the compost with the worms.
  • Only then can you add compost worms depending on the size of the container, although a handful would usually be enough.
  • Then start filling the container with various plant and kitchen waste. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits, dairy products and meat should be avoided.
  • Now place the lid on top and repeat feeding the worms with similar products in layers.
  • After a few weeks to months you should receive the worm humus.

Care for the finished compost and collect it correctly

Foto: Shutterstock / Photography by Adri

After following the steps above, it is advisable to also protect the vermicompost from insect infestation and light. Check for fruit flies and regularly make beds out of leaves or damp paper. However, avoid using magazines and glossy paper and stack everything into the corners for a good seal. As already written, you can only expect finished compost in a few weeks and then proceed as follows:

  • After the worms become established, they typically eat their own weight in food each day. Depending on the number of worms, you should also adjust the amount of compost material.
  • Try to feed the worms a variety of products, occasionally adding coffee grounds or fruit peels. They break down food like rotten fruits more quickly, while vegetables like cabbage take more time.
  • Bury food residue deeper to reduce the risk of bad smells.
  • The finished vermicompost has an earthy smell and a dark brown color similar to coffee grounds. In order for you to collect it, you need to attract the compost worms with fresh food and let them migrate to the opposite side of the compost bin.
  • Be patient and after a few days carefully collect the finished compost while all the worms are in the other area.
  • Another option is to remove the upper container and collect the compost tea from the lower one as well. You can use it as a very nutritious and natural fertilizer for houseplants or for the plants in your garden.
Foto: Shutterstock / Ashley-Belle Burns

This simple type of vermicomposting allows you to reduce waste products in an environmentally friendly way and produce nutrient-rich worm castings for your plants. Since this is a biomass, it is still important to consider the needs of the worms. This is the only way you can build valuable vermicompost yourself and keep it for a long time.