Yucca palm has yellow leaves: what can you do? These care measures can save the houseplant!

The Yucca palm brings a touch of exoticism into your own four walls. To ensure that their long, dark green leaves please the eye for a long time, proper care plays a crucial role. However, if the plant doesn't feel comfortable, it quickly becomes noticeable. If the Yucca palm gets yellow leaves, you should quickly find the cause and solve the problem. Otherwise the sensitive exotic could die.

Does your yucca palm have yellow leaves? That could be the reason

The Yucca palm is actually considered an extremely easy-care plant that feels at home in every house and apartment. It can easily withstand longer dry periods and is therefore perfect for people who have little time and travel frequently. However, if the exotic is not feeling well, this will be noticeable in its leaves. There are various reasons why these turn yellow. We list the most common ones:

Normal aging processes

The young leaves are dark green and upright. Over time they become lighter and lighter until they finally turn yellow. It is normal for the Yucca palm to have two-three yellow leaves each season. You can pluck or cut these off once a month, because yellowed and dry leaves are an entry point for fungi and bacteria.

Yucca palm yellowing: too much or too little sunlight

The Yucca palm is a true sun worshiper, but can also thrive in a sunny spot. A window sill with a southern or western orientation proves to be optimal. If the leaves are only falling off one side of the plant, then that side probably gets little or no direct sunlight. In this case, a change of location is necessary so that all leaves receive equal sunlight.

If the Yucca palm leaves its leaves drooping: incorrect watering

Like all desert plants, the palm tree easily withstands long periods of drought. Too much water leads to waterlogging, which the plant tolerates poorlyleaves the leaves hanging. It's best to water sparingly, otherwise the roots can rot and the plant dies. Allow the soil to dry and then water the plant until the water drains through the drainage holes in the pot. Discard the excess water that has collected in the trivet.

If the yucca has yellow leaves and brown tips: the humidity is too low

Humidity can also have a negative effect on the growth of the yucca. If the air is too dry, the leaves yellow and the tips turn brown. You can prevent this by repositioning the yucca or ventilating your living spaces more often.

For new plants: Stress from repotting can cause leaf drop

The yucca is one of the few exotic plants that also thrives outdoors. Of course, this can vary greatly from species to species. If you bought a Yucca filamentosa in a pot and then planted it in the garden, the plant will be stressed. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. First place the yucca palm outdoors for a few hours, then bring it back indoors in the evening. Over the next few days, the stay in the garden should become longer and longer. At the end of the week you can plant them in the bed.

But Yucca species that were specifically bred as houseplants can also be sensitive to transplanting. Unfortunately, in this case there is not much you can do. Choose a suitable place in the winter garden or in an unheated room and place the plant there. It will recover soon if you leave the yucca alone.

Yucca palm has yellow leaves: a sign of diseases and pests

Fortunately, the exotic species is rarely attacked by pests. Spider mites and aphids nest when the plant has weakened. If you have noticed fine, white ghosts, then they are most likely spider mites. The leaves develop yellow spots and fall off. To prevent this, cut off the affected parts of the plant immediately, rinse the leaves and spray the plant with rapeseed oil.

Aphids form a sticky coating on the leaf surface. The pests can be found on the underside of the leaves and can be seen with the naked eye. First aid measures include showering the leaves and spraying them with rapeseed oil. Yellow leaves and diseased plant parts are cut off immediately.

One of the particularly dangerous and common diseases of the yucca palm is root rot. Plants that are overwatered often fall victim to it. The disease can be caused by both bacteria and fungi. The only remedy is to cut off the affected parts of the plant, while the only rescue measure is to cut off the damaged roots as quickly as possible. Then you should repot the plant using fresh soil. Adding fertilizer will help ensure that the yucca gets enough useful nutrients in the new pot.