No one wants to see their calathea go from bright and shiny to sad and limp. In order to preserve the plant in its full splendor, it requires careful handling of its bright, enchanting foliage and its temperamental nature. Calathea droops leaves if not cared for properly. In this article, we'll look at the different causes of the drooping leaves and how to fix them.
Calathea leaves its leaves drooping: why is that?
Calathea plants require water to create turgor pressure in their leaves and stem cells to allow them to stand upright. The plant hangs when water pressure is lost in a cell, either due to too much moisture loss or becausethe roots of the plantcannot absorb water quickly enough.
Now let's look at some of the reasons why the leaves of a calathea plant may droop.
There are six main causes:
- Underwatering
- Overwatering
- Low humidity
- Tangled roots
- Shock when repotting
- Dusty leaves
1. Due to underwatering the plant becomes limp
Have you forgotten the last time you watered your calathea? If this is the case, there is a good chance the plant will become limp due to underwatering. Interestingly, drooping also serves as the plant's survival mechanism to reduce further water loss by reducing the surface area of the leaves.
Here's how to tell if the plant isn't getting enough water:
Use your finger to check whether the soil is still moist or dry. Check to see if the leaves curl, crisp, or turn light brown. If this is the case, it may be an indication that the plant has not received enough water.
Fortunately, an underwatered Calathea is easy to revive:Soak the soil for a few minuteswith plenty of waterand allow the water to drain completely. In a few hours your plant should be like new again. Also trim off the crispy, dead leaves so the plant can put more energy into growing new leaves. Also, plan a regular watering schedule for your calathea to prevent it from becoming waterlogged again.
2. Calathea droops leaves due to overwatering
Calathea droops leaves when it gets too much water. Overwatering eliminates air pockets in the soil, preventing the roots from breathing and absorbing enough oxygen. This eventually leads to root rot, which prevents the plant from absorbing water and nutrients.
How to tell if Calathea has been overwatered:
Yellowed and drooping leaves are classic signs that the plant is being overwatered. Check that the soil is still moist two weeks after the last watering. This is often a sign that the soil does not drain well, causing water to accumulate. Remove your calathea from the pot and inspect it for root rot. If the roots are soft, mushy and dark brown/black, your calathea has been overwatered.
How to Fix an Overwatered Calathea:Repot your plant in a well-drained and aerated potting mix. You can also use pine bark or perliteinto the potting soilto improve the drainage properties. If you notice root rot, you will need to cut off the dead roots and treat them with hydrogen peroxide before repotting them in a new pot. Make sure your pot has enough drainage holes.
3. Low humidity leads to water loss
Remember how water moisture moves from an area of higher moisture content to one of lower moisture content? When humidity is low, the Calathea loses more water through transpiration through its leaves. Because the roots cannot replace lost moisture quickly enough, the leaves begin to wilt.
How do you recognize a calathea that is suffering from low humidity?
Both underwatering and low humidity can cause leaves to curl, droop, brown, or crisp. To determine whether your plant is suffering from low humidity or drought, consider investing in a hygrometer.
How to Improve Humidity for Calathea:Calatheas like a moist environment and thrive best when placed in a room with humidity above 60%. Buy a humidifierfor your plantsand turn it on for a few hours every day between sunrise and noon or when the air feels very dry.
4. Tangled roots leave no room for potting soil
Your calathea's roots are forced to grow in a circular manner and follow the shape of the pot. This eventually causes your plant's roots to form a tight mass, leaving no room for soil. If there is no more space for soil in the pot, the calathea will no longer absorb water or nutrients. Instead, the leaves droop due to lack of water.
How do you recognize tangled roots?
Stunted growth is a common sign. The roots may protrude from the drainage holes and the soil surface because there is no longer room for the roots to grow.
To determine if the plant has tangled roots, you must remove the entire plant from the pot. The roots look like a solid pot of roots, which suggests that your calathea has been rooted for too long.
How to Fix Root Bound Calathea:Shecan your plantsimply repot into a larger pot. Another way to propagate rooted calathea is the division technique. You may need to divide the roots with a sharp, clean blade or scissors. Make sure each cutting contains part of the root system and is attached to a stem.
5. Avoid shock when repotting
When repotting, you can avoid damaging the calathea plant's fine roots. If damage is done, it can slow down water absorption. If the roots cannot absorb enough water to replace water loss through transpiration, they lose strength and begin to droop.
How to Fix Calathea Transplant Shock:A plant that has suffered shock needs proper care and time to adapt to the new environment before growing again. Do not give the plant fertilizer at this time as it can burn the new root growth. Your Calathea will recover from transplant shock within three to four weeks.
6. Clean dusty leaves
According to a study, the accumulation of dust on the leaves of the calathea can increase the temperature and transpiration rate of the leaves. If the roots are not enoughabsorb waterTo compensate for the loss of transpiration, the plants start to droop, as already mentioned.
How to Clean Dusty Calathea Leaves:The leaves of your plants should be cleaned regularly to prevent dust from accumulating. Set a weekly or biweekly schedule to wipe dust off your plants' leaves. Use damp cloths to gently wipe the top and bottom of each leaf. Be sure to hold the opposite side of the leaves with your palm to avoid injuring the stems. You can also apply neem oil to the cloth to protect the leaves from possible pest infestation.