Making your own fertilizer for houseplants may sound like an intimidating science experiment, but in reality, it's a super easy way to save money by using things you already have at home. Not only is it cost-effective, but it is also an environmentally friendly and natural way to provide your houseplants with essential nutrients. Here we show you how to make fertilizer for your houseplants yourself using home remedies.
Use crushed eggshells for nutrients
Calcium is an extremely important nutrient for your plants' ability to form new cells and therefore for the overall growth of the plant. Eggshells contain a high concentration of calcium. They also contain traces of elements such as nitrogen, zinc and phosphoric acid. Using eggshells as fertilizer is very easy as houseplant food. Be sure to rinse the trays before using or storing to reduce the chance of mold growth. Once you have enough peels, you can simply crush them with a rolling pin in their freezer bag or use a coffee grinder to make them into peel powder. You can either mix the eggshells directly into the soil when potting your plant or work them into the surface of an existing plant.
Make your own houseplant fertilizer from banana peels
Not only are bananas a tasty snack for healthy people, but they can also provide a beneficial nutritional boost forDisplay your houseplants. Bananas provide the soil with a healthy amount of potassium, which is helpful for plants. There are several ways to use bananas to improve soil. The first method is to make a type of banana peel “tea.” Storing old banana peels in a jar of water for a few days will transfer the nutrients from the peels into the water. This water can then be used to water your plants. A similar method to the one described above is to puree the banana peels in water and use it immediately. You can also cut banana peels into pieces and work them into the soil, although this method is more commonly used outdoors.
Used coffee grounds for houseplants
Used coffee grounds are an excellent source of nitrogen,that helps your houseplantsto form strong foliage. You can easily make your own houseplant fertilizer from coffee grounds by using it as a top dressing. It is recommended to allow the coffee grounds to dry before sprinkling them in a thin layer on the ground. This helps prevent mold growth. You can also make a liquid coffee grounds fertilizer by soaking the coffee grounds in a glass of water for about a week, similar to banana peels. This will provide you with nitrogen-enriched water to feed your plants.
Green tea improves the oxygenation of the soil
Green tea bags or used green tea leaves are another good way to fertilize acid-loving plants. Green tea leaves contain tannic acid, which helps lower the pH of the soil. They also contain a high concentration of nutrients and improve the oxygen supply to the soil so that the roots can thrive. You can give your plants one about every four weeksInfusion from a bag of green teaper two liters of water so that they can grow strong and healthy. Make sure the water cools before giving it to your plants. Used green tea leaves can also be composted or incorporated directly into the soil.
Molasses provides plants with important minerals
Molasses is a tried-and-true miracle cure for providing plants with homemade fertilizer that has been adopted by the commercial organic fertilizer industry. Everyone knows that these branded organic fertilizers are not cheap, but molasses is. So why not make your own houseplant fertilizer at home? Molasses provides plants with a rich source of carbon, potassium, calcium, manganese, potash, copper, magnesium, iron and other important minerals. As an added bonus, molasses is also a food source for the beneficial microorganisms that live in the soil. The molasses, usually found in nutrient-rich compost teas, gives a sugary boost to the microorganisms brewing in the tea. This promotes rapid growth and a diverse ecosystem to nourish your soil.
Make your own houseplant fertilizer from Epsom salt
Epsom salt can be used asspecific fertilizer for plantsare used that are deficient in magnesium or sulfur. Magnesium is one of the essential building blocks of the chlorophyll molecule. This means that magnesium is the reason for a plant's healthy, bright green color. If there is a magnesium deficiency, the green fades and yellowing occurs at the edges and between the veins of the leaves. It is important not to use Epsom salt in excess. If you add other composts or natural fertilizers, it is unlikely that there is a magnesium or sulfur deficiency and therefore Epsom salt is not needed.
Wood ash to increase alkalinity
The addition ofAshes from burnt woodto your potting soil is a simple and safe way to increase the pH, i.e. alkalinity. Wood ash also provides a healthy dose of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which are beneficial to many plant species. Just like Epsom salt, adding wood ash to your soil is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It should only be used when necessary or it could harm plants if alkali levels are already high enough. To find out if wood ash is a good addition to your potting soil, you should do a pH test to make sure the soil pH is below 6.5. If the value is above 6.5, wood ash could be harmful to plants. If you want to increase the alkalinity level of your soil, you can simply sprinkle the ash on the surface of the soil and gently incorporate it. Then water immediately.
Gelatin powder as a nitrogen boost
Nitrogen is absolutely necessary for healthy plant growth. Gelatin powder is an easy source of a little nitrogen boost that will help your plant grow strong and healthy foliage. This is especially helpful for plants like elephant ears or monstera plants, which are known for their large, attractive leaves. The recommended dose of gelatin is to dissolve a 7g pack of gelatin in a liter of water. Pour this solution directly onto the soil about once a month.
Add used cooking water for micronutrients
When foods like pasta, vegetables, or eggs are cooked, many of the important micronutrients that plants need are released into the water. These include nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium. Using cooking water to water your plants has a number of benefits. Not only is it a free source of nutrients that would otherwise simply be poured down the drain, but it also promotes nutrient retention in the soil and the soil's ability to retain water. This is helpful for plants like ferns or umbrella plants that prefer moist conditions.
Use corn gluten meal as homemade fertilizer
Corn gluten meal is a byproduct of processing corn using the wet milling process. It contains 10% nitrogen and this is beneficial, especially for plants with a lot of foliage. Apply a thin layer of corn gluten meal to the surface of the soil and gently scrape it in. However, corn gluten flour should only be used in moderation.