Lemon trees are popular with many homeowners and for a good reason. They give an exotic flair for a house and the fruits are so healthy and refreshing. If your tree has problems, he needs special care. A common problem with lemon trees happens when the leaves have cried. Fortunately, there are solutions so that your lemon tree stays healthy and looks good! Your lemon tree leaves roll up? Read on because weCauses of the problemand show how they can help.
The most common causes of the curls of lemon tree leaves
Why do the leaves roll from the lemon tree? The problem may be caused because of an illness that lemon tree leaves. Blattfall can occur. There are also several reasons in connection with false growth conditions when the leaves of lemon trees are curling. Here are the most important and below we explain the causes and the corresponding solutions.
Wrong irrigation can lead to rolled -up leaves
Lemon trees need regular water, but too much water can also cause your leaves to curl up. Make a well -permeable soil for your trees to avoid the leaves. The floor should be damp but not wet.Lemon trees don't thrive wellIn swampy areas or heavy clay that holds a lot of water back. They naturally grow in well -drained soils with a high proportion of organic substances. If you have watered too much, let the earth dry out completely before pouring the lemon tree again. And if the situation has become too bad and the roots have developed waterlogging, you can repott the tree.
Dryness is one of the most common reasons for curling the leaves of lemon trees. In the event of under irrigation, rolled -up leaves occur in the lemon tree. If the leaves of your lemon tree roll up even though they are still green, this can be due to insufficient irrigation. Leaves that look shrinky and frizzy usually indicate that the lemon tree has dry leaves. Citrus trees prefer when the top five centimeters of the floor dry out between the casting processes, followed by a generous watering, about once a week. You can also mulch your tree to keep the moisture in the ground. This is particularly important in hot, dry weather.
Avoid extreme temperatures
Why are the leaves on the lemon tree still curl? Lemon trees are tropical plants and prefer warm weather. Low temperatures can cause the leaves of the citrus plants to curl. If your lemon tree is exposed to temperatures below freezing, the leaves become brown and die. In this case, cut off the damaged leaves.
The leaves can also damage too high temperatures. Excessive heat can lead to the plant drying out and the leaves curl. In this case you can simply put your tree to a shady location. If you pour your citrus plant more often in the summer months, it can better recover.
Lemon tree leaves roll up with nutrient -poor soils
Lemon trees are strong consumers and so that they thrive well, they must be fertilized regularly in spring and summer. If there is a nutrient deficit, rolled -up leaves can occur in the lemon tree. Potted plants are more susceptible to lack of nutrients if they have been in the same pot for years, since the roots exhaust the available nutrients. If there is a lack of magnesium and potassium in the ground, the plant suffers and the leaves roll and become yellow. You can use a citrus fertilizer to fix the lack of nutrients. Composted crap canAs an organic fertilizercan be used for citrus trees that can be incorporated into the ground around the tree or used as mulch. It is an excellent source for organic fabrics and other nutrients for citrus trees.
The leaves of the lemon tree are curling due to pests
Like most plants, lemon trees are also susceptible to pests that can lead to their leaves curl. The most common pests that affect lemon trees include aphids, spider mites, scale insects and psyllids. These pests suck the juice from the leaves of the lemon tree and so the leaves deform. In the event of an infestation with aphids or spider mites, spray the tree a week with insecticide soap or neem oil until the pests have disappeared! For good results, you have to drink the entire sheet, including the underside, well.
The citrus moth does not eat like other insects by eating plant juices, but by drilling through leaves. The citrus moth leaves white or yellow lines on the green surface of their host plants, which makes them very striking!
Lemon tree cause diseases rolling up the leaves
A citrus disease can lead to the leaves of the lemon tree. Lemon tree leaves aresusceptible to fungal diseases. They are most commonly affected by botrytis and bacterial fire.Botrytisis a graywater that can affect lemon trees under damp or wet conditions. The fungus means that the citrus trees lose their flowers and throw fruit. Take your tree well so that you avoid this disease. Do not pour excessively and let your tree get enough sun. If you find signs of botrytis, cut back sick branches and infected leaves immediately.
Bacterial diseasescan cause the leaf for citrus trees. What signs occur? Before the leaves of the lemon tree drop, they wither, roll up and dry up on the tree. Bacteria get into the leaves of the tree through wounds, wind damage or insect eating. It is important to treat the leaf rolledness of the citrus trees caused by a fungal disease as soon as possible. The earlier you treat the disease, the better.