Which flowers to plant under trees: These 8 blooming beauties will enrich your garden!

Not only can you design your garden in sunny locations, but you can also plant trees under it so that you can enjoy beautiful flowers anywhere outside. Of course, not all flowers are suitable for shade. What flowers to plant under trees and what blooms in the shade under trees? Read on because we have put together a list of suitable plants for you. Most flowers are easy to care for, so creating such a garden will not be difficult for you, even if you are a beginner.

How do you prepare the location and what needs to be taken into account?

If youblooming flowers under treesIf you want to plant, clear up the site first. Cut off the lower branches of the trees. This means the garden looks tidy and the plants get more light. When tilling the soil under the tree, be careful not to damage the tree. Be careful with the roots of the trees.

It's best to dig holes for each plant so you avoid damaging the tree's shallow root system. You fill every hole withcomposted organic materialso that the plants grow well. Spread a thin layer of mulch, no more than 8 cm, around the base of thetrees and plantsaround, because this is how you store the moisture in the soil.

Plant small plants. Planting under trees should be compact and cute, because large plants grow too tall and try to grow through the lower branches of the tree. They also block sunlight and the view of other smaller plants in the garden.

What flowers can you plant under trees?

Below we will show you some suitable flowers for shade under trees that will bloom beautifully and beautify your garden. Combine the flowers according to your preferences to create a colorful effect. Let's go.

Azaleas and rhododendrons like the shade

Do you like blooming azaleas in the garden? They bear magnificent and bright flowers and are popular with many gardeners. Azaleas and rhododendrons are closely related, which is why they come together in this list.Both busheshave the same needs, they love acidic soil and are therefore well suited to underplanting trees. What you should keep in mind is that these shrubs need a pH between 4.4 and 6.0. They need consistent moisture for their leaves to develop well.

What flowers to plant under trees: Impatiens

You can also choose annual flowers for yourGarden under treeschoose. Impatiens are annual plants, but when planted under trees they are very magnificent. These flowers are classic underplants and tolerate deep shade. However, don't forget the plantsfertilize regularlyand to water. There are many color options, and you can bring a colorful mood to the garden when you grow impatiens under trees.

Pansies and violets are hardy

Pansies and violets are hardy flowers and thrive in both full sun and shade. They bloom best when planted under trees in spring. This allows them to bloom both before and after the leaves of the trees above them fall. They are relatively easy to care for. Water regularly and you will enjoy its magnificent flowers for a long time.

Anemone loves shady locations

Anemone or also known as Greek windflower blooms in spring and autumn. The flower is well suited for ground cover and is very easy to care for. Just don't let them dry out and protect them from the blazing sun. The multi-colored flowers will delight you for a long time when you use the plantunder a treegrow.

Plant begonias under trees

A favorite of many gardeners, the begonia is another classic option for the understory garden. Begonias come in all sorts of colors, including yellow, pink, white and orange. Typically grown as annuals, they add colorful blooms to your garden all summer long. The flowers are easy to care for. Don't leave them without water if you want to enjoy your flowers longer.

Tree peony grows well under trees

This shrub produces particularly large flowers that are a real eye-catcher in the garden. Not all types of peoniesthrive well in the shadeof a tall tree, but the tree peony does. The plant is a woody shrub that loses its leaves in the fall, but the woody stems still remain. Be sure to plant the cute flower in your garden under a tree and you will enjoy a colorful outdoor flair.

Columbine is native to forests

Columbine is a delicate flower native to forests. It loves shady locations and thrives very well in the shade of a tree. It comes in a variety of vibrant colors (red, blue, white, pink, purple and yellow), and you'll be amazed at how beautiful this flower will make your garden look.

Bergenia for planting under trees

This is another unique perennial that you should consider growing in the shade of your favorite tree in the garden. Typically grown as a ground cover, bergenia can brighten up an area with its gorgeous green leaves and colorful flowers.