Can plants tolerate lemon juice? Does it help your house and garden plants? It seems so! You definitely want to try these cool lemon juice tricks for plants as soon as possible.
The use of this citrus juice on crops is one of many unusual techniques for maintaining their health. We know it seems strange, but this liquid has its benefits! Using lemon juice on orchids and many other garden and house plants is one of the many creative ways to maintain their health. Discover helpful tips on how to use this citrus juice below.
Lemon juice for plants: watering and enriching the soil
However, plants that thrive in an acidic environment can benefit from a very weak lemon juice solution. The roots of acid-loving plants cannot absorb iron in high pH water, leading to nutrient deficiencies. Add 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice to 4 liters of water and stir thoroughly to lower the pH of the water.
Some of the acid-loving plants are:Orchid, arnica, azalea, hydrangea, camellia, bergenia, ferns, mimosa, blueberry, spice bush, kiwi, lilies, calla lily, heath carnation, laurel rose, gardenia, daffodils, jasmine, wisteria, peonies, quince, holly, cranberry, rhododendrons, oleander, primrose species, citrus trees, Horse chestnut, iris species, rowanberry, snowdrop treeu. a.
Lemon juice can regulate the pH value of the soil in acid-loving plants and fertilize and nourish these plants (You can find an investigation here).
Prevent yellow leaves
If plant leaves tend to yellow, you can water the soil twice a week with a mixture of 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 liter of water. Avoid applying this solution to the leaves because it can block the plants' photosynthesis, thereby killing them.
Make your own natural weed killer
To make a natural weed killer, mix 120 ml of lemon juice with 1 liter of water. Stir the mixture and then spray the weeds. By lowering the pH value, the wild growth is killed. This natural remedy has the greatest effect during the warmest times of the day.
Improve germination rate
This citrus juice promotes the development of cell division, allows nutrients to reach the plant parts more quickly and improves the function of certain enzymes. Before planting the seeds, dilute 3 ml of lemon juice in 1 liter of water and water with the solution when planting. After germination, the seedlings can be watered again. The probability of germination is even higher if the hard-shelled seeds are soaked in this solution for at least one night before planting.
Clean leaves of orchids and other houseplants
A natural acid that can clean a variety of surfaces is lemon juice. When used on the leaves, it dissolves dust and debris, acting as an effective cleaning agent. It also does an excellent job of removing the mineral deposits that hard water can leave on the leaves. In addition, lemon has a good aroma and can help maintain a clean environment.
Natural and mild enough to use regularly, lemon juice will brighten up the leaves of your houseplants. If you follow this simple cleaning procedure, your plants will always look beautiful.
- In a bowl, mix 500 ml of water with the juice of half a lemon. Take a cleaning cloth and squeeze out the excess water after dipping the cloth in the lemon water solution. The cloth should not be soaked, but slightly damp.
- Now use the damp cloth to lightly dust the leaves of your houseplant.
To maintain shiny leaves all year round, repeat this technique about once a month. Your plants will quickly look healthier and more vibrant if you stick with this method.
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Keep cut flowers fresher for longer
To ensure that your cut flowers stay beautiful in the vase for a long time, you can use this citrus juice. In 3 liters of lukewarm water, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of non-chlorine bleach and one teaspoon of sugar. Add this mixture to the vase until it covers about a third of the stem to maximize the longevity of your cut flowers.
Also read:Sugar water for orchids: No more limp leaves - enjoy the lush blooms!
Fight aphids
One tablespoon of rock salt dissolved in half a liter of water and three tablespoons of lemon juice canKeep aphids awayto attack your flowers. After thoroughly dissolving the salt while stirring, spray the leaves with the mixture as needed.
Eliminate spider problems
Another effective way to repel spiders is lemon juice. Mix 10 drops of peppermint oil with 10 drops of juice in 250 ml of water. After mixing thoroughly, spray the mixture around the spider web. Alternatively, you can quarter a lemon, fill it with cloves and place it near the spider infested area to repel them.
Get rid of ants
Do ants seem to hang around your plants? To keep them away, spray the area around your planters with a mixture of three teaspoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of lemon juice.
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