With these products you can clean the patio tiles quickly and gently!

With the first rays of sunshine it is also time to spruce up your own four walls so that they shine in a new splendor. The outdoor area, where you spend more time in the summer, also deserves to be refreshed and cleaned after the cold months. In order to make the comfortable and beautiful outdoor space inviting and comfortable again, you first have to clean the patio tiles. In today's article you will learn how you can clean the patio tiles as gently as possible without resorting to chemical cleaners.

How to clean the patio tiles effortlesslyand environmentally friendly with home remedies

Over the winter, moss and algae collect on the patio tiles and must be removed. The longer the panels remain covered, the greater the risk that they will become permeable to water and thus damaged. For the sake of the environment, it is recommendedgentle home remediesaccess. If you stay away from chemical cleaners, you also avoid toxins being washed into the soil and the beds and contaminating them.

Cleaning methodschoose depending on the material

People often trust the power of the water jet and use a high-pressure cleaner to clean the patio tiles. This method would not be suitable for every surface. This cleaning device should even be avoided entirely if the panels are coated. Otherwise the coating can be scratched or even removed.

Before you use a gentle method with home remedies to clean the patio tiles, the dirt should first be swept away with a broom and the patio rinsed with the garden hose. If there are food stains and other coarse dirt on the patio tiles, you can remove them using hot water and a little dishwashing liquid. On the other hand, you can sprinkle any fat splashes from grilling with baby powder and let it soak in for a day. The fat is absorbed into the powder and can then be swept up. Now you can use the home remedies for cleaning patio tiles.

ConcreteTerrace tilesclean

The concrete terrace slabs should always be processed with little water because this material is very absorbent. You can remove coarse dirt using sharp-edged objectsSandremove from the terrace slabs. Spread a small bucket over the terrace and sweep the sand. The dirt is removed and the surface is polished at the same time.

Is it aboutstubborn stains, you can help with the high-pressure cleaner. To prevent the plates from breaking, you should work with an attachment. It is best to seal the joints with joint plaster mortar so that they are not washed out. Another advantage of the mortar is that it prevents weeds from forming again.

Clean wooden panelsUse moss and algae remover

A green covering of moss and algae can often be observed, especially on wooden terrace slabs. If you want to clean the wooden terrace slabs, you can use the tried and tested home remedySodaaccess. You can make one from soda and cornstarchhomemade cleanerproduce. For the soda-starch treatment, you must first mix 3-4 tablespoons of cornstarch with a little lukewarm water to form a paste. Then put the paste in a large pot with 5 liters of lukewarm water and add 100 g of soda.

Soda as a real all-rounder in the household

Boil the liquid. It should have a mushy consistency. Apply the still warm porridge to the wooden terrace slabs with a sponge and leave it to work for 4-5 hours. Remove the soda mixture with a brush and rinse thoroughly. Allow the panels to dry and, if necessary, coat them with wood oil. Treatment with just soda is faster but just as effective. The wooden terrace slabs are sprinkled with soda and rinsed off with a garden hose after one hour.

Terrace tilesSteinclean

You can also safely use the homemade soda-starch cleaner for stone slabs by adding the mixture for an even stronger effectPotassium permanganateadd. Caution is advised when dosing the oxidizing agent. There should be no more than 15 grams in ten liters of water. Use gloves and apply the miracle home remedy to the patio stones. Allow the cleaner to take effect briefly and then scrub it off.

soft soapuse

Another biologically harmless home remedy for cleaning patio tiles would be:soft soap. It is often used by environmentally conscious hobby gardeners as a component of pesticides against various plant diseases and pests. A natural care product that you can easily make yourself at low cost is effective against moss and algae on the patio tiles.

The following ingredients are required for 10 liters of the gentle cleaning agent:

10 liters of sparkling hot water
100 ml liquid soft soap
60 ml Glycerin
60 g washing soda
120 g stain remover

Mix all the ingredients in a large container and apply the cleaning agent with a sponge to the intended area immediately after preparation. After 20 minutes of exposure, remove the product and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use gloves when preparing and handling.

The safest and undoubtedly the most economical way to remove moss and algae from the terrace would be to take precautionary measures. Basically, the panels should always be laid with a slight slope to avoid waterlogging. Terrace slabs made of ceramic, marble and granite are recommended. Wooden panels should be glazed from the start. In addition to effective home remedies, there are also many mechanical tools that you can use to clean patio tiles without using aggressive preparations.