Many homeowners certainly logically ask themselves the question: What is better for privacy in the garden – a fence or a fence?Hedge in the garden? A good question and one worth thinking about for some time, isn't it? We have already published a few articles about your privacy protection in the garden, especially one about the garden fence. Today we would like to compare both options. This will make it much easier for you to draw correct conclusions. Ultimately, it is a very personal matter whether you prefer a fence or a hedge in your garden as a privacy screen.
Without a doubt, the hedge in the garden is a great alternative to the garden fence. Yes, just like the fence, it can protect your property and house from prying eyes and also demarcate the place. These functions of the hedge have been known since ancient times. We get this from the Old High German term hegga, which means to cherish, to fence. The English word hedge also has the same root; in French it is called haie. So there is no difference at all between a fence and a hedge in the garden. Whether hedge or fence - they fulfill the same purposePrivacy protection-Functions in the garden. Sometimes they are associated with soundproofing functions. The big difference, however, lies in the design: the hedge is always made up of magnificent green bushes, arranged in one or two rows. The garden fence can be made from different materials, the most popular variants beingHolz, metal and WPC are.
Hedge in the garden – combine different heights
The fence and the hedge in the garden have something else in common, and that is their maintenance. This almost always means a lot of work for the gardeners. For example, a garden fence needs to be repainted regularly every few years to keep it looking good. It also happens that something on the fence needs to be repaired. And the hedge in the garden? She is just as demanding! The hedge also needs to be trimmed, shaped and reshaped twice a year. Because the shapes that a hedge can take in the garden are not only numerous, they are almost infinite! So, let your imagination run wild when designing your hedge and you will certainly be surprised by the end result!
Hedge in the garden as a privacy screen for the pool area
We have a practical tip for inexperienced gardeners when it comes to hedges in the garden: Don't forget that newly created hedges need a lot of water! You also have to make sure that no weeds hinder the growth of the hedge in the garden. So make sure that your hedge continues to develop splendidly and beautifully.
Privacy on the balcony with a high hedge in the garden
Undoubtedly, most homeowners strive to achieve a natural appearance in the garden. That's why we see many garden fences overgrown with flowers or decorated with greenery and climbing plants. This is especially the case where you have a wooden fence.
The hedge in the garden means pure nature! It is the place where you can grow suitable hedge plants to form an opaque green wall.
French style hedge shaped as a gate
When we talk about the hedge in the garden, we cannot skip the question about the hedge plants! No, we definitely won't do that! The selection of these plants is of fundamental importance for the look of your hedge in the garden. You could choose evergreen conifers, they grow up to five meters in height, they usually stand at the edge of the garden and block the neighbors' views of your privacy. Another option would be a beautiful deciduous hedge that sheds its leaves in winter and looks a little bare, but will delight you with magnificent colors in the other seasons. Such a hedge also has an important practical function - it can serve as protection for grazing livestock. And finally the low hedges, which are mainly made up of low shrubs to create a hedge in the garden.
Hedge instead of a fence
Thujas are very popular for hedges in the garden as evergreen hedge plants. There are different types, but most of them are completely compatible with cutting, they grow upright, are strong and slim. Plant a few Thujas in a row at the edge of your garden and you can be sure that you will get a beautiful sight. These elegant hedge plants tolerate frost and shade equally well, making them ideal for any garden! If you let these hedges grow close together in the garden, you will create a green wall that protects you from prying eyes even in winter.
Sitting area in the garden surrounded by hedges
Other popular evergreen species for hedges in the garden include privet, yew, firethorn and cherry laurel. The deciduous hedges also give your garden an unforgettable look. They reach a height of 1 to 2.5 meters, with the exception of the field maple, which is a vigorous shrub that can reach a height of up to 6 meters. The deciduous hedges are usually completely opaque, which means that such a hedge is in the gardenas a privacy screena great alternative to the fence. They also impress us with their colorful leaves, which they only shed in winter. In addition to the field maple already mentioned, this plant category also includes copper beech, copper beech, hornbeam, alpine currant and other broadleaf plants.
Choose fragrant lilacs as a hedge
And last but not least, we would like to mention flower hedges as hedges in the garden, which not only protect your garden but also decorate it for months! There are low flowering hedge plants - they grow from 60 cm to 2 meters high. One such example is the “Goldfinder Cinquefoil”, which will delight you with its yellow flowers from June to October. Not to be forgotten are the “pink dwarf spar”, “red summer spar”, “large-flowered St. John's wort”, the alpine rose and the white alpine rose. All of them will fill your garden with pleasant scents and give your outdoor area a fine look.
A hedge gives the garden a natural atmosphere
Decorate the wall with a flowering hedge
Hedges as decoration for the fence
Fantastic hedge in the garden made of hibiscus