Make your wooden garden fence weatherproof – useful care tips and ideas

The wooden garden fence has a high decorative value - the attractive wood color and grain are eye-catching. In any case, the natural material is very sensitive and needs regular care. We will give you some tips on how to make the fence weatherproof.

When building a wooden fence, the structure should be protected from storms. If the fence posts are set in concrete or anchored in the ground using an impact sleeve, the wooden fence is effectively protected from rot. Furthermore, the rainwater should be able to drain away without any problems - this is why the slats are often specially designed by the manufacturer. You should find out about this before you buy. If the structure is built according to all the rules, half the work is done. It now remains to apply a protective agent.

How to build a fence out of palletsfind out here.

Properly care for the wooden garden fence

If the wooden fence remains neglected, it will not last long. It is therefore recommended to treat the slats and posts with a water protection agent. It will protect the natural material from rot, but the color of the wood can still change over time - this is mainly due to UV radiation. Some people love the slightly gray patina, but if you don't like it, you can buy a special impregnation with UV protection. This is how it is applied:

First sand the wood, then apply the special impregnation. It then needs to dry for 2-3 days. Afterwards you can also apply varnish or glaze. The difference between varnish and glaze is very simple: varnish has a color, while glaze is transparent and only highlights the natural beauty of the wood.

Another option is to apply wood oil - in this case you don't need to sand the fence. In any case, the oil can change the color of the wood a little.

If the wood color has already changed, you can buy so-called wood bleach. It is applied like varnish and brightens the material.

Fence design ideas