Raised bed made of stone – create a beautiful and practical garden

For both gardening experts and beginners, a stone raised bed will reduce the hassle of gardening while ensuring your beautiful landscaping. This type of bed has many advantages, including convenience in maintenance and a better harvest than the flat beds. The use of different types of natural stone offers many possibilities for individual modeling of small and large gardens.

Advantages of a raised stone bed

Raised beds are a good solution for anyone who wants free space but also plants and flowers in the garden. They collect all the plants in them and leave the remaining area free for green meadows or beautiful garden paths. The biggest advantage is certainly the more comfortable body position when working, as you don't have to bend as much. In addition, high beds protect the plants from pests, thanks to the stone wall and their height. So you can be quiet there toofruit and vegetablesgrow. Furthermore, the condition of the soil in the garden is of no importance; you can also plant a barren garden.

Creating a beautiful flower garden with stone raised beds

With the arrival of spring, many flowers bloom in bright colors, smell wonderful and beautify every garden. A high or a low oneGarden bed made of stonesor bricks is a good choice for flower gardens with style. For spring, we strongly recommend planting tulips surrounded by small ground cover plants such as colored primroses.

Stone raised beds for growing vegetables

If you always eat fresh vegetables and want to be sure of their origins, then a raised garden bed is ideal for your needs. Raised beds made of stone in particular are perfect for growing vegetables because of their durable frame construction. It has also been found that the harvest is at least twice as rich as on a flat bed of the same size.

Different shapes of raised beds made of bricks

Modern gardens have a special design based on similar motifs. In the backyard shown, the main shape is circle, which is why the bed also has such a shape. It is further decorated with animal figures, which are illuminated by a spotlight when it is dark.

Homemade raised beds made of natural stone

If you decide to build the stone raised bed yourself, there are a few important preparation steps you need to consider. First you should choose the type of stone - whether natural stone, brick or dry stone is your own decision and it can match the garden style. Furthermore, the location should be right for the planned plantings, depending on their light and heat needs. Ultimately, you need suitable materials for filling.

Fill the bed with soil

Autumn or spring are preferable for filling as the foundation is better in these seasons. After the frame is finished, you can start filling it. It is advisable to place a wire mesh on the floor to protect against small animals. Then you need a layer of branches and leaves to rot. Then add garden waste, compost and finally garden soil or potting soil.

Buy instead of building yourself

To make things easier, there are manufacturers who even sell kits to save you the hassle of building it yourself. Simply order the raised stone bed, then have it delivered and all you have to do is decide where it should be placed in the garden.

Concrete raised bed with bench

For a cozy garden design, you can attach a bench and enjoy the beautiful flowers and sunny days comfortably outdoors. Concrete is the optimal material for this purpose.

Decorate as desired

A nice decorative idea for a flower bed is to embellish it with different figures such as garden gnomes, animals or sea snails. They look great in the green plants and are easy to find in shops.

Gabions for an interesting, modern design

Another idea is to use wall stone baskets - the so-called gabions. They are an alternative to drywall and can form both large and small garden beds.

Design raised beds with gabions

You can decorate with gabions and decorative gravel and plant in stages. Ornamental grasses, for example, look good in multiple tiers and are suitable for the case of a larger garden.

Design your own herb spiral from natural stones

You can even build a herb spiral yourself with the help of natural stones. It has a space-saving design and therefore also fits in smaller gardens. With proper compost and appropriate garden soil, you'll have fresh herbs in your backyard when you need them.

Ground cover for planting raised stone beds

If you have a very high raised bed and want to plant it as decoration for your yard, we recommend flowering ground cover. These pretty flame flowers are mostly perennial and very popular as ornamental plants.

Grow fruit in a raised stone bed

Different fruits can be grown well in raised beds. Summer sweet strawberries are a classic, and a raised garden bed makes growing them easier and more convenient. And home-made fruit certainly tastes better than purchased fruit.

Wall the house with raised stone beds

Planted raised beds are beautiful not only for the garden, but also as a decoration of the external part of the house. For example, with dry stone walls, the house is surrounded by a plant fence that brings a fresh scent.

Nice fence in front of the barbecue area

Do you love barbecuing with friends in the summer? With a raised bed you can build your barbecue area in front of the house and retain privacy.

Large stone raised flower beds for colorful garden design

Raised garden beds require less use of plant protectants thanks to their layering systems that guarantee good soil quality after proper filling. They are also more durable than wooden raised beds and require less maintenance.

Requirements for choosing the model

Although stone raised beds are easier to maintain, they are a little more expensive to build because of the expensive materials and more difficult assembly. They are also not easily destroyed, so you need to be safe if you decide to do so.

The raised bed made of stones is characterized by flexibility in design

The shape of such a raised bed can be arbitrary and therefore completely individual. If you are an animal lover, you can put a bird fountain in the bed.