Creative ideas on how to use sand in garden design

If you want to break the typical garden design with something new, then now you have a great opportunity to do so –Use sand in garden design.Not only because it is different from regular soil, sand provides a different environment for your plants to grow. Take a look at some creative ideas we present to you today and learn how to use sand outdoors .

1. Sandbox

If you have children then you can have some open spacesto playhave, they offer more opportunities for creativity than a sandbox. Add a sandpit to your garden to encourage your children to spend more time outside. This will give you a place to conveniently monitor them while you garden yourself. Try to create curved edges around your sandbox, it will definitely fit in better with the restDesign of the gardenan.

2. Zen Garden

AZen gardenand a rake make a great addition to any outdoor space. If you need time for yourself, go outside and slowly make paths in the sand while landscaping to relax. Zen gardens are becoming increasingly popular lately, so head to your local hardware store and ask them for the appropriate kit so you can get started with your Zen garden.

3. Decorative sand

The sand in garden design offers a great visual contrast to the usual soil. Place a little sand between individual plants to set them apart. Try creating walking paths that run through your yard. We can also point out an additional advantage for using sand: the sand often prevents snails and other pests from moving through your garden, so it's best to consider the idea of ​​building a protective ditch out of sand for your sensitive plants .

4. Sand Garden

There are a number of plants that grow better in sandy soil. Drought-tolerant plants, such as succulents and cacti, are a good option; you can plant them in sand anywhere in your garden. Separate your sandy area from the rest of your garden with a wooden box to retain the moisture necessary for watering drought-tolerant plants.

Use sand creatively in garden design

All of these ideas are great ways to use sand effectively in the garden. Try implementing one or all of them in your garden, and the wonderful results will not be long in coming. Remember to get sand from a local hardware store because in most places it is against the law to take sand from a beach or park.

red sand as an accent

And if you don't mind, here's one last tip from our editors: Be careful! Never add clay soil to your sand ridges or sand to your clay soil! The combination of the two products in a mixture resembles concrete. The small sand particles fill the extra space in the clay soil, resulting in terrible drainage.

Integrate a sandpit into the pavilion

relaxed garden design

Drought tolerant plants

Create a Zen garden

decorative colored sand