Only a few plants combine all the positive properties that a Japanese maple brings to the garden. It will instantly become a real eye-catcher in the garden, providing an interesting accent and adding texture to the garden thanks to its beautifully colored and interestingly shaped leaves. There are beautiful species that you can also use wonderfully in a sunny garden. Many of these trees actually need direct sun to produce their pretty colors. If you still have doubts about whether you should add the attractive tree to your garden, we will definitely convince you with this article. And once the tree is in the garden, you will be happy about your decision. Here are some impressive species for the sunny garden:
Japanese maple in the garden for texture and color
The Japanese maple, like any other plant, has different subspecies. We have the most popular variants for yousunny gardencompiled in a list. You can then choose the perfect one for your garden. And if you find it difficult to make a decision, you can simply combine several species together if your garden size allows it. Such a tree can never be too much of a good thing and you can use several colors as accents. Because each species is characterized by a different tone.
The treeasCenter point
The garden tree can have different leaf colors and the leaves can also have different colors in autumn. This depends not only on the species but also on its location. The size can also vary greatly. For this reason, even small gardens in which there are no shady locations can be designed with a few specimens that tolerate the sun well. So you see, even small outdoor areas have the opportunity to accommodate many types of maple.
The Japanese slotted maple (Acer palmatum “Tamukeyama”) is an interesting plant. It needs a place in the sun to produce the attractive red color. Otherwise, the leaves will fade and turn an unpleasant red-green color. If a Japanese maple is chosen in the garden, you may consider this species. However, the leaves do not appear until late spring. Until then, you'll have to make do with a bare tree. In other species this happens earlier. Whether that bothers you so much and prevents you from choosing this copy is up to you to decide.
leavesimlate spring
Because this fact should not necessarily be viewed as a disadvantage. In this way, any subsequent frost cannot harm the tree, making it more winter hardy. Its height is between 1.5 and 2 meters, making it a relatively compact maple variety. You can also expect a width of up to 1.50 meters. It gets its name from its leaves, which are quite heavily slit and thus look very delicate. There are both green-leaved varieties and those with red leaves. It can also be raised in a pot. However, a sufficiently large vessel must then be chosen.
Japanese mapleOrangeola
In the Japanese maple orangeola (Acer palmatum “Orangeola”) you can enjoy three colors throughout the year, namely green, red and red-orange. The leaves have an unusual, pointed shape that is unique. In addition, the edges of the leaves look torn. It's best to find a location in full sun. There you guarantee the best conditions for good growth and a maximum height of up to 1.2 meters. A Japanese maple in the garden that doesn't grow too big and is therefore also suitable for small gardens.
However, you should still provide it with enough water even in summer. The roots do not grow deep enough to reach the moist soil layers. Watering in the morning and evening is recommended, which makes this type of maple relatively requiring care. Despite the sun, avoid a draughty location. This ensures that the tips of the leaves burn and the tree loses its beautiful appearance.
The Japanese blood maple is characterized by dark, shiny leaves that are green on the underside. But there are also other interesting leaf colors. This specimen also gets its leaves a little later in spring. But they are even more impressive, so the wait is definitely worth it. This type of Japanese maple feels very comfortable in the garden, especially in hot and humid areas.
Some species are more shrubs than trees, so they are also suitable if space is limited and can decorate the garden together with other smaller plant species. Young plants may be somewhat sensitive to frost in the first few years. It's best to ask the dealer about this and protect the tree or shrub in winter.
JapaneseJapanese mapleSeiryu
Der Seiryu ((Acer palmatum “Seiryu”) has yellow-green leaves. It is also interesting that the leaves grow upright, which is quite rare in the Japanese maple. These usually hang from the branches. In addition, he feels very comfortable in the sun. This is a big advantage, because a green-leaved Japanese maple actually doesn't like sunny places in the garden. This is because the leaves then burn.
word tolerant,green-leaf maple
The tree is not particularly demanding otherwise. Any type of soil is wonderfully suitable. If you are also looking for a tree that grows quickly, you are making the right decision with this specimen. It reaches a height of 6 to 6.7 meters and therefore appears very majestic. The leaf colors impress in every season, giving you a constant highlight in the garden.
TwomblyRedSentinel Ahorn
What is special about this species becomes clear at first glance. It is a Japanese maple that has an interesting columnar shape. Its growth lasts a full 15 years. Then it reaches its maximum height of around 3 meters and an impressive circumference of almost one meter. If you only have a small garden but don't want to do without a Japanese maple, this is the right choice because it doesn't take up a large area and therefore doesn't cast a large shadow that could limit the planting. -and it is also great for smaller front gardens.
This type of tree is also characterized by burgundy-colored leaves, which look simply breathtaking in any location in the garden. It should be mentioned that the young leaves are initially light red and become darker as they age. The branches and trunk also have an attractive red color.
Columnar mapleTsukasa Silhouette
The Tsukasa Silhouette is again a species that grows like a column. So it is again an ideal tree with a small size. The leaves are initially yellow-green, but turn dark green after spring. The tree then acquires the dark red color that is popular with the Japanese maple in autumn. The species is heat tolerant and grows up to 6 meters high and almost two meters wide, so you should allow enough space. It also grows extremely quickly. You can see a great example composition for the garden in the picture above. Combine red leaves with different leaf colors. Both dark and light green plants are suitable for the foreground. The more colorful the better!
If you value low growth, a variety called “Monticello Gardens” is perfect for you. It is only 1.5 meters high and wide and also does wonderfully in the blazing sun. The red color of the leaves is guaranteed for a long period of time. Its leaf structure is also very interesting. The tree looks downright fluffy and as if it is made of fur and not leaves. This bushy characteristic also makes this specimen perfect as a privacy screen and at the same time adorns your outdoor area in a natural way.
Japanese mapleGermaine’sGyration
The Germaine's Gyration is a hanging maple. It is also the tallest Japanese maple and grows up to 6 meters tall. You should keep this in mind when looking for a place for this type of Japanese maple in the garden. In autumn the leaves turn orange. The tree is strong and resilient and therefore also suitable for poorer soils and influences. It is further proof that even the green leaves of a maple tree can be extremely attractive.
Seki nokegon
If a Japanese maple is planted in the garden, you get a wonderful highlight. So too with this species, which has the Latin nameAcersieboldianumcarries. It is the most cold-tolerant tree among the Japanese maples and is therefore also suitable for garden lovers who live in cooler areas. It is characterized by hanging branches and a height of 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The green leaves turn a deep red in autumn. While you wait for this time, you can also enjoy red and pink flowers that stand out among the green foliage.
Saiho also comes from Japanese and means something like paradise. And a Japanese maple in the garden couldn't be described better. There it can easily stand in the sun and is 1.5 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. But the tree is not only very attractive in the garden. Thanks to its relatively small leaves, it is also ideal for growing a bonsai. In this case, you get a specimen that impresses due to two features. The compact sizes of bonsais are very attractive in themselves. If the colored leaves are added, the maple tree will become the biggest piece of jewelry in your garden, which you may soon even add another one to.
A Japanese maple in the garden that doesn't just change the leaf color? Yes, there is. After the leaves impress with an attractive orange and yellow in autumn, the bark turns red in winter. In other seasons the leaves are light green in color. In order to make all these color plays possible, the tree must be in the sun. Then it will be between 5.4 and 6 meters high.
The maple, which can be translated as the black lion, has dark red leaves in spring. They then gradually turn black, with the tips of the leaves retaining a red tone. It is a type of Japanese maple in the garden that is quite compact. Expect a height of 1.3 meters and a width of under one meter.
While most other species have green or reddish leaf colors, the black lion impresses with such leaves. In front of it, lighter plants like these grasses come into their own wonderfully. A Japanese maple in the garden can be the focus of an arrangement as well as the background.
The garden treecombine
You are welcome to combine several types of maple trees in the garden. This guarantees many different color nuances that you can enjoy all year round. A Japanese maple tree makes a wonderful impression in the garden amidst green beds. Frame the garden with it or create an attractive, natural-looking privacy and sun protection that attracts everyone's attention.
With ground cover
A tree species with a not so wide crown, such as the columnar maple trees, can be wonderfully planted with ground cover plants around the trunk. This is how you create an interesting mix of different colors. There are many different options available to you when it comes to designing with Japanese maple. It is important that the plants around the trunk are provided with sufficient sun despite the treetop. Alternatively, you can also choose shade-loving plants. Colored ornamental grasses are another variant, but they prefer a sunny location.