Not all potted plants are the same, because while some people can make it through the winter well outside with the right winter protection, others need it a little warmer and more protected. Today we will summarize for you which plant species prefer which conditions and how you can properly protect yourself from frost. This is how you can overwinter your potted plants – both indoors and outdoors.
Evergreen, deciduous, exotic – the type of plants actually plays a role
Based on the leaves or their origin alone, you can determine which type of winter quarters are best for your potted plants - in a cool room or protected outside.
Evergreen potted plants overwinter under the right conditions
Aside from the fact that most species cannot tolerate temperatures below 5 degrees when they are in pots, the wrong location also causes them to sprout “incorrectly” and develop an unsightly shape.This is called horniness. The sprouting should therefore be prevented by giving the plant its well-deserved winter rest. For this purpose, the location should not be too warm, but should be bright.
- Basements, winter gardens, garages, stairwells, greenhouses
- bright and cool (temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees) – the cooler, the darker it can be
- Ventilate regularly in mild weather
- Keep the humidity high enough (e.g. place bowls with water)
Note: There are some evergreen plant species that can tolerate a few degrees less. However, the temperature should not fall below zero. These types include, for example:
- Spice bark
- Myrtle
- Sternjasmin
- Loquat
- Cylinder cleaner
A notice:There are also evergreen plants that do not know winter in their homeland (exotic and Mediterranean). The conditions mentioned above do not apply to these specimens, so you should divide the evergreen plants again.
Overwintering plants that lose their foliage
The falling leaves can make a lot of mess indoors, so it's a good idea to combine storing the plant with the necessary pruning. This is how you can then reduce the dry leaves indoors. Otherwise, the room cannot be too dark. But the temperatures should also be right for this. If they are too high, this encourages the plant to sprout new growth, which not only disrupts its winter rest, but if there is a lack of light it also means that these new shoots cannot develop well and die sooner or later.
The right winter protection for Mediterranean and exotic plants
Mediterranean and exotic plant species do not know winter and therefore do not like it too cool. Some of the specimens also do not shed their leaves, which is why a dark location for winter quarters is not a good choice (e.g. if you have oneOverwinter oleanders). The lack of light would cause the leaves to fall off sooner or later. It should be cool, but not too cold, but slightly higher temperatures are also permitted.
- Temperatures of at least 10 degrees
- bright location
- notput on the heater
While some more robust varieties do not suffer immediate damage at temperatures below 10 degrees (e.g. olive tree, agapanthus, fig, oleander can tolerate temperatures down to minus 5 degrees), for others this number is the hard limit. Hibiscus, heavenly flowers, mallow and ornamental bananas, for example, are among them. Then at the latest they should definitely go to winter quarters. From October onwards, bougainvillea, dipladenia, palm trees, fuchsias,Citrus plants such as the lemon treeand lantana to warmer quarters.
Which potted plants overwinter successfully outdoors?
As robust as many plants may be outdoors, they become significantly more sensitive when they are in a pot. However, you can overwinter the plants that are not hardy outside by properly protecting them from frost. You can overwinter the following potted plants outside, among others:
- Boxwood
- Fetthenne
- hostas
- Hydrangeas
- Rosen
- Ornamental grasses
Not only is the pot, i.e. the root ball, protected, but also the above-ground parts of the plant. Styrofoam and fir green are one option, for example, while the plant can be covered with fleece. This protects against frost, but allows sufficient light to reach the plant (particularly important for wintergreen species). Also choose a location away from direct sunlight, as the temperature differences caused by the warm rays of the sun and the subsequent cold night are very damaging to the plants.
Overwinter potted plants and care for them properly
Location and temperature are one thing. But there are also a few things to consider when it comes to care so that your darlingsget through the winter well. What should you pay attention to when it comes to care when overwintering potted plants?
Proper watering is important
Of course, watering is also important during other seasons, but the difference lies in the quantity. The plants only need enough to ensure that the root ball does not dry out, otherwise you risk root rot and encourage pest infestation. Always check first whether the top layer of soil is dry. Then you can water. Usually once a week is enough.
When should potted plants be trimmed – before or after winter?
We have already mentioned that with deciduous plants it is advantageous to prune them before winter, simply to avoid leaving too many leaves on the ground. In general, late winter is the perfect time for this. At this point, the plant is about to wake up due to the increasingly mild weather and this makes wound healing more effective. So it's best to wait until February.
In any case, you should get one before winterCarry out maintenance pruning. In doing so, remove anything that has dried out or looks diseased.