Have you always thrown away your fuchsias in the fall and then bought new ones in the spring? Most hobby gardeners do this, but it's not difficult at all to get this pretty, perennial plant through the winter. Winter-hardy fuchsias are particularly suitable for this purpose. We list some of these varieties and explain how you can overwinter fuchsias - depending on whether they are in a pot on the balcony or in the garden bed.
Winter-hardy varieties for pots and boxes
To make overwintering a little easier, you can choose varieties that have been bred to be more robust. Below you will find a list of such varieties, which include both standing and hanging versions.
- Alice Hoffmann – standing
- Ballerina – standing
- Caledonia – standing
- Cardinal Farges – standing
- Delocate Purple – halbhängend
- Dollar Princess – standing
- Fuchsia regia ssp. reitzii – standing wild variety for outdoor use
- Magelan fuchsia – standing wild variety for outdoor use
- Tom West – hanging
Despite better winter hardiness, you should take some important measures so that the plants can actually survive the cold winter. Which are these?
How can you overwinter fuchsias?
Like most plant species, the fuchsia goes into hibernation and this is also very important to guarantee healthy and lush growth in the coming season. If the natural conditions are not sufficient for the plant to fall into hibernation on its own, we should help or not disturb the process (e.g. a room with low temperatures instead of a heated one). What do you have to do if you want to overwinter hardy fuchsias?
Where do plants best spend the winter?
You can use both the fuchsiasoverwinter in the cellaror another winter quarters (non-hardy varieties), as well as outside in the garden if you have planted them in the bed. We summarize the most important things for both variants:
Diepotted plantsIt is best to keep them in a bright, frost-free place with temperatures between 8 and 10 degrees. There you water them very sparingly because they only need water in sufficient quantities to protect the roots from drying out. There is no fertilization at all. If you only have a dark and cooler place available (between 2 and 8 degrees), that's no problem either. Then the only thing that changes is the time for pruning (see below) and in this case you should ventilate regularly to prevent fungus from forming.
Beetpflanzencan be left outside after caring for them with pruning (cutting off a third of the plant). This is ideally done after the first frost. Then the fuchsias need frost protection to overwinter by first protecting thempile up with earthand then cover with leaves, brushwood, bark mulch or straw. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also place a protective plant fleece over the fuchsia.
Tipp: Evergreen ground cover plants offer the best winter protection. Garden fuchsias can be planted under them so that a layer of winter protection is unnecessary.
The preparations in late summer and autumn
Fertilize properly
Plants must be able to adapt to the fact that winter dormancy is imminent. And while this happens naturally in the wild, when cultivated at home you can quickly disrupt the plant through incorrect care. In most cases this happens due to incorrect fertilization or a delayed stop. From September onwards you no longer need to supply the fuchsia with nutrients so that it can stop growing.
Overwinter fuchsias and cut them back
You also need to cut back the fuchsias to reduce the risk of diseases and pests. form an exceptionPotted and box plants, which will get you through the winter indoors in a cool and bright place (approx. 10 degrees). In this case, pruning is not necessary because the brightness would cause new shoots to grow, but it is too cold for them. Instead, do this only in spring. If the place is dark, cut it in autumn, but before the first frost, as follows:
- Leave one or two eyes on the plant per shoot
- remove the leaves (except for small-leaved varieties)
- remove wilted flowers
- Clean the plant: Cut off dead plant parts and shoots that you find annoying
Overwintering fuchsias – when is it time for the winter quarters?
Although the plant prefers cooler temperatures, temperatures below zero are fatal for it. Frost damages it and in the long run it also causes it to freeze. No matter which hardy variety you choose, winter protection is absolutely necessary. And after overwintering fuchsias in pots, don't be in a hurry to bring them back outside in the spring. From mid-May or the Ice Saints there should be no more danger. Theoretically you can tooas early as AprilTry it, however, on plants that have been overwintered near zero degrees and you will then need to find a location that is protected from frost. Gradually acclimatize the plant to outdoor conditions.
First care measures after winter
You can cover the plants in the bed again in early spring. Now you can also check for dead parts and remove them if necessary.
The potted plants gradually get used to the conditions outside again and from now on keep the soil moist, butnotwet. The potted plant comes back indoors at night because it currently prefers temperatures around 20 degrees. You can also use it with a new,larger potand pamper yourself with fresh substrate. If the plant has already sprouted, first place it in a semi-shady place so that the young shoots do not burn from the sudden sun.