All amateur gardeners know all too well that lawn care is a time-consuming and tedious task. But come hereautomatic lawn mowersto help! The first robotic lawnmowers were brought onto the market at the beginning of the 90s, but today they are already one of the top sellers in the garden tools sector. We offer you a list of 10 models that will make gardening a breeze.
1. Automatic Lawn Mowers – Robomow RS630 is suitable for larger lawns
RobomowRS 630 is a robotic lawnmower that is particularly suitable for larger lawns (up to 3000 square meters) and taller grass (up to 15cm). Advantages – specially mounted sensors for rain and temperature, a remote control and a battery that can last up to 5 years. Disadvantages – is quite heavy /weighs 19Kg/.
2. Automatic lawn mowers – Husqvarna robotic lawnmowers offer easy operation
When it comes toautomatic lawn mowersgoes, then absolutely willHusqvarnamentioned. The reason is very simple - the brand's robotic lawnmowers not only score with a good price level, but also with high quality and additional equipment - including a GPS system, alarm system against theft and even an iPhone app. Advantages – of course the super simple and user-friendly operation. Disadvantages – the battery lasts between 2-4 seasons.
3. Husqvarna models – 220 AC
Husqvarna 265 AC – functional and light
Husqvarna 320 in Sportoptik
4. Adaptive and intuitive – the lawn mower from Bosch Indego
Themowing machinevonBoschmaintains lawns up to 1000 square meters and is therefore perfect for a city villa. The robotic lawnmower intuitively chooses the best route and starts mowing the lawn from a different starting point each time - this guarantees that the lawn is cut evenly everywhere. Advantages – easy to use and perfect navigation system. Disadvantages - the cutting height has to be adjusted by hand / some users find this very helpful, so in this case it depends on your own preferences! /
5. Lawn care with Miimo from Honda – great for large gardens
A garden with intricate design, ornamental lawns surrounded by flower beds? No problem for Miimo fromHonda– the automatic lawn mower handles all tasks with ease. Fast, intuitive, and easy to use thanks to the built-in keyboard. Advantages – reliable, stylish, quiet. Disadvantages – is in the rather higher price segment.
6. John Deere robotic lawnmower – Tango E5 – precise and reliable
A battery that can last up to 10 years, stainless steel blades, stable construction - this is how Tango E5 can beJohn Deeredescribe. Advantages - the robotic lawnmower can care for up to 1800 square meters of lawn, disadvantages - quite difficult /16 kg/.
7.Flymo 1200R – perfect robot lawn mower for beginners
If you are buying a robot lawn mower for the first time, it is worth starting small - for example with the robot lawn mowerFlymo1200R, which is perfect for smaller lawns. The battery can last up to 3 years and the blade replacement is pretty cheap. Advantages – easy to use and compact shape. Disadvantages – only suitable for small lawns.
8. The R40Li robotic lawnmower from Gardena – a compact helper for the hobby gardener
The automatic lawn mowerGardenaR40Li cares for up to 400 square meters and is therefore perfect for small gardens or even planted roof terraces (as long as they have railings so that the robot does not fall). Advantages – small and compact, cutting height can be adjusted using a rotary knob. Disadvantages – only suitable for small lawns.
9. The Ambrogio robotic lawn mower – no installation necessary
The small and compact robotic lawn mower fromAmbroseis equipped with many sensors and therefore does not require any installation - it can be used in the garden immediately after purchase and automatically detects obstacles on the path / garden fence, flower beds etc. / Advantages - easy to use, very compact. Disadvantages – is suitable for lawns up to 400 square meters.
10. Robolinho from AL-KO – innovative system that accumulates mulch
Robolinho byAL-KOis the next model we present to you. The robot lawn mower maintains lawns up to 1200 square meters. Built-in rain sensors make the work much easier. The stainless steel blades can easily cut mulch and leaves. Advantages – small, compact, light. Disadvantages – rather unsuitable for larger lawns.