Designing living spaces correctly according to Feng Shui: the effect of colors

Maybe you are looking for a dominant color in your interior? You can solve this task excellently by determining a desired color as the dominant color and matching it with the plants in your interiorFeng Shuicombine. In this way you can harmonize your living space so that you always feel comfortable and comfortable there.

Choose colors according to Feng Shui: Green like a walk in the forest

AfterFeng ShuiThe green color helps us with many health and family problems, so we need beautiful ornamental plants and green accessories in combination with natural materials near us. Among the plant species that radiate energy with their fresh green leaves, we can mention the ferns, but also the wonderful flowers and colors of the Phalaenopsis. We undoubtedly get a symbol of good health and a lot of strength from the slender plants that grow quickly like bamboo. You can create an interesting composition that exudes a lot of naturalness with wicker containers, moss-covered pots and decorative wreath made of dried branches. This will also be an instant eye-catcher in your setting if that's what you want to achieve. Another tip: Ferns love evenly moist substrate, that's how they areideal for hydroponics.

Color design according to Feng Shui: Blue – the color of water

A decoration in shades of blue will refresh you and your senses no less than a short trip to the mountains, where you can relax for a few minutes on a bench next to a mountain stream. The main role here is played by the beautiful African violet. The colors of the rotating fruit (also called streptocarpus) are in the same key. Hydropower is graphically demonstrated by Nolina (asparagus family), in the form of fountains and by Chlorophytum. Galvanized ones are also available in the same colorflower potsand all sorts of accessories, including selected blue gemstones. Our tip: Water energy attracts luck and success.

Red brings strength and life energy home

Do you need inspiration and new ideas? Then experiment in the fire area. The element fire represents strength, success and energy. A good idea for the home is to put flowers with red shades of flowers on the windowsill. Very suitable for this purpose are the red gerbera, kalanchoe, nertera or also known as coral moss, which is generously sprinkled with orange flowers. The flowers with unusual shapes, such as a wonderful lily, add a dynamic touch to your ambience and charge it with energy and strength. The effect is enhanced by the glittering surface of the red and orange flowerpots, whose brightness contrasts with the dark purple leaves of Eonium. Our tip: A bouquet of red cut flowers can also serve as a source of energy.

White – the symbol of purity

It is simple and clear: light colors with dominant white, plus glass and metal are the main components of this composition. AfterFeng Shui-In teaching, the mandatory metal elements stimulate our creative powers and promote concentration and communication. For the main tone in this composition, you could choose plants such as phalaenopsis, calla lily and stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine). You can complement them with white-green leafed dieffenbachias or with silvery tillandsias. It would be appropriate to round off the look with metal or crystal vases.

Our tip: As already said, the metal element is ideal for increasing concentration and attention, so such a combination is great for youStudy or home office.

Yellow and orange give us joy

If you want to create a carefree and happy atmosphere, follow the energy of the earth. The warm orange tones are effective here, for example those of the begonia and the money of the phalaenopsis. The effect of warm colors is further enhanced by colorful flower pots, containers and other accessories. Such decorative leafy plants as ivy can form a green wreath and in this way will successfully remove unnecessary stress.

Our tip: You can add more joy and optimism to your ambience with just a single pot of blooming buttercup. This is a great eye-catcher in any interior, do you think so too?
If you follow the interior ideas and tips described above, you will have more harmony in your home and of course make your life easier and more beautiful!