Design a garden corner – Fascinating ideas for small and large gardens

In almost every garden there is at least one corner that is more or less attractive. However, you should not neglect the design of the garden corners. They can take the charm out of the garden if they remain bare and, on the contrary, create a harmonious overall appearance in the outdoor area if they are beautifully designed. Today we have collected many fascinating ideas on how you can design the garden corner. Whether it's a cozy seating area, a bubbling water feature or lush planting - with us everyone will find a suitable idea for inspiration.

Create a seating area in the garden corner

A comfortable seating area is probably the best-known option for designing an unused garden corner. At this point the garden is best protected from wind and prying eyes, as the fence or wall keeps external influences away. However, you don't need much more to have a nice seating area. A few comfortable garden furniture and possibly also aappropriate sun protectionsuch as a pergola are completely sufficient.

If there are tall trees in the corner of the garden, additional sun protection is usually unnecessary. The trees cast their shadow on the seating area and transform it into the perfect retreat for the hot summer days. However, you should note that a completely shady location is rather unsuitable for a seat in the garden. The perfect location for the seating area is sunny or partially shaded, as the shadow can be created later and the sunlight - not.

The choice of seating is not only important for your own comfort, but will also affect the look of the entire garden. For example, you can add a romantic touch to the outdoor space with a garden table and a few wrought iron chairs. APallet sofaOn the other hand, it provides rustic charm and fits perfectly into a natural garden. But if you want a modern garden design, a corner sofa made of rattan and a matching coffee table are definitely the right choice.

Pure relaxation: deck chairs

Even if you only have a small garden, that doesn't mean you have to do without a retreat area to relax and unwind. An example can be found in the image above. Although the available space in this garden is limited, they have managed to combine a recreational area with natural planting.

If you think that deck chairs are only suitable for the pool area, you are wrong. Because even in a natural garden you can relax on a comfortable deck chair. If the rest of the garden is occupied by plants, vegetable patches or trees, you can transform the garden corner into your own sanctuary.

An outdoor fire pit

Schedule oneBuild a fire pit in your own garden, then the corner is a suitable location for it. You can surround the separate area and design it with sand or gravel, for example. This creates a clear demarcation between the different zones in the outside space.

Barbecue area or bar counter in the corner of the garden

You can use your own garden space for various purposes. Some opt for lush plants and lots of greenery, while others opt for a cozy, social garden area. In the so-called outdoor living room, you can organize garden parties with families and friends and enjoy the beautiful weather in spring and summer. In such a garden, you can create a bar counter or a barbecue area in the corner of the garden. Both the days and the evenings are more fun here in the warm season.

A suitable location for the whirlpool in the garden

With a whirlpool in the garden you can create a wellness oasis on your own property. If you are planning such a small piece of luxury outdoors, then the garden corner is the perfect location for it. The corners are considered the most private areas in the garden and are usually surrounded by a high fence. Lush planting can also provide the necessary privacy and at the same time creates a natural feeling.

Fun for the little ones: a trampoline

If you have children, you can turn the garden into a private playground. Okay, the whole garden might be too much, but one of the garden corners is perfect for this. For example, you can build a children's swing or why not a whole playhouse? The little ones like slides just as much, especially when combined with a sandpit. A somewhat unusual idea is a trampoline where children can jump all day long.

A water feature

Water should also not be missing as a design element in the garden. If you agree, then you can create a beautiful water feature in the corner of the garden. Whether a fountain, a waterfall, a small stream or some spring stones - the selection is huge. Water features can really save space and still have a big effect outdoors. So if you want to hide the unsightly corner in the garden behind a beautiful decorative element, then the water feature offers a great solution.

Create a garden pond

If there is enough space, a garden pond can be created in the corner of the garden. A pond should not always be round; geometric shapes, for example, look very modern and are perfect if you want to use them to create a garden corner. However, if you place great value on natural garden design, you should opt for a classic garden pond with stones on the edge. If it is a sloped garden, you can also install a small waterfall, as in the example above.

Choose the right planting

The garden corner will never look bare and unsightly again if you plant it appropriately. Plants and flowers provide wonderful splashes of color in the garden and can be planted almost anywhere outdoors. The main thing is to choose the right species for the respective location. Garden corners often have little or no sunlight, which excludes sun-loving plants from the list of possibilities. Luckily, there are also beautiful flowers and perennials that thrive in shade or partial shade. We have put together a few suitable varieties below.

Many garden corners that are on the north side of a wall are considered semi-shady locations. Many flowering plants thrive in such a location, such as peonies, goat's beard and bluebells. Fuchsias, anemones and hydrangeas also feel at home in such a location and are a suitable choice for colorful planting.

It is a little more difficult in a shady location under trees. Not only is there little light there, but there is also competition for roots. Large trees have deep roots that spread widely, making underplanting more complicated. Perennials are particularly suitable for such a location. Ferns and hostas, for example, can add some nice green accents to the corner of the garden. If you still want a display of flowers, autumn anemones, brunnera and lily of the valley are the right choice. Early bloomers such as crocuses and winter aconites, on the other hand, are a suitable choice for the beginning of spring.

If you would like to create a flowering corner of the garden and showcase it beautifully, you can create an entire flower bed there. A great DIY project for the garden is, for example, an original corner bed that fits perfectly in the corner. The bed can be designed on several levels and planted with different plants and flowers.

Practical ideas for the garden corner

Many garden owners also choose to position the garbage can or compost bin in the corner of the garden. This is a practical idea, but in most cases it doesn't look at all attractive. If you still want to create a garbage can or compost area in the corner of the garden, then try to hide the containers somehow. For example, you can build a garbage can box yourself and use it to create a small raised flower bed.

You can also build a suitable container for the compost heap, which is not so noticeable and hides your compost in an original way.

We hope that you have found a suitable idea for designing your own garden corner. You can see more pictures as inspiration for the different ideas in the photo gallery below. We hope you enjoy browsing.

Seat under pergola

Mirror visually enlarges the small garden

Cozy seating area under the trees

With pergola and garden pond

Install a bench in the corner

Corner sofa made of rattan and wooden pergola

Create a cozy seating area under the trees

DIY wooden corner bench

Sitting area by the fence

Charming cottage to relax in the garden

A fire pit

Open fire pit overlooking a waterfall in the corner

Garden ponds with waterfalls

Water feature made from old wine barrels

Small waterfall with LED lighting


Plant the fence with climbing plants

Design a mini corner garden

Build your own corner bed out of wood

Plant with shade-loving plants

Create a mini vertical garden

Luxus pur: Whirlpool