Stone wall in the garden

Gardening and landscaping offers several design options. The garden walls are important elements of garden design that serve a very practical purpose. Whether dry stone wall, natural stone wall, concrete wall or gabions - each type exudes a very special charm that will bring you joy every day. OneStone wall in the gardenoffers privacy, can also be used as a noise barrier and can be built to cover flower beds or lawns.

Building a stone wall in the garden – practical tips for landscaping

There areNatural stone wallsin different variations – made of granite, sandstone and limestone. Granite is the hardest stone used in landscaping. Its amazing colors, which vary between gray, black, crimson, yellow, gray-blue and white, show their beauty especially when wet. Granite stones are offered in certain standard sizes. Their weather resistance is usually very good. Compared to granite, the golden-yellow sandstones are more brittle and easier to work with. In contrast to the rather coarse-grained structure of granite, basalt is a dense rock - very weather-resistant, but unfortunately difficult to work with. Dolomite is a dense, granular stone and has a higher resistance to air and water than limestone. A granite or lime sandStone wall in the gardenHowever, it does not become an eye-catcher like a garden fountain orGarden pondfor example, but it is an important component of the garden background.

Garden design and garden planning – planting stone walls in the garden

Before you get oneStone wall in the gardencreated, you have to follow the exact course and the regulations. For walls made of natural stone, a strip foundation must first be laid. The stone wall can easily be greened - wall plants create a living masonry. Dry stone walls can also become small vertical gardens. Wall plants transform the ordinary stone wall into a vibrant green wall. One overgrown with moss and ferns or with colorful flowering perennial plantsDrywallprovides shelter for many insects.

Stone wall in the front yard

Half-height stone wall

Stones of different colors

Combine the stone wall with a staircase

Build terraces with stone walls as support

Design the garden with different types of stone

Modern stone wall