Vertical garden decorates the walls of a spa center in Vietnam

A new spa center in Vietnam promises wellness-purely experience. Pure Spa is a real work of art of modern architecture - the building was designed and completed by Mia Studio. The SPA center is located in a densely inhabited area, but this cannot be noticed inside. Colorful plants offer privacy screen and at the same time create a small oasis of calm and serenity, where visitors can relax in one of the 15 rooms.

The new SPA center fascinates with a minimalist architectural style - the strict design language of the house facade is loosened up by local climbing plants. The combination between trees, aquatic plants and flowering climbing plants was created, a vertical garden, which is reminiscent of exotic islands. The 15 rooms and salons are shielded from the street by the plants. The building is also protected by the strong sun rays - and inside an exciting game of light and shadow is created. The gardens offer enough space for yoga lessons andnumerous water therapies. You can relax and rest in the intended massage rooms.

The vertical garden also serves as a strange connection element in the interior design - the individual rooms merged seamlessly. New surprise awaits in every room - fragrant flowers, reed, decorative grass and co. ensure the feel -good atmosphere.

Pure spa was fromMia DesignStudio designed