Do you like feeding birds but don't have a garden? For those of us lucky enough to have our own garden, there are many options: feeders, hanging feeders, birdbaths. But what about those who live in a block of flats? How to feed birds from the balcony of an apartment? We'll show you the possibilities.
Feeding birds from the balcony of an apartment
There are some things you should keep in mind if you want to feed birds on the balcony of a high-rise apartment. First, understandwhich would attract feathered visitors. It's simple: They are attracted to different things - they like places where they feel safe and where they know there is food. It is likely that they are first attracted to the environment or objects in the area before finding the food.
How to attract birds
- Add plants or flowers – Birds like certain types of plants, either because of their seeds or because their favorite food in the form of larvae and beetles lives on them.
- Use a birdbathor a water feature – they are attracted to water, especially moving water. You need to drink and bathe regularly.
- Add color – Birds can be attracted to certain colors. One reason for this is that they associate the color with food, e.g. B. bright yellow sunflowers contain sunflower seeds, which are very popular with garden birds. Colored ribbons or ornaments can help.
- Experiment with different types of food – a good seed mix is a good place to start. Try a few and see what birds come. Then continue experimenting.
A flower garden attracts titmice and the like
Birds on the balconyAttracting people to an apartment is surprisingly easy with a balcony garden. In late spring and summer, a selection of plants and a few pops of color are a better option thana seed feeder. Attracting insects attracts tits and the like. Blue tits are primarily on the lookout for smaller insects in late spring and the summer months.
Avoid sterile plants and choose varieties that are attractive to pollinating insects. A popular flower is the sunflower. Not only do they look great, but they also contain lots of seeds that our feathered friends love. Species attracted to sunflowers include sparrows, finches, titmice and siskins. Sunflowers are easy to grow and care for.
If you want to attract titmice and sparrows, you should offer them oil seeds such as sunflower seeds, nut kernels and hemp seeds.The small species needlots of calories, both during the breeding season and in winter. It is popular to also feed bread, crackers and grains, but this mainly attracts the larger species of birds, which are not as popular on the balcony. If you feed corn, you will almost certainly attract pigeons, which can cause problems in the long run. Apples are good for blackbirds and thrushes.
Choose the best feeding place
You can attract as many species of birds as possible to the balcony, where food is freely accessible in an open area. Small species are always wary of predators, so it is important that you provide them with a place from which they can see large birds.
Bird feeders that are suitable for balconies
There are different types of bird feeders that are suitable for different types of balconies. We'll help you with thatChoosing the right feederfor outdoor use.
Use railing feeders
This type of feeder is suitable for a balcony with a horizontal railing. Bird feeders can also hang on a railing. However, we would not recommend an unsecured hanging bird feeder above the second floor. Strong winds can easily unbalance it, causing it to fall to the ground.
Window feeder with suction cups
These window feeders are a good idea for an apartment. They are simply stuck to a window with suction cups. This means you can observe the birds up close without the need for binoculars. The birds get used to the movements on the other side of the window when they can see through the reflection. As long as there are no sudden movements near the window, they can eat without any problems.
Feeding birds from the balcony: tray feeder
If possible, prefer to use a feeding bowl. Unlike the other two types of feeders, you can have peace of mind with a feeder like this knowing that it will never fall and damage anything or hurt anyone. It is also easier to maintain and can be removed from the balcony for cleaning and refreshing.
Keep the balcony clean
- Use a feed mix that doesn't contaminate to ensure as little waste as possible. Then all you have to do isVogelkot entfernento clean the surface.
- Place a tray or bowl on a stool instead of a traditional bird feeder.
- Place the stool on a piece of carpet or vinyl to prevent dirt.
- Use a stiff brush to remove heavier dirt.
- Wipe the balcony with a damp cloth using a disinfectant solution. This will kill most of the harmful germs and bacteria that the birds leave behind.
- Try to avoid cleaning indoor feeders. Bird feeders can be full of diseases and bugs that we humans shouldn't come into contact with.
- If you need to use the kitchen,clean the areathen thoroughly.