Mediterranean container plants bring holiday flair in flower pots and planters

They bring the sunny south into the garden oron the balcony. With their fragrance and blossoming, Mediterranean container plants such as bougainvillea, jewelry lily or oleander make the outdoor area a flowering paradise, agave, cactus and eucalyptus provide a filigree leaf jewelry and palm trees and succulent exotic. We explain which southern countries cut a good figure in flower pots and planters and what you should consider when caring so that you can develop to full splendor. Design a Mediterranean seat and enjoy the summer to the fullest.

Mediterranean container plants are divided into useful, desert plants and flowers

The plants from the Mediterranean area are divided into 3 groups. The first group forms the crops, which are divided into herbs such as basil, thyme, oregano or rosemary and fruit plants such as pomegranate, fig lemon and olive trees. The herbs are very easy to care for, have similar demands on the ground and location and can therefore be together in oneFlower pots can be planted. The fruit plants attract bees and butterflies into the garden and can be staged primarily as soloists in large flower pots. They not only look decorative, but also wear delicious fruits with good care.

The second group forms the flowering perennials and the Mediterranean flowers such as jewelry lily, oleander, passion flower, converted florets and bougainvillea. Their flowers shine colorful in violet, pink and red and give the terrace splash.

The third group form the desert plants such as palm trees and succulents. They successfully enter the structure of the Mediterranean garden and frame the outdoor seating area. Most of the breeds are very robust and easy to care for. A large selection of varieties is now available, there are even hardy plants.

Mediterranean container plants: plant tips for the hobby gardener

The hobby gardener should consider a lot when planting. Here are some useful planting tips:

1. The location plays a crucial role in the productive growth of the Mediterranean container plants. The sun worshipers need a lot of light to form flowers. The sunny, wind-protected terrace or balcony with south or west alignment turns out to be optimal. In winter, most Mediterranean container plants are placed in a bright place in the house.

2. Select the right flowerpot or flower pot. The planter should have drainage holes so that the excess irrigation water can drain away. It should best be made of wood or plastic. Ton and metal are less suitable for use at sunny locations, as they quickly get hot, evaporate the water and dry up the roots. The flower pots and - buckets should also be large enough and have sufficient earth volume. For example, if you want to create a Mediterranean herb garden, you can choose around 20 - 30 liters for a wooden bed with capacity. Flower pots made of plastic or fiberglass are available for fruit trees. They are available in different sizes and scores with a low weight, so that the trees can be moved back and forth if necessary. Depending on the variety, flower boxes, raised beds with a pillar and wall flower pots are eligible for the flowers.

3. Pour and fertilize: MostMediterranean plantsare sensitive to heat and have adapted to a sunny location and slightly dry soil. You can get by with little water even in the summer months. That is why it is time to pour economically. Too much water can lead to putrefaction and damage the roots.

The Mediterranean container plants need a nutrient -rich soil that promotes their quick growth. Therefore, at the beginning of the garden season, around May, with long -term fertilizers and then in the summer months, they should be supplied with liquid fertilizers every three weeks.

4. Wintering: The majority of the Mediterranean container plants are not hardy and you therefore have to go to it in mid -SeptemberWinter quarters are granted. A non -heated winter garden or a greenhouse on the terrace or on the balcony turns out to be ideal. In the winter months, the hobby gardener should check the plants for pests every two weeks. In the cold season they are susceptible to spider mites and aphids.