Fertilize oleanders: What nutrients do you have to supply your plants with so that you bloom great?

Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a blooming shrub. It contains chemicals, so -called toxic heart glycosides, which can lead to death when consumed. Despite this danger, oleander seeds and leaves are used to make medication. For a lavish flower, it is essential to supply oleander with the right amount of nutrients. So that these attractive flowers shine in harmonious white, yellow and pink red tones all summer, they need more than just warmth and sun. So that you know how to do the number and size of yoursOleanderWe explain flowers to you when, what and how often you should fertilize your oleander.

Fertilize oleander - when is the right time

Oleander fertilizes when planting: You can provide your green darling with nutrients if you plant or repott your oleander. For this purpose, mature compost or another organic long -term fertilizer is mixed into the earth used. An additional enrichment with rock flour also provides your oleander with all important trace elements and a load of lime, which for theright floor pH valueBetween 5.8 and 7.0. After repotting or planting, you should use the fertilizer again after six weeks at the earliest.

From spring (March/April) to the end of August there is regular fertilization every 1 - 2 weeks; When using an organic long -term fertilizer, one -time fertilization in spring and another in early summer is sufficient

Autumn fertilization in August with potash fertilizers for better winter hardness.

How should you cut oleander? TheFind out here!

Which are the deficiency symptoms

If the otherwise evergreen leaves of your oleander become yellow and fall off, this can be due to deficiency symptoms such as water or nutrient lack. But it can also be part of the normal life cycle of the oleanders, because the leaves are only two years old and then say goodbye. Before that, all nutrients contained in the sheet are released to the plant. Therefore, the yellow discoloration occurs before the leaves are thrown off. So you should only worry about your oleander if many leaves are thrown off in a short time. The way the leaves turns before they are dropped can also make the search for the cause easier. Blow leaves with recognizable leaf veins and a lack of or bad flower indicate a lack of nutrients.

A fertilization with mineral fertilizer helps here. This is available faster than the organic variant, which is an advantage in the fast combat of deficiency symptoms. However, make sure that the application of highly concentrated mineral fertilizer does not lead to over -fertilization through the defect. Inadequate nutrient supply is often not due to inadequate fertilization, but to a wrong pH in the soil. This in turn can be attributed to the use of very soft irrigation water or acidic nutrient sources such as ammonium fertilizers or coffee grounds. These reduce the pH in the soil and thus restrict the availability of the nutrients. This can be remedied by repotting, watering with hard tap water or fertilizers with lime, with rock flour or egg shells.

How to properly maintain oleander as a houseplant? Theyou can read here!

What nutrients should oleander supply

Special fertilizers for oleander or Mediterranean plants are available in specialist shops. In addition to the important main nutrients, these contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphate also trace elements such as magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Especially in pot culture, these minerals are quickly used up due to the low storage capacity of the soil and the strongly draining nature of the oleander. But you can also use any other flower fertilizer. If important trace elements and minerals are missing in the fertilizer, you can add rock flour. Also make sure that you avoid very nitrogen -containing fertilizers so that your oleander concentrates its energy on a lush flower and not on excessive increase in altitude.

In the case of bucket culture in particular, it is important not only to think of the usual macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Since Oleander is one of the strong consumers, trace elements such as iron, magnesium and calcium should also be added. Because under the limited conditions of a bucket, the supplies stored in the earth are quickly used up. Stone flour remedies that will be spread on the ground once a year in the spring. Then it is poured vigorously. Use 150 to 300 g per m², depending on the lime content of the soil. The more limestone the soil, the less you should fertilize. The rock flour also has the advantage that the pH of the soil is buffered for the Mediterranean plants. The plants feel particularly comfortable with a pH between 5.8 and 7.0.

How you can produce your own oleander fertilizer,Find here!

Oleanders fertilize with blue grain

Especially with plants such as the oleander, which are mostly kept in pots, you can also use the mineral fertilizer variant. However, make sure that youwith blue grainFertilize according to the instructions from the manufacturer and also add the necessary trace elements. Because even if over -fertilization with Oleander is not life -threatening, it is not good for the health or appearance of the plant. Over -fertilization is shown by a brown discoloration of the leaves.

The damage to the fine roots of the plant caused by the saltization of the soil remain invisible. In the event of over -fertilization, rinse the bucket with your oleander with plenty of water without causing waterlogging, and only fertilize when the plant has recovered. Sometimes this can take a long time, because damaged leaves have to be torn down and replaced with freshness.

Oleanders fertilize with coffee grounds

What is usually declared as a waste can also serve as a source of nutrients for the oleander. It is better to let coffee grounds or banana shells hike into the ground than in organic waste. Dried and incorporated into the plant substrate, offer your oleander an inexpensive and organic alternative to purchased fertilizers. However, coffee grounds have an acidic effect on the ground. If he gets too acidic for your oleander, the availability of nutrients in the soil is restricted.

Lime can help here. And in this case too, the organic waste can become a treasure trove: Simply mix a fertilizer made of shredded egg shells as a limestone source. If you use rock flour to supply your plants with important trace elements, you can also dare to use plant remains as a fertilizer alterative, because rock flour reduces the unpleasant smell of the manure and makes it an attractive fertilization variant. In this way you can supply plant remains such as weeds in the garden of a sensible second use.