The oleander, one of themost popular summer bloomers in the Mediterranean region,has been increasingly finding its way into home gardens in recent years. The Moroccan shrub fascinates with its splendor of flowers and creates a holiday feeling on the terrace or balcony. However, so that the potted plant can reach its maximum height and width and bloom profusely throughout the summer, proper care plays a crucial role. The plant requires a lot of water and must be regularly supplied with nutrients during the flowering period in summer. For this purpose, both special long-term and liquid fertilizers for oleander are available in stores. However, many hobby gardeners would prefer to make their own fertilizer for oleander. A self-made organic fertilizer is usually in no way inferior to the one you buy and can improve the soil in the plant pot. We offer you 3 instructions on how you can make fertilizer for oleander yourself.
Make fertilizer for oleander yourself: Promote growth and extend the flowering period with organic fertilizer
DieOleander carebegins after planting. The shrub needs a lot of water. That's why it's best to water the potting soil well immediately after planting and then fertilize the fresh soil for the first time. In spring the oleander is usually fertilized twice a month and in summer even every week, depending on needs. However, caution is advised when fertilizing. A self-made organic fertilizer takes longer to release its nutrients than liquid fertilizer. Inexperienced hobby gardeners usually find it difficult to estimate the correct dosage and tend to give too much fertilizer in one dose. If the plant leaves turn brown, this is a sign that the oleander has been overfertilized.
Since the oleander grows very quickly and lushly, it not only needs the usual nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate, but also trace elements and minerals. That's why most gardeners combine several fertilizer variants for optimal results.
Make your own fertilizer: rock dust in spring
The rock dust is created by grinding stone and is given to vigorous plants in addition to fertilizer.For the oleander, which thrives well in slightly acidic soil, a rock powder made from diabase or lava is ideal. It supplies the roots with the necessary minerals and makes the bush more resistant to infestations by lice or spider mites. It is incorporated around the roots of the plant in spring. However, some hobby gardeners prefer to dissolve it in irrigation water. Others who make compost themselves mix the rock dust with the compost. The right dose is important: ideally it should be 120 g per square meter.
Make oleander fertilizer yourself: coffee grounds as organic fertilizer
TheCoffee grounds are used in the German gardentraditionally added to the compost heap. It can also be used as a biofertilizer, especially for heavy feeders such as oleander. This enriches the potting soil with humus and makes it more acidic - perfect for the Mediterranean shrub, which feels particularly comfortable in humus-rich soil with a pH value below 6.5. This is how fertilizer is made from coffee grounds:
- Collect coffee grounds and sprinkle them on newspaper in a warm place. Allow to dry and then store in an airtight container.
- When planting in spring, add a cup full of coffee grounds to the soil and mix well.
- After repotting or planting, cover the soil with a thin layer of bark mulch.
An alternative to coffee grounds are banana peels.
Making fertilizer for oleander: banana peels
Dried banana peels processed into organic fertilizer are a cheap alternative to commercial liquid fertilizer. They are not only suitable for oleander, but can also be used as fertilizer for other plants. This is how you can make oleander fertilizer yourself from banana peels:
- Only use peels from organic bananas that have not been treated with pesticides. Cut the banana peel into very small pieces and spread them on newspaper.
- Place the banana peels in a sunny, warm and dry place and wait until they dry out completely.
- Store the dried banana peels in an airtight container in a cool and dark place.
- About two weeks after you have incorporated rock dust into the soil, you can make liquid fertilizer from banana peels and add it to the irrigation water.
- To do this, add about 150 g of banana peels to boiling water and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Then let the banana water cool at room temperature overnight. Pour the banana water through a fine sieve and remove the banana peels.
- Mix 100 ml of banana water with 500 ml of irrigation water and water the oleander every two weeks.
Make your own oleander fertilizer: eggshells
It's not just coffee grounds and banana peels that are availableProduction of a biofertilizer. Eggshells can also provide your oleander with the nutrients it needs. This is how you can make your own oleander fertilizer from eggshells:
- Grind the shells of three medium-sized eggs and place them in a disposable bowl with a liter of lukewarm water.
- Place the bowl in a cool and dry place (but not in the refrigerator) and let it steep uncovered for 7 days.
- Then sift the water with a fine sieve and remove any egg shell residue.
- Water the oleander every two weeks.
Homemade organic fertilizers: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages
Anyone who uses self-made organic fertilizer for their oleander should be aware of its disadvantages and advantages. We offer you an overview and explain when you should make your own fertilizer for oleander:
+ The organic fertilizer releases the nutrients much more slowly, but more evenly. In this way, hobby gardeners avoid the soil being washed out by rain or watering or suddenly being overloaded with too much fertilizer.
+ An organic fertilizer is not dangerous for children and pets. It is practically impossible to produce too high concentrations of organic fertilizer and thereby damage the oleander.
– Making organic fertilizer at home is a time-consuming task. That's why it's best for hobby gardeners to start doing this in winter so that they have enough fertilizer at the beginning of the gardening season.